中考直通车·英语 南京中考 第 9 讲 动词短语 年份 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 动词短语 单选 1 / / 单选 1 单选 1 分值(分) 1 / / 1 1 考点与分值 【考纲解读】 纵观近五年的南京中考英语试卷中的单项选择,2017 和 2018 年动词短语均未考查,2016/2019/2020 三年每 年考查一题,每题 1 分,主要考查的是动词与介词搭配的短语的用法,动词短语是需要长期积累的语言知 识。虽然中考有 2 年没有考查但是模考卷中依然有这类题型,所以考生在平时的学习中还需不断积累。 【考点分析】 2016 年考查 deal with、cut in 、cheer for、run out 这几个动词短语辨析; 2017 年,无; 2018 年,无; 2019 年考查 put out/.stay out/find out/run out 这几个短语的辨析; 2020 年考查 take on/carry on/put on/depend on 这几个短语的辨析; 中考常考动词短语一览表 1. give up 放弃 in 屈服,投降 away 捐赠,泄露 off 释放(热量,气味) out 分发(hand out) 2. put out 扑灭 off 推迟 in 安装 away 把……收起来 up 张贴,挂,搭建 on 穿上衣服,增加体重,上演戏剧 3. break in 打断,插话(=cut in) 1 / 12 out 爆发 into 强行闯入 down 机器出故障 4. get up 起床 on 上车 off 下车 away 离开,逃离(run away) ready for 为……做好准备 5. turn on 打开 off 关闭 up 调高音量 down 调低音量 out 结果是,证明是 around 转过身 over 翻转 into 转变成 in 上交(=hand in) 6. take off 脱下衣服,飞机起飞 away 拿走 up 占据时间或空间 7. stay up out 8. depend on 熬夜 留在户外,不在家 依靠,取决于 live on 以……为生 take on 承担(take on challenge 接受挑战) carry on (with) 继续做…… try on 试穿 9. leave for 动身前往 pay for 付钱买…… stand for 代表(=represent) try out for 报名参加,参加……选拔 cheer for 为……欢呼 2 / 12 10. lead to (doing) 导致 look forward to (doing) 期待 devote (oneself ) to (doing) 致力于做…… pay attention to doing 注意 11. knock off 撞倒 show off 炫耀 let off/set off 燃放(烟花) 12. pick up 捡起,开车接某人 wake up 叫醒某人,起来 make up 组成,编造,化妆 set up 建立 dress up 打扮 eat up 吃光 use up 用光 cheer up 使……振作 13. consist of 由……组成(be made up of) instead of 而不是,相反 be full of 充满(be filled(crowded) with) hear of(about) 听说(hear from 收到来信) think of 想起 14. belong to 属于(后接人称代词宾格 me him her them us) 15. be strict with 对……人严厉(be strict in sth) be satisfied with 对……满意 be charged with 被控告 come up with 想出 catch up with 赶上 deal with 处理 share sth with 分享 get along/on with sb 与……相处 make friends with 交朋友 16. look out 小心 be tired out 精疲力竭 carry out 进行,执行 3 / 12 find out 找出 run out 用完,耗尽 work out 算出(solve) go out 出去,熄灭(the fire goes out) 去世 17. pass away on 传递 by 经过 照顾(=take care of) 18. look after through 浏览 out 小心(=watch out/be careful) out of 从……往外看…… into 调查 up 在……查阅…… at 看…… 【真题拾遗】 2.(2019 南京中考.12) Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and _____which university is the best for her to attend. A.put out B.stay out C.find out D.run out 答案:C 解析:put out 扑灭,stay out 留在户外,find out 发现,找出,run out 用光,根据句意"蒂娜来中国是为了体验 中国文化,找出哪所大学最适合她"可知,要用"找出,发现",其它选项语意不通. 3.(2020 南京中考.11) ---Which bicycle should I choose, sir? ---It what you want to use it for. A.takes on B.carries on C.puts on D.depends on 答案:D 解析: A. takes on 承担 B. carries on 继续 C. puts on 穿上 D. depends on 取决于 .根据 Which bicycle should I choose, sir?先生,我该选哪辆自行车呢? 可知回答是:它取决于你想用它做什么. 4 / 12 【模拟演练】 练习一 14.(2018 南京鼓楼一模) -- Are you going to Hainan after the examination? -- I’m not sure. It _______ my parents’ time. A. tries on B. turns on C. carries on D. depends on 答案:D 解析:A 试穿,B 打开,C 继续(某事),D 取决于……,根据句意:我不确定,这要看我父母的时间。 故选 D。 15.(2018 南京溧水一模) Li Ao, one of my favourite Chinese writer, _________ earlier this year. He was a man who was never afraid of any power. A. passed down B. passed on C. passed off D. passed away 答案:D 解析:A 传递下来,B 传递下去,C 停止,完成(初中未考查),D 去世,根据句意:李敖,我最喜欢 的中国作家之一,今年较早的时候去世了。故选 D。 16.(2018 南京联合体一模) Tom used to quarrel a lot with his parents but now they A. get up B. get away C. get off just fine together. D. get along 答案:D 解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。Tom 曾经常和父母吵架,但是现在他们相处很好,因此选择 D。 17.(2018 南京秦淮一模) Our teacher always says that being careful and brave can help_________ many problems in life. A. put out B. work out C. take out D. carry out 答案:B 解析:A 扑灭,B 算出,解决,C 拿出,带走,D 进行,实施,根据句意:我们的老师总是说细心和勇 敢能有助于解决生活中的很多难题,故选 B。 18.(2018 南京玄武一模) A survey about why teenagers like pop stars so much was _______ in our school last Friday. A. taken out 答案:B B. carried out C. turned out D. given out 解析:考查动词短语辨析。A 拿出来;B 实施、进行;C 结果是、证明是;D 用光、分发。句意:一项 关于为何青少年如此喜欢明星的调查上周五在我们学校进行。故选 B。 5 / 12 19.(2018 南京高淳二模) “One Belt, One Road”(一带一路) will serve to ________ markets for China as well as other countries. A. put up B. take up C. open up D. look up 答案:C 解析:A 张贴,挂,搭建,B 占据时间或空间,C 开启,打开,D 查阅,根据句意:一带一路倡议将为 中国和其他的国家打开市场。故选 C。 20.(2018 南京鼓楼二模) My mother wanted me to study in a famous private school. But picking this school ___ to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. A. turns out B. works out C. puts out D. comes out 答案:A 解析:

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