Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball——Section A Grammar Focus- 3b 一、用 have 或 has 填空 1.A:Do you ___________ a soccer ball? B:No,I don't. A:What about Billy? B:I think he ___________ one. 2.There are some children in the room.They all __________ _ new books.But they don't ___________ any colour pencils. Lei Hao ___________ a big pencil-box.Ren Lijuan ___________ a small one.What about Bai jie? Oh,she ___________ two! 二、单项选择 ( )1.Do you watch soccer games A.in B.on C.watch TV? D.at ( )2.My brother A.have a tennis racket. B.don’t have C.doesn’t have D.doesn’t has ( )3. they a volleyball? A.Do,has B.Does,have C.Do,have D.Does,has ( )4.Can you play A.a B.an ( )5.There is A.a,an soccer with us? C.the “u” and B.an,a A.but B.or “n” in the word “run”. C.a,a ( )6.She likes volleyball, D. / D.an,an she doesn’t like playing it. C.and D./ ( )7.—Li Lei,do you have a pencil?— A.Excuse me ( )8.That’s A.a ( )9.Let’s B.OK C.Sorry interesting game. B.an C.the the sports club. D./ ,I don’t. D.No A.do join B.to join ( )10.—Do you like A.seeing ( )11.She C.join D.joins TV? —Yes,very much. B.watching C.looking D.reading have any brothers. A.doesn’t B.can’t ( )12.They play football A.every day C.don’t D.do . B.everyday C.one days D.everydays ( )13.— ,What’s the time?— ,I don’t know. I don’t have a watch. A.Excuse me,Sorry B.Sorry,Excuse me C.Excuse me,Excuse me D.Sorry,Sorry ( )14.—I like playing sports. Let’s play .—It sounds . A.the ping-pong,good B.ping-pong,well C.pingpong,good D.the ping-pong,well have a tennis racket,but I have ( )15.You A.aren’t,it B.don’t,it . C.aren’t,one D.don’t,one ( )16.Peter and his brother A.has B.have a great sports collection. C.to have ( )17.Playing volleyball is A.interesting D.there are .I don’t like it. B.boring C.relaxing ( )18.This question isn’t easy.It’s very A.difficult B.difficulty ( )19.Can you it A.spell,in A.take . D.not easy English? B.say,in ( )20.Kate,please C.easy D.good C.speak,with D.say,with an apple to me. B.bring C.come D.brings 三、完形填空 Look! 1 is a picture of my sister. 2 is a middle school student.My sister 3 to school early.Her school is not far from our home.It takes only fifteen minutes to go to school by bike.She 4 four classes 5 the morning.She has a Chinese class every day.She has English classes only 6 Wednesday and Friday.She likes 7 English very much.She likes singing and dancing, 8 .She 9 hard and now she 10 a new book. B.This ( )1.A.There ( )2.A.She ( )3.A.go B.His C.These C.He B.going ( )4.A.having D.The D.Her C.goes B.has D.to go C.have D.to have ( )5.A.of B.at C.in D.on ( )6.A.on B.at C.in D.of ( )7.A.reading ( )8.A.a little ( )9.A.to study B.write B.too C.reads C.very B.studies D.read D.to C.studying D.studied ( )10.A.reads B.reading C.read D.is reading 四、阅读与表达(判断式) My name is Lucy. I am a Chinese girl. I live in Sydney, Australia with my parents now. We live on Park Street. It's a busy street. There are some buildings on the street, a library, a bank, a supermarket, a post office and a cinema. The bank is between the supermarket and the library. The post office is on the left of the supermarket. You can send letters to your friends there. When you want to see movies, you can go to the cinema. Look, this is my house. It is near the bank. 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为 T,错误的为 F。 1. Lucy is an Australian girl. 2. There is a bank on Park Street. 3. You can read books in the library. 4. The supermarket is on the left of the post office. 5. Lucy's house is far from the bank. 一、用 have 或 has 填空 1.A:have B:has 2.have, have, has, has, has 二、单项选择 1--5 BCCDA 6--10 ACBCB 11--15 AAACD 16--20 BBABB 三、完形填空 1--5 BACBC 6--10 AABBD 四、阅读与表达(判断式) 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

doc文档 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball——Section A Grammar Focus- 3b 强化练习2021-2022学年人教新目标初中英语七年级上册

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