脑洞英语课堂 Don’t let anger take over. Teaching objectives By the end of this class, we are expected to 1. be able to understand the man’s mood changes according to the whole story. 2. to know the meaning of new words and phrases and learn the structure and translation of clauses. 3. be able to make a summary with information from the article. Part 1 Lead in Watch the video and think the problems below. 观看视频并思考下面的两个问题。 After watching the video, please give your answers. 观看完视频后,请给出你的答案。 Q1 : Is angry an easy emotion just controlled by our brain ? Q2 : What will we do when we are angry ? Part 2 Let’s Think Answer the following questions. Q1 : Is angry an easy emotion just controlled by our brain ? Q2 : What will we do when we are angry ? Part 3 Let’s read Don’t let anger take over A man was washing his new car in front of the house. His 4-year-old son picked up a stone ( 石头 ) and scratched ( 划 ) the car with it. When the man saw this, he got very angry. He beat the child. The child cried and cried. The father soon found that his son couldn’t move his fingers ( 手指头 ). He took him to a hospital at once. At the hospital, a doctor told the father that the child would lose all of his fingers. Don’t let anger take over When the child saw his father, he asked, “Dad, when will my fingers grow back?” The man felt very sad and couldn’t say a word. After he went back home, he walked over to his car. He sat down next to his car and thought about it. Then he saw the scratches and the child’s words, “DAD I LOVE YOU”. The man cried. He felt so sorry for himself. Sometimes being angry can make you do things that you feel bad about later. You’d better think before you act. Think and practice Q1. What did the man feel when he saw his son scratched the car? A He felt sad. B He felt sorry. C He felt angry. D He felt happy. Think and practice Q2. What happened to the boy after the man beat him ? A B He couldn’t move his fingers. He ran away quickly. C His scratched the car again. D His fingers grow back. Think and practice Q3. What does “move” mean in the paragraph 2? A 感动 B 伸展 C 活动 D 改变 Think and practice Q4. The man found out that his son scratched the car _____. A to help him wash the car. B to play a game with him. C to draw a picture on the car. D to show his love for him Think and practice Q5. What does this story want to tell us ? A It’s not good to beat children. B Don’t get angry too easily. C Never beat children. D Being angry can make you feel sad. Part 4 Let’s learn something more 单词精讲 1 The father soon found that his son couldn’t move his fingers ( 手指 头 ). move [muːv] ① v. 移动 e.g. Give me a place to stand and I will move the world. 给我一个支点,我能撬动整个世界。 ② v. 搬家 e.g. We decided to move. 我们决定搬家。 Part 4 Let’s learn something more 单词精讲 1 ③ v. 使感动 常用被动 be moved e.g. We were deeply moved by this movie. 我们被这部电影深深地打动了。 Part 4 Let’s learn something more 单词精讲 2 A doctor told the father that the child would lose all of his fingers. lose [luːz] 第三人称单数: loses 过去式和过去分词(不规则变化) lost, lost 现在分词: losing Part 4 Let’s learn something more 单词精讲 2 ① v. 丢失 e.g. I've lost my keys. 我把钥匙丢了。 ② v. 损失;失去 e.g. Some families lost everything in the flood. 有一些家庭在洪水中失去了一切。 Part 4 Let’s learn something more 单词精讲 2 【词组搭配】 ①lose yourself in sth. 沉迷于;专心致志于 e.g. lose oneself in the beautiful music 沉醉在美妙的音乐中 ②get lost =be lost 迷路 e.g. get lost in London 在伦敦迷路 Part 4 Let’s learn something more 短语精讲 1 His 4-year-old son picked up a stone ( 石头 ) and scratched( 划 ) the car with it. pick up 捡起 e.g. Would you please pick up that book from off the floor? 请你把地板上的那本书捡起来好吗? Part 4 Let’s learn something more 短语精讲 1 【活学活用】 ① 接载,取走 e.g. We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan. 我们第二天早晨开车去机场接苏姗。 ② 获得,学会 e.g.Where did you pick up your English? 你在哪儿学的英语?

ppt文档 03七年级Don't Let Anger Take Over课件-七年级英语时文阅读精讲精练

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