What Is a Career? A career is a job or area of work that people specialise in for a long period of their lives. There are many different careers that people can choose from (some of which you might not have heard of yet). When choosing a career, it’s good to think about what you’re really interested in and what skills you have or would like to develop. Here are some careers that you may wish to explore when you’re older. A Is for Animator An animator is someone who creates moving images using drawings, computer graphics or models. These could be used for many types of content including cartoons, films, online videos and computer games. B Is for Barrister A barrister is a legal professional who offers support to people in court. They fight for the rights of the people they are working for and provide them with advice regarding the law. Barristers must be very knowledgeable about the area of law they specialise in, have great communication skills and be able to express their arguments clearly. C Is for Civil Engineer Civil engineers plan, design and manage different construction projects. These could be transportation networks, such as railways, roads and tramways, or buildings, such as hospitals, stadiums and Civil engineers should be able to analyse data, have airports. good problem-solving skills and work well as part of a team. D Is for Dietitian Dietitians are health professionals that offer advice to patients on what foods they should eat to help them improve their health and manage existing health conditions. They should have a keen interest in food and science, be good at explaining things clearly and enjoy helping other people. E Is for Events Organiser An events organiser plans and manages different social events for businesses and for the public. These could be weddings, birthday parties, product launches or even largescale sports events and They are responsible for making sure the events run festivals. smoothly are within budget. They should be able to listen well to others, have great organisational skills and be able to keep calm under pressure. F Is for Front End Developer Front end developers design and create the user interface for websites and mobile apps. This is the part of the website or app that you see and interact with. They can use different computer programming languages Front to do end this.developers need to listen well to their clients and use their creativity to bring their ideas to life. They should also have good problem-solving skills. G Is for Games Tester A games tester’s job is to test computer games at different stages of the development process. They check that the games work well and identify any glitches that need to be fixed. They should have excellent observational skills and a good understanding of what makes a successful computer game. H Is for Helicopter Pilot Helicopter pilots are in charge of flying helicopters, managing any other staff on board and ensuring the safety of all passengers. They work in many different fields. For example, they may fly air ambulances, transport people to oil rigs or take tourists on sightseeing tours. Helicopter pilots should have quick reaction skills, good focus and be able to take the lead in high-pressure situations. I Is for Interior Designer Interior designers plan the decor and layout of the inside of different buildings. For example, they could be involved in the design of homes, restaurants, hospitals, shops and hotels. Interior designers make sure the spaces look attractive but are also practical. Important skills for interior designers include being creative, working well as part of a team and being able to make decisions confidently. J Is for Jewellery Designer Jewellery designers design and create different types of jewellery using a range of materials. Some jewellery designers will work for larger businesses where their designs will be made in large quantities; others may run their own small business and create unique designs for Jewellery designers need to think creatively and enjoy customers. seeing their ideas brought to life. They also need to be good at listening to their customers and have great time management skills. K Is for Kennel Manager Kennel managers are responsible for making sure all dogs (and sometimes other animals) are well lookedafter while in their care. They need to hire and manage other members of staff and organise work schedules. They must also ensure that all animals are regularl

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