人教版九年级英语上学期期末基础过关复习题 U1-U14 U1 基础知识巩固 一、单词拼写。 1.Her   partner     ( 搭档 )for the game is Tom.  2.Please read these sentences slowly so that I can    repeat .   ( 重复 )them after you.  3.I think    chemistry     ( 化学 )is an interesting subject.    review   4.After class, we should     ( 复习 )what we’ve 5.Learning how to take    notes    ( 笔记 )is important when we listen to the teachers.  6.Sometimes, I can’t get the    pronunciation     (pronounce) right.    wisely 7.The young man bought two apartments near here   .   (wise)five years ago.   expressions   8.I have learnt many useful   (express)by watching English movies.    9.I believe that you have the    ability     (able)to finish the task well.  10.Columbus    discovered   “new world” in 1492.    (discover)the so⁃called 二、完成句子 , 词数不限。 11. 他把你弟弟和此事联系起来。 He    connected     your brother   with     the matter.  12.The 他帮助的人越多 , 就感觉越高兴。   more     the happier       people he helps,   feels.    he 13.Jim 经常在字典中查阅新单词。 Jim often    looks up     new words in a dictionary.  14. 在公众场合 , 请注意你的行为举止。 Please    pay attention to     your behavior in public places.  15. 人生来就有思考的能力。   are born with   Humans     the ability to think.  U2 基础知识巩固 一、单词拼写。 1.Westerners like eating    dessert(s)     ( 甜点 )after dinner.    business   2.My dad left for Shanghai on       ( 生意 )two days   admire ago.  3.People get together   ( 欣赏 )the moon on the   present   to   evening of the Mid⁃Autumn Festival.  4.At     ( 现在 ), more and more students enjoy 5.We often visit our    relatives     ( 亲戚 )on the Spring Festival.  6.Our teachers always    warn     ( 告诫 )us not to lie.  7.What he says always brings others    warmth    (warm).  8.Many painters became famous after they were dead (die).  9.The thief    stole     (steal)his wallet and ran away.  10.Two    strangers     (strange)knocked at the door, but I didn’t open it.  二、完成句子 , 词数不限。 11. 后羿在花园摆放了嫦娥最喜欢吃的水果以表达他的思 念之情。 Hou Yi    laid out     Chang’e’s favorite fruit in the garden to express his longing for her.  12. 杰克常常邀请我们到他家 , 并以丰盛的晚餐招待我们。 Jack often invites us to his house and    treats us with     a big dinner.  13. 去年暑假 , 他的体重增加了 15 磅。 Last summer vacation, he    put on    15 pounds.  14.Scrooge 不想最终落得和他那可怜的朋友一样的结局 , 所以他改变了自己。 Scrooge didn’t want to    end up    like his poor friend, so he changed himself.  15. 他喜欢在愚人节捉弄别人。 He likes    playing tricks on   Fool’s Day.    others on April U3 基础知识巩固 一、单词拼写。 1.Mobile phones make our life    convenient     ( 方便 的 ).    postcards   2.My friend sent me a lot of     ( 明信 片 )during his trip.    suggests   3.He     ( 建议 )that you should speak more English every day.  4.Lily’s mom always goes to work subway/underground 5.When the earthquake happened, people escaped in all   directions     ( 方向 ).  6.Don’t shout at the old.It is    impolite     (polite).  7.You can take many different    courses     (course)in the university.  8.Few people go to the mall, so it is    uncrowded .   (crowded).  9.Jack had a quick breakfast and    rushed    (rush)out of the door.  10.He is the    speaker     (speak)for this evening.  二、完成句子 , 词数不限。 11. 选择合适的出游时间取决于天气。 Choosing the right time for a trip    depends on     the weather.  12. 在她回家的路上 , 她遇到了吴老师。   On her way home     , she met Miss Wu.  13. 沿着中心街走 , 直到你看到一家银行。   Go along    Center Street until you see a bank.  14. 我昨天晚上经过你家。 I   went past/passed by     your house last night.  15. 你知道在困境中如何寻求帮忙吗 ? Do you know how to    ask for help   trouble?     when in U4 基础知识巩固 一、单词拼写。 1.All of us can get good    grades/scores     ( 得分 )if we work hard enough.  2.Finally, he solved this problem in a    general/common     ( 普遍的 )way.  3.Luckily, there was a    guard    ( 警卫 )on duty that day.  4.He can    exactly     ( 精确地 )find out the topic sentence of this passage.  5.Please show me a simple    introduction     ( 介绍 )of this machine.  6.It’s    helpful     (help)for us to read English aloud every morning.  7.In England, we shouldn’t ask about others’    personal .   (person)affairs when greeting strangers.  8.Thanks to my teacher, I’ve learnt to greet people in a  British     (Britain)way.    9.We’re in the library now.So please keep   silent (silence).    require   10.This does     (requirement)some time and 二、完成句子 , 词数不限。 11. 他的父母为他感到很自豪。 His parents    are proud of/take pride in     him so much.  12. 暑假期间 , 他们时常看望我并给我带来很多快乐。 During summer they visited me   fromthe time to timevacation,       and brought me muc

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