人教新目标英语八年级上册第五单元测试卷 一,根据首字母,填出正确的单词: 1,I don’t like the magazine. Could you give me a______ one? 2,Today I'm very busy, but she is f____________. 3,I get his i____________ but I can't go because I have no time. 4,I’m sorry, I can’t come, I have to study for the c_________ exam. 5,Mr. King likes music very much. I think he would like to go to the c_________. 6, I can’t go to movies with you, I have to go to my piano l______. 7, . ----What did you do on Saturday? ----Nothing much, I stayed at home the w_______ day 二,单选 1, ____ Friday morning, I like to go to the movie ___ friends. A. in, on B. on, with C. on, and D. at, with 2, I don’t like these computer games. Would you show me_________? A. other B. the other C. another D. others 3, Paul can’t come to the party. He’s _________ soccer. A. plays B. play C. played D. playing 4,-----________ is today? -----It’s October the 15th. A When B What time C What day D How long 5, Thanks a lot ______ helping me ______ my English. A to, in B to, with C for , in D for , with 6, I’m free ______22:00. Please come here before 22:00. A till B at C after D/ 7. I have to________for the math test. A. study B. studying C. learning D. studied 8. You can see many good programs______TV. A. on the B. over the C. over D. on 9. — Can you come to play soccer with me? — ____________. A. I can B. That's all right C. Sure. I'd love to 10. ---I’m sorry, I can’t go to the movie with you. --- Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe ______ time. A. the other B. other C. another D. others 11. Yao Ming is _______ at ________ basketball. A. good; play B. well; plays C. good; playing D. good; played 12. Thanks for ____________ me to the party. A. ask B. asking C. asks 13. —Can you speak French?—_____. A. Yes,I can B. No,I can C. Yes,I can't 14. On Wednesday, I’m _________ tennis with the school team.   A. play    B. playing   C. am playing     D. plays 15. What do you usually do _______ Saturdays?   A. at   B. on   C. in   D. for 三,适当形式填空: 1, Do you want_________(go) _________(swim) with us Saturday afternoon? 2, Would you like __________(come) to my office __________(discuss) the report? 3, He’s trying ________(go) out, please ________(help) him _______(open) the door. 4, Look! Susan ________(babysit) her sister. She is having a _______(real) busy week. 5, Thank you for __________ (invite) me ________(join)your birthday party. 四,句型转换: 1, Today is Monday. (就划线部分提问) _________ ________ today? 2,He has to go to the dentist today. 1)He _____ ______ _______go to the dentist today. (改为否定句) 2)_____ he ______ ______ go to the dentist today?(改为一般疑问句) 3,I think he is busy today. (同义句转换) I think he ______ ______ _______ today. 4,Can you come to my party on Monday at 19:00?(同义句转换) 1) _______ ________ ________ _______ come to my party on Monday at 19:00? 2) _______ ________ ________ _______ come to my party on Monday at 19:00? 5,sorry, I’m, have, I, to guitar, my, have, lessons (连词成句) _______________________________________________________ 五、完形填空 Mr. White is a teacher in a middle schoo1. He and they also like him. He spends 1 English. He is friendly to his 2 , 3 time on his work. When he’s also very busy with his work, so he can’t help his wife to do the 4 , he is 5 . His wife is always angry with him. It’s Saturday. Their daughter Kate is 6 her homework in her bedroom. Mrs,White finds her __7___is out. She hopes her daughter will say she’s 8 than her husband. She gives an apple to Kate and asks, “ 9 is cleverer,your father or me?” Can you guess what the girl’s 10 is? “I’m the cleverest in my family!" Kate says without thinking. ( )1. A. teaches B. watches C. studies D. reads ( )2. A. friends B. students C. workers D. drivers ( )3. A. many B. too ( )4. A. at work C. much B. in bed ( )5. A. housework D. any C. in the classroom D. at home B. homework C. schoolwork D. lessons ( )6. A. making B. doing C . looking D. finding ( )7. A. mother B. brother C. husband D. teacher ( )8. A. good B. best C. better D. bad ( )9. A. Whose B. What C. Why D. Who ( )10. A. answer B. play C. sing D. think 六、阅读理解 Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked home. On his way home,there was a pool. One day,when he got home,his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry and said,"Don't play in the water on your way home from school!" The next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty

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