专题 16 应用文词汇句式升级-投稿信-备战 2021 高考英语写作 相关词汇和短语表达 词汇和短语 随着学习任务增加 With the learning task increasing 做了一个调查 did a survey 高一学生 high school freshmen 学习效率更高 higher learning efficiency 意见分为两部分 Opinions are divided into two parts 提高成绩 improve their grades 昏昏欲睡 be dozy 就我而言 As far as I’m concerned 得不偿失 gains cannot make up for losses 布置作业 Assign homework 国家教育部 the Ministry of Education 掌握运动技能 master sports skills 在我看来 From my perspective 大量学术作业 lots of academic homework 必要做某事 it is highly necessary to 超重 overweight 身体虚弱 physical weakness 跳绳 rope skipping 提神 refresh me 通常情况下 As is often the case 参加会议 attend meetings, 吃饭 have meals 等公交车 wait for buses 沉迷于手机 Be addicted to their phones 完全无视他人 completely ignoring others 常见的现象 common phenomenon 智能手机 smart phones 从健康角度来说 in terms of health 接触手机太多 too much exposure to phones 打电话的人 people engaged in phones 不能很好地沟通 fail to communicate well with 而不是 rather than 过着不健康的生活 lead an unhealthy life 有一个平衡的饮食 have a balanced diet 吃早餐 enjoy breakfast 消耗了大量的能量 consume much energy 同样重要 is of equal importance 释放压力 release stress. 保持健康 keep fit 适当的饮食 proper food, 培养一种积极的态度 develop a positive attitude 受到别人的欢迎 be popular with 苦涩而甜蜜的一年 this bitter but sweet year 获得人气 achieve popularity 改善我们的外表 improve our appearance 穿着得体 dress well 留下深刻印象 be impressed by 塑造性格 build our character 把别人放在第一位 put others first 越来越多的 an increasing number of 生活水平的提高 improvement of the standard of 患有肥胖 suffer from obesity living, 引起了社会的关注 arouses social concerns 造成这种现象 accounting for this phenomenon 负担 are burdened with 买得起 afford to buy 油腻零食 oily snacks 俗话说 As a saying goes 一天一个苹果,医生远 an apple a day keeps the doctor 均衡的饮食 balanced diet 离我 away 快餐和垃圾食品 fast food and junk food. 保持平衡 keep a balance 制定一个适当的时间表 make a proper time 强烈赞成 be strongly in favor of 不用说 It goes without saying that 就我个人而言 Personally 人机对话 man-machine dialog 迎接新的挑战 meet the new challenge 养家糊口的人 breadwinner 满足我的需求 satisfy my requirements 父亲节快到了 As Father’s Day is around the 孝敬父母 honor my parents corner, 热烈讨论 the heated discussion 发起一项活动 launched an activity 参加 got involved in 主题墙纸 the theme wallpaper 送… presented our hardworking 漂亮的花朵 the fantastic flowers teachers with 一、开头段落表达句式和词汇 1. more and more high school students are beginning to stay up late 句式升级: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 参考表达:There are increasing students beginning to stay up. 请翻译: 随着高中学习任务的增加,越来越多的高中生开始熬夜学习。 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 参考翻译:With the learning task increasing in high school, there are increasing number of high school students are beginning to stay up late to study. 2. I agree with the opinion that… 句式升级: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 参考表达:.. I cannot agree more. I'm strongly in favor of such a reform. From my perspective 请翻译: 最近教育部确认体育作业必须布置,以确保学生掌握运动技能。我非常同意。 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 参考翻译:Recently the Ministry of Education confirmed that homework for PE must be assigned to make sure that students master sports skills. I can't agree more with it. 3. there are many people helping me during my life. 句式升级: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 参考表达:On the journey of my growth, As the only breadwinner of my family, Father is always busy, tired and stressed, driving a truck. 请翻译: 在我成长的路上,有很多人在我遇到困难的时候关心我,帮助我。 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 参考翻译:On the journey of my growth, there are many people who have cared about me and helped me when I'm in trouble. 二.、中间段落表达句式和词汇 1. Some people think that… others think that… 句式升级: ____________________________________

doc文档 专题16 应用文词汇句式升级-投稿信-备战2021高考英语写作应用文词汇句式升级

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