Unit 3   THE INTERNET Period Four   Reading for Writing—Video Time 课前自主预习 1 . the golden rule ____________________ 黄金法则  2 . give out____________________________ 分发;发表;用尽;精疲力竭  3 . be familiar with ____________________ 熟悉  4 . keep in mind____________________ 记住  5 . take over____________________ 接管 赠送;呈现   6 . present…to…____________________ 7 . be concerned about ____________________ 关心;挂念  8 . encourage …to…____________________ 鼓励……做某事  9 . become invested in doing…____________________ 投入于做……  1 . However, ________( 越有礼貌 ) you are, ________( 可 能性就越小 ) it is you will be attacked. 2 . Rather than going out to stores weekly or even daily, more and more people order things from clothes to toys to foods online and __________________( 叫人派送 ) directly to their homes. 3 . ________( 好像 ) Nancy is online 24/7.She posts all the time, no matter what hour it is in the day or the night. 【答案】 1.the more polite ; the less likely 2 . have them delivered 3 . It seems that 课堂新知讲练 1 . rude adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的 (P32)Being online is no excuse for being rude, and you don't want to become a target for a troll or cyberbully. 【翻译】在网上没有理由变得无礼,并且你也不想成为发挑 衅帖子的人或网霸的攻击对象。 【用法详解】 (1)rudely adv. 无礼地;粗暴地;粗鲁地 (2)rudeness n .粗鲁;无礼 【归纳拓展】 be rude to 对……无礼 / 粗鲁 It is rude of sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是无礼的 It's rude of you to stare at people. 你盯着人看是不礼貌的。 Only when he apologizes for his rudeness will I speak to him again. 只有当他为自己的粗鲁道歉时我才会再和他说话。 [ 针对练习 ] 单句语法填空 (1)In some European countries it is rude _____arrive late for dinner. (2)I'm writing to make an apologize to you for my _____ (rude) . (3)If someone sits right next to me in an empty movie theater, is it rude ______(move)? 【答案】 (1)to   (2)rudeness   (3)to move   完成句子 (4)I don't like him because he ________always ________ ________ his parents. 我不喜欢他,因为他总是对他的父母粗鲁。 【答案】 is ; rude to 2 . particular adj. 特定的;特别的;讲究的 (P32)Like a troll, a cyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually directed at particular people. 【翻译】像发挑衅帖子的人一样,网霸也会写一些刻薄的东 西,但通常是针对特定的人。 【用法详解】 (1)particularly adv. 特别地;特定地 (2)particularity n .特质;个性;讲究 【归纳拓展】 The boy likes anything to do with nature in particular. 那个男孩尤其喜欢与自然界有关的任何东西。 We shouldn't look down on others, particularly the disabled. 我们不应该瞧不起他人,尤其是残疾人。 [ 针对练习 ] 单句语法填空 (1)Mary is going on a diet, so she is very particular ________ food. (2)When you attend your friend's dinner party in China, you'd better behave properly, ________(particular) paying attention to minding your table manners. 【答案】 (1)about   (2)particularly

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