give empty big/large /small 的 sharp 钝的 box 给 which 哪一个 full 满的 空的 little小 大的 锋利的 单词复 盒子 习 glass 罐头 bottle kinfe杯子 茶杯 fork blunt tin cup spoon Give me a book please, Jane.          请拿本书给我,简。 Which book?          哪一本? This one?          是这本吗? No, not that one.          不,不是那本。 The red one.          是那本红皮的。 This one?          这本吗? Yes, please.          是的,请给我。 Here you are.          给你。 Lesson 23 Which glasses? Words • on prep. 在……之 上 • shelf [ ʃelf ] n. 架子,搁板 on the shelf New words on (prep) 在 ……上面 on the desk 在课桌上 on the blackboard 在黑板上 turn on (电灯)开 on foot 步行 shelf n. 架子,搁板 on the shelf 在架子上 on the bookshelf 在书架 上 --- Which books? --- The ones on the shelf. Listening Listen and answer the question: What does the man want Jane to give him? Some glasses. Listening MAN: Give me some glasses please, Jane. WOMAN: Which glasses? These glasses? MAN: No, not those. The ones on the shelf. WOMAN: These? MAN: Yes, please. WOMAN: Here you are. MAN: Thanks. Listening MAN:Give_____some me glasses _____ ______please, Which Jane. WOMAN:These _______ glasses? _______ glasses? those MAN: No, ones not _______. The _______ on the shelf. WOMAN: These? please MAN:HereYes, ________. you are WOMAN: ______________. MAN: Thanks. ll in the blanks : Give me some glasses please ,Jane ? ? Whic glasse h s? Theseglasses ? ? Which glasses? 单数句子 Which glass? These glasses ? 单数句子 This glass ? No ,notthose . The ones on the shelf . ? Theses? Yes ,please. No, not those. those 指的是 those glasses The ones on the shelf. ones 代替的是 glasses on the shelf 做定语。 some 和 any 1.some 和 any 既可修饰可数名词, 又可修饰不可数名词。 2.some 常用在肯定句中, any 则常用在否定和疑问句中。 3. 征求对方意见,并且希望得到肯定的答 复 时, some 也可用于疑问在句。 Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?  Here you are ! Than you! k Which  Give book? me a book , please.  Which book?  This one?  No, not that one.  The red one.  Here you are.  Thank you. Which  Give books? me some books , please.  Which books?  These ones?  No, not those.  The ones on the desk.  Here you are.  Thank you. 17 Give me/him/her/us/them some… Which ones? New words • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 desk n. 2 table n. 3 plate n. 4 cupboard n. 5 cigarette n. 6 television n. 7 floor n. 8 dressing table 9 magazine 10 bed 11 newspaper 12 stereo 课桌 桌子 盘子 食橱 香烟 电视机 地板 n. 梳妆台 n. 杂志 n. 床 n. 报纸 n. 立体声音响 Example --- Give me some pens please. --- Which ones? These? --- No, not those. The ones on the shelf. .

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