名词专项练习题 一.根据句意和所给中文提示完成句子 1.It is very difficult to make correct______ (决定)all the time. 2.Do you remember your ______(父母)birthdays? 3.Nanjing topped the list of the happiest cities for ______ (教 育) in China in 2009. 4.The Greenery Theme Park in Hexi New Town is a good______ (地 方)for people to enjoy different plants. 5.He is writing on the blackboard with a piece of ______(粉笔). 二.单项选择 1.In every______there has to be some give-and-take. A.friendship C.attention B.instrument D.blackboard 2.“It depends on my______decision,”the mother said and looked at her two sons. A.children C.child B.children's D.child's 3.There are a lot of______ on the grass land. sheep- dog is sitting next to them. A.sheep;The B.sheep;A C.sheeps;The D.sheeps;A 4.We all expect the ______ summer holiday after the exam. A.two month C.two-months B.two-month D.two months 5.The online shop sells______ shoes at a very low price. A.child and men's B.children and men's C.children's and men D.children's and men's 6.People usually touch something with their______ A.eyes B.noses C.mouths D.fingers 7.It's sports time.Most______ students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground. A.boy B.boys C.boy's D.boys' 8.There are 15______ the patients. A. women doctors C.woman doctor in the hospital.They are all friendly to B.woman doctors D.women doctor 9.They are from ______ .They are both______ A.Germany; Germen B.Germany; Germans C. Germans; GermanyD. German; Germany 10.I paid ¥10 for______ this morning. A. 4 bottle milks B.4 bottles of milk C. 4 bottles of milks D.4 milk 11.We have a______holiday every National Day. A.3 days B.3-days C.3-day D.3 day's 12.He has a collection of______. He can not enjoy them but also use them to mail letters. A.stamps B.novels C.instruments D.magazines 13.The boy didn't sleep well last night because of the ______ from the factory. A.voice B.noise C.music D.song 14 . The New Times Cinema is about a______ride from here.You should start out right now. A.two hour B.two hour's C two-hour D two -hours` 名词专项练习题 一.根据句意和所给中文提示完成句子 1 decision 2 parents` 3 education 4 place 5 chalk 二.单项选择 1-5ABBBD6-10DAABB11-15CABC

doc文档 2022年中考英语复习名词专项练习题

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2022年中考英语复习名词专项练习题  第 1 页 2022年中考英语复习名词专项练习题  第 2 页 2022年中考英语复习名词专项练习题  第 3 页 2022年中考英语复习名词专项练习题  第 4 页
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