江苏省盐城地区 2020-2021 学年上学期 七年级英语第一次月考试试卷汇编 首字母填空 盐城市先锋实验学校 八、 短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词。(请在答题卡上写出完整单词) (共 10 空; 每空 1 分) In a chatting room( 聊 天 室 ) on QQ, some children are talking about their after-school activities. Flying Fish:I like m 81 best. I enjoy singing English songs. I need to relax ( 放松) after a day’s work, so I often listen to my favourite music after supper. Singing Bird:I like music, too. B songs. I a 83 82 I only listen to Chinese songs. I like Jay chow’s like drawing. I hope to be a painter when I grow up. I love r 84 , too. Reading makes me clever. I go to the library three t 85 a week. Jumping Tiger:I don’t like music or drawing. I’m a good basketball player. I play basketball on Tuesdays, Thursdays and F 86 . I also like watching basketball m 87 on TV. Running Football:I am not a good basketball player, but I play football w football m 89 88 . Playing me strong. I feel great when I am on the football field. And my father plays football with me on Saturdays and Sundays. When he goes shopping, he always b newspapers about sports and he often watches sports news. 答案: 81,music 82,But 83,also 84,reading 85,times 86, Fridays 87,matches 88,well 89,makes 90,buys 90 建湖县汇文实验初中教育集团 C.根据首字母提示填写短文中所缺单词。答题卡上填写完整单词 Do you know Professor Yuan Rongping?Yes, he is a Chinese scientist,and he is the F___81___ of Hybrid rice(杂交水稻). He is about n___82____years old,but he is very healthy. O___83_July11,2017,he gave a great 20-minute English speech in Beijing.He said, “China helps them to grow hybrid rice.African countries will have a bright future tomorrow.”On September19 he told us his secret of success: knowledge, sweat, inspiration(灵感)and chance.Chance favors the prepared mind.(机会宠爱有心人).As middle school students ,we should l___84____from him and study hard. Most importantly, we m___85____ waste(浪费) food. 答案: 81. Father 82.ninety 83.On 84.learn 85.mustn’t 东台市第二联盟 八 阅读短文,根据上下文和首字母填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) In China if you are s__1__ years old, you have to go to school. At school you learn different s__2__. S__3__ is one of them. We have three science classes a w__4__. They are on Tuesday, Wednesday and F__5__. We can learn a l___6__ in science classes. Mr. Jin is our science t___7___. He wasn’t born here. He is f___8__ another big city --Haikou. He was a biology teacher before. He knows m__9___ about animals and plants. He is very n__10__ to us. We all like him very much. 答案: 1-5 seven, subjects, Science, week, Friday 6-10 lot, teacher, from, much, nice 东台市第四联盟 C. 首字母填空。(10 分) One day, the north wind argues with the sun. “I am stronger than you a__81__!”says the wind. “No,” answers the sun, “ I am stronger !” While they are arguing, they see a m___82____ walking along the r ____83___ . He is w__84_____ a blue coat. The sun s_85_____ to the north wind , “Now let’s s___86___ who can make the man take off his coat . “Let me try f__87____,”says the north wind. He begins to blow very hard. B__88____the man warps his coat tightly. The north wind gets a_89_____ . He says to the sun“ I c__90___ make the man take off his coat. . 选编自《初中英语读本》 答案: 81.are 82.man 83.road 86.see 87.first 88.But 84.wearing 89.angry 85.says 90.can’t 东台市第五联盟 七、根据首字母提示,补全单词。(每空一词) 10’ My brother is a sports fan(体育迷) . He likes watching sports games. He loves basketball , tennis , badminton a 1 __ swimming . He plays football very w__2 . Messi is his f 3 football player. Every time he goes shopping , he always b 4 newspapers about football . My brother is a m 5 of the school Football Club. His school is very b 6__ and beautiful . There i 7 a football field , a tennis court and a swimming pool in it. He often plays football w 8 his classmates after school. He wants to be a famous player in the future(将来). My brother often goes to the stadium(体育馆) to watch football matches at w 9 . He doesn't w 10 to miss(错过) any football match. 1.___________ 2. ____________ 3. ___________4. ____________5. _____________ 6. __________ 7. ____________ 8. _________ __ 9. ___________ 10. _____________ 答案: 1. and 2.well 6. big 7. is 3. favourite 8. with 4. buys 9. weekends 5. member 10. want 盐城市大丰区实验初级中学 七、首字母填空。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Do you know there are two kinds of football g 81 and the o 82 ? One is American football( 橄榄 球 ), is soccer. In China, many young men like p Chinese don’t c 84 83 soccer. It is popular. But the it soccer. They call it football. There are e 85 players in each team. And the ball is round.

doc文档 江苏省盐城地区2020-2021学年上学期七年级英语第一次月考试试卷汇编:首字母填空

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江苏省盐城地区2020-2021学年上学期七年级英语第一次月考试试卷汇编:首字母填空 第 1 页 江苏省盐城地区2020-2021学年上学期七年级英语第一次月考试试卷汇编:首字母填空 第 2 页 江苏省盐城地区2020-2021学年上学期七年级英语第一次月考试试卷汇编:首字母填空 第 3 页 江苏省盐城地区2020-2021学年上学期七年级英语第一次月考试试卷汇编:首字母填空 第 4 页
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