2022 高考英语语法填空综合强化 16 (各地名校最新高考模拟真题) (2022·辽宁实验中学一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单 词的正确形式。 A group of doctors has been specially trained in skiing skills in China over the last four years in ____1____(prepare) for providing medical treatment during the Beijing Winter Olympics. In the field, if there's an accident, ski doctors have to be ____2____ the scene in four minutes with a 10-kilogram medical bag, ____3____ they have to deal with the injuries and remove injured athletes from the track in just 15 minutes. The ____4____ (great) challenge for alpine skiing doctors is not only skiing skillfully on professional mountain courses with a gradient (倾斜度) of around 70 degrees, but ____5____ (stop) accurately on smooth courses, according to media reports. When foreign ski doctors first came to China before ____6____ opening ceremony, they may have had some doubts because there were no professional ski doctors in China before that point. After communication and working together, they have seen that our professional and skiing skills are ____7____ (actual) very strong, Bai said. The doctors ____8____ (equip) with 5G walkie-talkies as well as large medical bags filled with medical essentials. “If the injured remain conscious, we communicate with ____9____ in English. We had a lot of English lessons during our training,” said Li Qiyi, a 49-year-old surgeon usually ____10____ (station) at Xiehe Hospital. (2022·辽宁沈阳·一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的 正确形式。 The Shangsi Festival, also known as the Double Third Festival is 56.___11___ ancient Chinese festival observed on the third day of the third lunar month. In 2018, it was set as China Huafu Day to advocate the 57.___12___ (elegance) traditional Chinese clothes. The first event was celebrated on April 18 that year in Xi’an. The Shangsi Festival 58.___13___ (celebrate) have changed with the times. Both the feast and praying for descendants (后代) by the river 59.___14___ (add) in the Han Dynasty. It was after the Wei and Jin Dynasties that the event was fixed on the third day of the third lunar month. 60.___15___ (interesting), the calligrapher Wang Xizhi from he Eastern Jin Dynasty wrote in his Lanting Xu about 61.___16___ literary men composed poetry while drinking from cups 62.___17___ (leave) floating and moving along the winding river. In the Tang Dynasty, people went out 63.___18___ (hold) ceremonies and appreciate flowers along winding streams. After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the festival, developed 64.___19___ a spring outing featuring lively activities like drifting cups, drifting eggs, hiking and eating glutinous rice (糯米). The Shangsi Festival falls 65.___20___ close to the Qingming Festival that many young people today only know about the latter. (2022·吉林长春·模拟预测)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单 词的正确形式。 Dried turnip (萝卜干) is a popular ingredient for cooking. But do you know it can also ____21____ (turn) into a beautiful “flower” used to decorate headdresses (头冠)? Wang Ping, ____22____ is a photographer and stylist, has “the magic” to make this happen. Wang collects the usable materials to design and make the headdresses in ____23____ environmentally friendly way. Among all his works, crafting the headdress made from dried turnip is ____24____ (relative) simple. He uses nail polish (指甲油) to keep the food ____25____ being rotten. Making a ____26____ (tradition) Chinese phoenix coronets (凤冠) often takes from one week to up to several months as it uses over 30 types of materials. ____27____ (present) the beauty of Chinese headdress, Wang has also learned how to make ancient clothes. So they can match with each other. As people are embracing the growing trend of Guochao, ____28____ is no wonder that Wang's work has gained much ____29____ (popular). Wang usually posts videos about how he makes headdresses on Douyin. During the past two years, he ____30____ (attract) over 150,000 followers. (2022·湖南·一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确 形式。 Tucked away in the northern woodlands of Iceland ____31____(lie) a cozy new spa set to soothe visitors who are looking to enjoy natural hot springs and ____32____(green) in equal measure. Forest Lagoon will provide the services that visitors have come to expect from a modern geothermal spa in Iceland. However, it is the Lagoon's integration with ____33____ surrounding rock and wooded environment that sets it apart. Soaking in one of two 104 F infinity pools, visitors can look through the opening of birch, pine and fir trees to a ____34____(panorama

doc文档 专题39 语法填空综合强化16(各地名校最新模拟真题)-2022年高三英语一轮复习之语法填空

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