备战 2023 高考英语阅读理解热点话题分类训练 (高考模拟真题+名校最新真题) 专题 01 新型冠状病毒 (2022·山东师范大学附中模拟预测)As a result of COVID-19 precautions, many of us are part of this secondary epidemic: people who really need a hug. A survey conducted in 112 countries said more than 50% of the people didn’t get enough such physical interaction as cuddling(拥抱). And that was before the pandemic set in. As the COVID-related lockdowns are taking effect, that number increases to 60%, according to a study published in the Medical Research Archives of the European Society of Medicine. Health-care professionals have given a name to this condition—touch starvation. Touch starvation may sound emotional in the most literal sense, but the idea is supported by hard-core biology. It starts with hormones. “Cuddling increases levels of oxytocin, the bonding hormone, and decreases levels of cortisol, the stress hormone,” says Lina Velikova, an immunologist. A recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences have found that this very act can help ease pain, especially if the person you are touching is someone you feel close to personally. “Even minor physical contact can be beneficial to both of you,” says Romanoff, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Physical touch is an essential part of how human beings communicate. Part of the power of physical touch comes from the very fact that it does not involve spoken language. Body language is often harder to fake. The act of cuddling authentically communicates trust and safety in ways people can’t speak. Not all cuddling is created equal, and there’s no one right way to do it. If one way doesn’t feel right, try something else. Foot rubs, head rubs, back rubs, hand-holding laying your head on someone’s chest sitting on a lap or side by side on the couch with legs touching—all these things count. For people who aren’t fully comfortable with physical touch and are not accustomed to giving or receiving physical affection, it’s important to start slowly, both in the quantity and quality of physical contact. 1.What is touch starvation? A.A demand for food. B.A need for physical contact. C.A shortage of care and love. D.A feeling of loneliness in crisis. 2.What is mainly talked about on touch starvation in Paragraph 2? A.Its cause. B.Its function. C.Its meaning. D.Its influence. 3.What plays a key role in physical touch? A.Quantity. B.Quality. C.Closeness. D.Genuineness. 4.Which of the following is the best title for the text? A.Cuddling contributes to our health B.Epidemic brings about health problems C.Physical touch improves medical condition D.Touch starvation harms interpersonal relationship (2022·江西·临川一中模拟预测)School activities for students during COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic is causing worldwide concern for elementary and secondary school student’s mental condition. The following are some possible activities that can be carried out to help them and also create a safe and healthy school environment. John’s and Mary’s thoughts Students are presented with a picture which says that John and Mary have different thoughts after they have heard of the coronavirus. Then students are invited to guess and write the characters’ thoughts on the picture. This activity uses a “projective” method, as students are not asked what their feelings are, but instead, they project their feelings onto the characters. When I’m worried After talking about what the characters may think, students can now turn their attention to themselves. They are asked to list their common worries, but most importantly, they are directed to think about some response measures and the helpful relationships they can rely on. This is a vital exercise, for it shifts students’ focus from their worries to the coping strategies. Seeking a balance Students are asked to provide three key recommendations to prevent infection. Teachers can pick out the positive behavior and correct any incorrect suggestions. It’s also important to strike a balance between the recommended healthy behavior and the concept that microorganisms are a natural part of the environment and that many of them play a key role in sustaining human life. Videos to know and understand viruses It is advisable to plan science lessons on microorganisms. Students can know more about the pandemic by studying microbial (微生物的) life, and thus they can understand what viruses are and how they spread. But be careful not to bring anxiety and avoid talking about scary me

doc文档 专题01 新型冠状病毒-备战2023高考英语阅读理解热点话题分类训练(高考模拟真题+名校最新真题)

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