题一: 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Why not _______ (go) out for a picnic? 2. It is her ___________ (three) birthday. 3. He brings me some ______ (egg) every Friday. 4. There _____ (be) some water in the bottle. 5. _____(be) there three books, a pen and some money on the desk? 题二: 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The __________ (key) are in the drawer. 2. Today is the ___________ (five) of May. 3. There_____(be) a tall tree and some chairs at the back of this community. 4. Dad, what _____(be) on the desk? 5. Why not _________ (go) out for a walk after dinner? 题三: Jack usually sits ______ the floor watching TV. A. in B. at 题四: C. on 填空。 I sleep___________.(在三楼) 题五: —Where is Guangzhou? —Let’s _____ the map of China. A. have a look C. look 题六: B. have a look at D. look after 填空。 D. up Can I come and _________your house?(看看) 题七: There is a tall tree_______ the left. A. At 题八: B. In C. Near D. On 填空。 Take the second turning _________. (向右边) 题九: Don’t let out the news. It’s _____ you and me. A. near B. next to C. between 题十: The ball is ______the door, so you can’t see it. A. behind B. next C. near 题十一: D. among D. under My work is to ______ the animals. A. look after C. look for B. look up D. look at 题十二: 填空。 You must learn how to _____ yourself.(照顾) 题十三: Jack is _______ the tree. He can’t get down. A. on B. in C. for D. at 题十四: 填空。 There are many apples__________.(在树上) 题十五: I don’t _______ in public. A. like talking B. likes to talk C. likes talking D. like talk 题十六: 填空。 I _________swim with you.(喜欢) 题十七: 按要求完成句子。 1. There is a flower in the bottle. (改为复数形式) There _____ many _____ in the bottle. 2. There are three windows in the wall. (对画线部分提问) _____ _______ _____ _____ _____ in the wall? 3. There is a TV set in my living room. (改为否定句) ______ _______ a TV set in my living room. 4. I love looking after the children. (同义转换) I love _________ _______ _______ the children. 5. Cindy has some friends. (改为一般疑问句) _____ Cindy _____ _____ friends? 题十八: 按要求完成句子。 1. There are three books on the table near the window. (对画线部分提问) _____ _______ _____ ______ _____ on the table near the window? 2. She likes taking care of this lovely baby. (同义转换) She likes _________ _______ this lovely baby. 3. Tom has some basketballs. (改为一般疑问句) _____ Tom _____ _____ basketballs? 4. There is a bird in the tree. (改为复数形式) There _____ many _____ in the tree. 5. There is a pen on my desk. (改为否定句) ______ _______ a pen on my desk. 题十九: 根据首字母提示写出单词。 1. I don’t know what to do n________. 2. There is a football u_______ his bed. 3. He learns to p_______ the piano. 4. Miss Wang is sitting in the f_______ of our classroom. 5. Stay a_______ from the fire. 题二十: 根据首字母提示写出单词。 1. Tony always goes to school on foot because his home is n_______ the school. 2. Grace Kelly is a very b_______ woman. 3. There are two cats b________ the big tree. 4. In the c________ of our school, there is a garden. 5. She makes a meal in the k________. 题一: 1. go 2. third 3. eggs 4. is 5. Are 解析:1.句意为“为什么不出去野餐呢?”Why not do sth.为什么不去 做某事? 2.句意为“这是她的 3 岁生日。”third 第三的。 3.句意为“每周五他带给我一些鸡蛋。”前有 some,填 egg 的复数形式 eggs。 4.句意为“瓶子里有一些水。”water 是不可数名词,be 动词用 is。 5.句意为“桌子上有三本书,一支钢笔和一些钱吗?”There be 句型中 的 be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即“就近原则”,be 动词后是 three books,所以填 Are。 题二: 1. keys 2. fifth 3. is 4. is 5. go 解析:1.句意为“钥匙在抽屉里。”be 动词是 are,填复数形式 keys。 2.句意为“今天是五月五日。”fifth 第五的。 3.句意为“在这个社区的后面有一棵高大的树和一些椅子。”There be 句型中的 be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即“就近原则”,be 动 词后是 a tall tree,所以填 is。 4.句意为“爸爸,桌子上有什么?”提问有什么东西时,be 动词用 is。 5.句意为“为什么晚饭后不出去散步呢?”Why not do sth.为什么不做 某事? 题三: C 解析:句意为“杰克通常坐在地板上看电视。”on the floor 在地板上。 所以选 on。 题四: on the third floor/on the second floor 解析:句意为“我睡在三楼。”on the third floor 在三楼(美式说法), on the second floor 在三楼(英式说法)。 题五: B 解析:句意为“—广州在哪里?—让我们看看中国地图。”have a look at sth.看看某物,所以选 have a look at。 题六: have a look at 解析:句意为“我可以来看看你的房子吗?”have a look at sth.看看某 物,所以填 have a look at。 题七: D 解析:句意为“左边有一颗高高的树。”on the left 在左边,所以选 On。 题八: on the right 解析:句意为“到第二个拐弯处向右拐。”on the right 在右边、向右边, 所以填 on the right。 题九: C 解析:句意为“不要把消息泄露出去。我和你知道就可以 了。”between…and…在……和……之间,所以选 between。 题十: A 解析:句意为“球在门的后面,所以你看不见。”behind 在……后面; next 下一个;near 靠近;under 在……下面,所以选 behind。 题十一: A 解析:句意为“我的工作就是照顾动物。”look after 照顾;look up 查 阅;look for 寻找;look at 看,所以选 look after。 题十二: look after/take care of 解析:句意为“你必须学会照顾自己。”look after/take care of 照顾。 题十三: B 解析:句意为“杰克在树上。他下不来了。”in the tree 指外来的东西 在树上,不是树本身所有,所以选 in。 题十四: on the tree 解析:句意为“树上有许多苹果。”on the tree 指树本身长出的东西, 如花、果等。所以填 on the tree。 题十五: A 解析:句意为“我不喜欢在公共场合说话。”

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