仁爱版英语八年级(下册)同步练习与提升 Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D 一、 用括号中单词的适当形式填空。 1. Mom is very ____________ (please) with her new job. 2. The trip was very ____________ (please), but I felt a bit tired. 3. Mr. Smith was ____________ (deep) moved at the news. 4. Daniel is a careful driver, but he drives less (care) than me. 5. She comes from Canada, in other words, she is a (Canada). 3. One student’s ticket is (draw) and he or she will be the king or queen. 二、选择合适的词填空。 1. TV has a huge influence __________(on/ in) people’s lives. 2. TV is one of the most important ways of __________(get/ getting) information. 3. TV provides us ______ (with/ for) a more lively way to discover the outside world. 4. All the _________(violence/ violent) on TV makes people become _________(violence/ violent). 5. --- Playing computer games has a bad influence _______(on/ in) your study. --- I see, mum. I’ll give it up soon 6. --- I don’t know what to _______(deal with/ do with) the old clothes. --- You can send them to the people in poor areas. 7. --- In _________ (general/generally), we should learn how to face the difficulties in our life. --- You are right. 8. Many people spend most of their spare time __________(watching/ watch) TV. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 上演展出可以集资去用来做一些有意义的事情。 on a show can money to do some interesting things. 2. 爸妈希望早点见到孩子们成功。 Parents look to their children succeed. 3. 他和她都有一个共同点:都喜欢看电影。 He and she have only one thing in movies. 4. 她花了 100 元买这件外套。 with each other: both enjoy She 100 yuan the coat. 5. Tom 每个月都收到父亲的来信。 Tom from his father every month. 6. 校长号召学生们为那位贫困儿童筹钱。 The headmaster the students to for the poor boy. 7. 你们组的工作就是查明旅行费用。 Your group is the cost of trip. 8. 一间有两张单人床的标准房要 160 元。 A room with two single beds 160 yuan. 四、单项选择。 ( )1. —What about going shopping together? —Sorry, I have a lot of homework ____. A. do B. to do ( )2. It’s impossible for us ____ there on foot in two hours. A. to get B. get got ( )3. —Though Mike is ____ boy, he can say many words. —How clever! A. an-one-year-old B. a one-year-old old D. a one-year old ( )4. —What did the teacher say just now? —He asked them ____ the math problem. A. discussing B. discussed discuss ( )5. —I’ll go on a visit to Mount Huang. —____ A. Thank you. B. Have a good trip! D. My pleasure. C. doing D. did C. getting D. C. an one-year C. to discuss D. C. Never mind. 五、完形填空。 Most people do not like to stay at home on vacation. They like to 1 to see something different or do something exciting. 2 people from the country go to the city and 3 from the city go to the country for vacations. During vacations, trains, buses and air-planes are all 4 . It is very hard to buy train or air 5 . Usually many people take cars or buses for traveling on vacation. But which is the best way 6 on our trips? It's hard to say. Going by train doesn't cost as much as by plane, and taking buses 7 not as comfortable as taking trains. 8 is cheaper (更便宜的) but slower to take a bus than to take a plane. So if you go to a farther place, you'd better 9 a train. You may also take a plane if you have enough money. And if you go to a 10 place, I think you should take a bus. ( ) 1. A. go on B. go out C. come back D. come in ( ) 2. A. But B. Or C. So D. While ( ) 3. A. those B. them C. their D. theirs ( ) 4. A. free B. easy C.special D. busy ( ) 5. A. passports B. cards C. tickets D. service ( ) 6. A. to go B. went C. go D. goes ( ) 7. A. are B. was C. were D. is ( ) 8. A. That B. This C. One D. It ( ) 9. A. took B. to take C. take D. taking ( ) 10. A. cleaner B. nearer C. more beautiful D. more 六、根据提示补全单词。 Our plane left Beijing at 7:30 a.m. and ____________(着陆) safely in Japan after about four hours. The weather was ____________[ˈpleznt]. The next day, we went to a f____________ park. It was really an interesting place to visit. On the third day of our trip, we climbed Mount Fuji. It was snowing when we got to the top. I was so excited that I didn’t feel cold at all. During our trip, in the evenings, I s____________ went swimming in the pool, ____________ my best friend, Kelly, always went shopping. But the most interesting thing for me was to take photos. I love to take p____________ with my friends in ____________ [ˈbju:tɪfl] places. I enjoyed the trip very much, so I went to ____________ (旅行) there again. 答案 Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D 一、 用括号中单词的适当形式填空。 1. Mom is very ____________ (please) with her new job. 2. The trip was very ____________ (please), but I felt a bit tired. 3. Mr. S

doc文档 Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D同步练习与提升2021-2022学年仁爱版八年级英语下册

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