班级 姓名 学号 分数 2021-2022 学年七年级英语上学期期末测试卷 (时间:120 分钟,满分:120 分) 第一部分 选择题 一、单项选择(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1.His new house has two yards, so ________ price is a bit high. A.his B.its C.it D.their 2.________ are my cousins. ________ is my brother over there. A.Those, This B.This, That C.These, That D.That,This 3.I share my living room ________ a friend of ________. A.to, me B.with, mine C.with, me D.from, mine 4.—________? —I have a purple cup. A.What do you have? B.What color is your cup? C.Where is your cup? D.Do you have a cup? 5.My arm is still painful, _________ I want to see a doctor. A.so B.for C.but D.or 6.I have some ________ and an ________ for breakfast. A.breads; egg B.breads; eggs C.bread; egg D.bread; eggs 7.—Good afternoon. Can I help you? —________ A.Yes, you can. B.Of course you can. C.Yes, I need some help. D.Yes. I’d like to buy some dog food. 8.They often _______ basketball on Friday, but they ______ soccer last Friday. A.play; played B.plays; play C.played; play D.play; play C.is D.are 9.Yesterday, there ______ nobody in the room. A.was B.were 10.Do you finish ________ your English lessons today? A.having B.have C.to have 11.— What ________ do you like best, John? — Table tennis. I play it every morning with my father. D.had A.sport B.subject C.team D.music 12.Tony is a ________ boy. He likes wearing black T-shirts and playing basketball. A.cool B.busy C.bad D.lost C.Jim’s and Tina’s D.Jim’s and Tina C.don’t have; at D.have; on 13.—Who is that woman? —She is Mrs. White, _______ mother. A.Jim B.Jim’s 14.We _______ any lesson _______ Saturday. A.don’t have; on B.have; in 15.I think ________ history is ________ interesting subject. A.a; a B./; / C./; an 二、完型填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) I am an American boy. I am thirteen. I 16 in No 14 Middle School in Shanghai. I often get up 17 half past six from Monday to Friday. I often have a cup of tea, an egg and some bread for my 19 18 . I go to school at half past seven and get there before eight o’clock, and start at eight. We have four lessons in the three, we 21 20 and two in the afternoon. At half past games. I study hard and study well. I like English and I am good at it. Mike is my good friend. We go home together. I do my homework at home but like 23 TV very much, but I can only watch it on time from Monday to Friday. I often go to 22 at school. I 24 and Sunday because I have no 25 at about nine o’clock. 16.A.work B.study C.live D.stay 17.A.with B.in C.on D.at 18.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.supper 19.A.films B.meals C.lessons D.concerts 20.A.afternoon B.morning C.evening D.night 21.A.make B.play C.watch D.see 22.A.sometimes B.always C.usually D.often 23.A.seeing B.watching C.looking D.looking at 24.A.Monday B.Saturday C.Friday D.Tuesday 25.A.school B.classes C.bed D.movies 三、阅读单选(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) A 以下是一份 Sandy 的课程表,请根据课程表内容,完成下列各题。 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:30-9:20 Chinese English Geography Math History 9:30-10:20 Art History Math English Science 10:30-11:20 Math Music English P.E. English Geography Class party 11:30-2:00 2:00-2:50 Lunchtime Science P.E. Art 26.The second lesson on Tuesday is ________. A.geography B.history C.English D.music 27.Sandy has _______ English class(es) in a week. A.one B.two C.three D.four 28.The lunchtime in Sandy’s school lasts (持续) for ________ hour(s). A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 29.Sandy has ________ on Thursday afternoon. A.P.E. B.science C.geography D.art 30.Sandy’s favorite day is ________ because she can have music. A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday D.Thursday B Hi! I’m Alex Greenall. I’m thirteen and I go to Park School in Oxford, England. I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday and Sunday. This is my school day. I get up at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast. My school is next to my house. I go to school at half past eight and see my friends. We start work at nine o’clock. We have three lessons in the morning. My favourite subject is art. At eleven o’clock, we have a break in the playground and I talk to my friends. They go to the playground and play football, but I don’t like football. We have lunch in the dining hall at half past twelve. I like school lunch! We have meat and rice with vegetables, or hamburgers. I drink juice or water. We start lessons in the afternoon at half past one. We have two

doc文档 期末测试卷-2021-2022学年七年级英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版)

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