Unit 3 A day out Task Part One revision invite me to a fine warm day enjoy myself be far away two hours by bus a lot of traffic a little boring arrive at can’t wait to get off the whole world from all over the world places of interest be made of steel the model Eiffel Tower as great as the song and dance shows an amazing day learn about different cultures on the Internet Part Two lead in A big day out Linda is going back to the USA soon. So Kitty and Daniel invite their classmates to go out together with Linda on a trip. What places in Beijing do you think they will go to? What can they do there? Take a look at their plan and answer the questions. A day out plan should include( 包括 ): 1. Time 2. Place 3. Activity 4. Transport 5. Cost Part Three New lesson 1.How many places of interest are they going to visit? Four. They are the Palace Museum, Beihai Park,Tian’anmen Square and Wangfujing Street 2. What will they do in Beihai Park? They will visit the garden and row boats there. 3. How will they get to the Palace Museum from Sunshine Underground Station? They will take the underground to the Tian`anmen Square, and then get to the Place Museum on foot. 4. What will they do at Tian’anmen Square? They will see the biggest city square in the world. 5. How much time will they spend at Tian’anmen Square? Half an hour. 6. When will they leave Wangfujing Street? At 6.30 p.m Time 7.30 a.m. Place Activity Meet everyone Sunshine Underground Station Take the underground _____________ See the 8.30 a.m. --9.00a.m. 9.30 a.m. --12.30.p.m. city biggest square in the world Tian’anmen Square ______to The Palace Museum. walk the Palace Museum visit the museum walk to Beihai Park ______ Time 1.30 a.m. — 4.30 p.m. Place Activity ________boats row Beihai _____Park Visit the________ garden Take the ____ bus to _________________ Wangfujing Street 4.45 a.m. — 6.30 p.m. Go _________ shopping Wangfujing Street Go back to Sunshine Town by underground ________________ 8:30-9:00a.m 7:30a.m Sunshine Underground Station A day out 9:30a.m-12:30p.m 4:45-6:30p.m 1:30-4:30p.m We’ll meet at at . We will go to … by . We will take the to … We will to … We will be there for minutes / hours. It will take minutes / hours to … We will visit / see / do … We will leave …at . We will go back to …by . The cost is about per students. B Help Kitty and Daniel complete their letter to their classmates. 1st November Dear classmates Linda will go back to the USA soon. We are planning a day out for her. We want to invite you to go Palace Museum Wangfujing street to the __________________, Beihai park, Tian’anmen Square and _________________ on Saturday, 6th November.This is the plan for the day: underground to Sunshine Underground Station We will then take the ____________ We will meet at ___a.m. at ___________________________. 7 the centre of Beijing __________________and change to the bus. We will take the bus all the way to the Palace Museum. It will take about ____ 30 minutes. go boating Beihai Park Next, we will go to ___________at 11a.m. to___________. We will be there for about_____ hours and we can have_______ lunch there. Tian’anmen Square We will then see the square, the Monument to the After lunch, we will go to __________________. People’s Heroes and the People’s Great Hall. Wangfujing Street At 6:30 p.m., we will go back to We will leave at 4:30 p.m. and go shopping in ________________. Sunshine Town _______________by underground. The cost is about ¥ 50 per person.We will make it a really fun day for everyone. If you want to come, please let us know as soon as possible. We hope you can join us. Best wishes Kitty Daniel 2 Part Four language points 1. My ticket is useless, but I'l keep it① useless adj. 无用的 useful adj. 有用的部分名词可以通过添加词缀 “ -ful” 和 “ -less” 变为形容 词。 Eg. care-careful-carelesshelp-helpful-helplesshope-hopefulhopelessmeaning-meaningful-meaningless 1. My ticket is useless, but I'l keep it ① useless adj. 无用的 useful adj. 有用的 部分名词可以通过添加词缀 “ -ful” 和 “ -less” 变为形容词。 Eg. care-careful-careless help-helpful-helpless hope-hopeful-hopeless meaning-meaningful-meaningless ② keep vt. 留着 , 不退还 .Eg. keep the change 零钱不用找了 vi., vt. & linking v. 保持 keep (sb./sth.) + adj. 使 ( 某人 / 某物 ) 一直处于某种状态 ② keep vt. 留着 , 不退还 . Eg. keep the classroom cleankeep doing sth. 继续 , 重复做某事 Eg. Eg. keep(on) the change 零钱不用找了 vi., vt. & linking v. 保持 keep (away) from... 使 ...... 远离 ...... theEg. keep clean keep wri

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