外研社九年级上册期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点知识+难点易错点) 专题 03 阅读理解 15 道 阅读理解主要题型 1.主旨大意: 此类题目要求学生把原文所提供的信息综合起来分析,而不能断章起义. 2. 文中细节: 这类题目相对好做一些,我们只要抓住其中相关的细节,即可解答。 3. 词义猜测: 词义猜测上下句。也就是说,在猜测词 义时,抓住 单词的上句或下句,结合本句一般 即可。 4.推理判断 推理判断题相对较难,要求孩子有较强的思考和推理能力。这种情况下,一定要根据全 文的信息,建议先读后 面的试题,再读文章,这样可以做到有的放失 实战训练 Passage 1 (2021·江苏·盱眙县教师发展管理中心研训部九年级期末) Artificial intelligence (AI 人工智能) may be one of man’s greatest inventions because it can improve people’s daily life and bring efficiency (效率) to lots of industries. Like any other technology, AI will also bring risks. In February 2018, a group of AI scientists got together to discuss the problem of AI. They found that AI could help us, but also caused us problems. Their biggest concern was that criminals could use AI for bad purposes. They could use AI to create websites to steal people’s personal information. Another possibility is that AI programs could break into computer secure systems. There are some other concerns as well. It is possible that AI could create fake (假) images and videos. Chinese tech giant Baidu, in fact, had developed a program called Deep Voice that can “Clone” (克隆) anyone’s voice by studying a 3.7-second audio sample (音频 样本).” Some leaders in the tech world care about AI. People like Bill Gates and Musk hope the industry can be more strictly regulated (规范) because there are few laws right now on the use of AI. In March 2018, the European Union planned to set up a group to discuss the dangers of AI and suggest some regulations that will help us keep it safe for humans. 1.Why do some scientists worry about AI? A.Because it makes people lazier. B.Because some people may use it to do evil things. C.Because it will replace workers in many industries. D.Because it is developing too fast. 2.The underlined word “concern” in the third paragraph means ________. A.a feeling of worry B.a wish to protect others C.an interest in details D.an idea to solve problems 3.Deep voice is mentioned to show ________. A.how AI is developed B.what AI can do in the future C.how AI can copy voices D.why Baidu is a tech giant 4.Which of the following is not the danger that AI may bring? A.Create websites to steal people’s personal information. B.Break into computer secure systems. C.Create fake images and videos. D.Write news stories and present news. 5.What can we infer (预测) from the passage? A.There may be new laws to regulate the use of AI. B.AI will not bring advantages to humans. C.Many AI programmers will become criminals. D.There will only be fake news and videos online. Passage 2 (2021·江苏·盱眙县教师发展管理中心研训部九年级期末) Booking Three ways to book tickets for the film. Price: $10 *In person: Box office opens 9: 00 a.m. —5: 00 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays. Please notice: we are unable to change tickets or give money back unless the film is *By telephone: Ring 0851-22685111 to book your tickets and pay by credit card. *Online: Complete the online booking form at cancelled. www.zunyitheatre. Com. Discount * Saver: $2 off for children under 12 years old and people over 60 years old. *Super saver: Half-price seats for disabled people, only 6 wheelchair spaces available. * Group bookings: 10% discount for groups of five or more. *School: $6 per ticket for school groups of ten or more. 6.If you want to book tickets, you CANNOT________. A.ring and pay by credit card B.book tickets online C.go to the box office on Tuesday D.book tickets by post 7.What kind of tickets is the cheapest? A.Super saver. B.Saver C.Group bookings. D.School 8.What can you know from the passage? A.We can get our money back at any time B.We can change tickets if we want. C.There are 6 spaces for wheelchairs. D.We can book tickets at www.film. com. 9.If 12 students go to see the movie, how much should they pay? A.$60 B.$72. C.$96. D.$108. C.On the Internet. D.In a storybook. 10.Where may you see the message? A.In a textbook. B.In a report. Passage 3 (2021·河南·安阳一中九年级期末) One day, Mr Brown took a train from Paris to Frankfurt. When he got on the train, he said to the conductor(售票员), “Sir, could you help me? I have something important to do in Mannheim, but I’m very tired and I need some sleep. Would you please wake me up (叫醒) in Mannheim? Here is 100 dollars for you. But I have to tell you, sometimes when people wake me up, I get really mad. But you’ll have to get me out of this train in Mannheim. Is that clear?” The conductor agreed and took the money. Soon Mr Brown fell asleep. When he woke up, he found he w

doc文档 专题03 阅读理解15道(各地名校最新期末真题)-2021-2022学年九年级英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(外研版)

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