Unit 7 What's the matter? 单元总结 思维导图 知识要点 知识要点一:What 's the matter? (你)怎么了? “What's the matter?”是询问某人发生了什么事或生了什么病。 类似的表达还有:What's wrong?/What's wrong with you?/What's the matter with you?/What's the trouble?/What's up? 例如: You look ill.What's the trouble? 你看起来生病了,怎么回事? 知识要点二:I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。 ache 是名词,意为“疼痛”,它可以放在表示身体部位的某些词后构成合成词。例如: headache“头痛”; earache“耳朵痛”; heartache“心脏痛”; stomachache“肚子痛;胃痛”; toothache“牙痛”; backache“背痛” 想表达哪个部位疼痛常用这个句子来表示:“I have a ~ache.” “感冒”也可以用类似结构来表达:have a cold/catch a cold/get a cold。 知识要点三:Did you hurt yourself playing soccer ? 踢足球时你伤着自己了吗? (1)yourself 为反身代词,在句中用作动词 hurt 的宾语。 (2)反身代词还可以作介词的宾语,如:by oneself 表示“独自”。例如: He was climbing by himself .他正在独自爬山。 (3)反身代词用在某些动词之后可构成固定短语。倒如: teach oneself“自学”; enjoy oneself“玩得高兴”; help oneself to“自取食物;随便吃…” (4)playing soccer 是一个现在分词短语,表示伴随状态,意为“踢足球时”。 知识要点四: Someone got hit on the head. 有人头部受到撞击。 (1)英语中要表达“打了某人某部位”用 hit sb.on/in/by the+部位。例如: He hit Bob in the face. 他打了鲍勃的脸。 (2)get sb./sth. done 意为“使某人/物被......例如: He fell down from the bike and got (himself) hurt. 他从自行车上摔下来受了伤。 知识要点五:Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. 阿伦·罗尔斯顿是一位对爬山感兴趣的美国人。 (1)be interested in 意为“对……感兴趣”,相当于 take /have/show an interest in。 例如:He is interested in swimming.( interested 为形容词) =He takes (an) interest in swimming.( interest 为名词)他对游泳感兴趣。 【拓展】interest 还可以作动词,意为“使……感兴趣”。例如; He interested me in outdoor sports. 他使我对户外运动产生了兴趣。 (2)who 是一个关系代词,引导定语从句修饰先行词 man,意为“…的”。 知识要点六:As a mountain climber,Aron is used to taking risks. 作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。 be used to sb./sth.习惯某人/某事 be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 例如: He is used to the noise. 他习惯了这种噪音。 I am used to living here. 我习惯住在这里。 【拓展】① used to do sth.过去常常做某事 ②be used to do sth.=be used for doing sth.被用于做某事 知识要点七:But when his water ran out,he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life . 但是当他的水喝完时,他知道他将必须做一些事来自救。 run out 意为“用尽; 耗尽” 【辨析】run out/run out of 词组 run out run out of=use up 主语 物 人 Water ran out. 水喝完了。 He ran out of water. 他喝光了水。 宾语 无 物 注意 无被动语态 有被动语态

doc文档 7.9 Unit 7 单元知识小结-七年级英语下册同步精品课堂(鲁教版)

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7.9 Unit 7 单元知识小结-七年级英语下册同步精品课堂(鲁教版) 第 1 页 7.9 Unit 7 单元知识小结-七年级英语下册同步精品课堂(鲁教版) 第 2 页 7.9 Unit 7 单元知识小结-七年级英语下册同步精品课堂(鲁教版) 第 3 页
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