Lesson 5Jane’s Lucky Life Objectives 1. To learn the spirit of the disabled people 2. To grasp the new words: control, telephone, hers, cheer, kick, pity … Do you know Nick Vujicic? What’s his attitude towards life? Let’s watch a video. disabled man. Nick is a _________ active/brave/optimistic/confident/ But he is _____________________________. bright/strong/independent… Although disabled, many people achieved a lot such as… Stephen Hawking A great theoretical physicist ( 伟大的理论物理学家 ) A Brief History of Time 《时间简史》 Thomas Alva Edison An immortal deaf inventor ( 不朽的聋人发明家 ) Helen Keller a blind and deaf writer Three days to see ( 假如给我三天光明 ) Tai Lihua a deaf dancer Thousand goddess of mercy 《千手观音》 They are really strongminded, aren’t they? Life isn’t easy for disabled Xiao Huangqi (Ricky) people. Jane is one of them. How a blind singer does she deal with daily You are my eyes routines? Let’s have a look! 《你是我的眼》 Task 1 Read Para 1-2 and fill in the blanks. When Jane was ______ ten years old, she became ill with a terrible ________. disease She couldn’t move her _______ arms or _______ legs because of the disease. forty years old. She can’t Jane is now ______ _______________, brush her teeth ________________, put on her shoes make breakfast _______________or ________________. run or jump P11 Task 4 Complete the sentence with the clues given. controlled by a 1. The traffic lights are ___________ central computer. telephone rang, and Peter answered 2. The _________ Hers it. 3. These are not her gloves. ______ are on the table. cheergo to see the basketball game and 4. Let’s kicking _________ for our team. 5. The boy ispity __________ a ball in the yard. 6. What a _______ it is that you missed the Task 5 P11 Make sentences using the given information. as a result of 1. Thousands of people lost their homes/ the fire Thousands of people lost their homes as a result of the fire. 2. He lost his job/ his big mistake He lost his job as a result of his big mistake. be full of 3. His room/ history books His room is full of history books. 4. Danny’s mind/ funny ideas Danny’s mind is full of funny ideas. damage one’s body 损害某人的身体 be unable to do sth. 不能做某事 put on shoes 穿上鞋子 Task 5 kickfollowing the ball 踢球 Look out the dare to do sth 敢于做某事 expressions in the passage. watch sb do sth 看某人做某事 ( 全过 程) focus on 使聚焦于 full of 充满……的 Translate the following phrases into English. (1) 损害某人的身体 (2) 不能做某事 (3) 穿上鞋子 (4) 踢球 (5) 敢于做某事 (6) 看某人做某事 ( 全过程 ) (7) 使聚焦于 (8) 充满……的 damage one’s body be unable to do sth. put on shoes kick the ball dare to do sth watch sb do sth focus on full of Forty Tenyears yearsold old brush her teeth. She became ill with a terrible disease put on her shoes. _____________. She can’t arms or legs Try to retell the article according to run or jump. She couldn’t mover her ___________ Jane’s the .mind mapping. Lucky Life make breakfast. wheelchair with her control her _________ mouth. She can ___________ write letters without her hands. Her marriage 1. She has ____ two children. Jane’s Lucky Life 2. She likes to watch her elevenplay soccer . year-old son __________ 3. Her daughter likes to play the piano . _____________ Her thoughts on the disabled life focus on your problems, you’ll If you only ________ have a life _______ full of them. Discussio 1. Jane thinks her nlife is full of good things. What do you think these good things refer to? 2. What can wespecial learn from Jane’s story? Jane has equipment to help 1 her write letters and answer the phone. Jane loves her family. … 2 We should be active and optimistic towards life. Life is full of good things. We should cherish people around us. We should be thankful. … Multiple choice. 1. It’s very cold outside. You’d better ____ your coat when you go out. A. dress B. put on C. wear D. have on 2. She enjoys ____ piano very much. A. to play the B. playing the C. to play D. playing Translation and recitation. 1. 如果你只关注你的难题,那么你的一生都 是难题。 If you only focus on your problems, you’ll have a life full of them. 2. 你知道真正残疾的人是谁吗?那些不知道 他们多么幸运的人。 Do you know who is really disabled? People who don’t know how lucky they are. Fill in the blanks and try to retell the text. Jane was ten years old, she became ill When with a terrible_______. disease She couldn’t move dared to her arms or legs, but she ________try many things. Jane has a wheelchair which she can ______ with her mouth, and has a telephone control that she can answer by __ saying

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