Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day . Section A 牙痛 toothache 牙科医生 dentist 背痛 backache 头痛 headache 建议,提议 suggest 发烧,发热 咳嗽 胃痛 fever cough stomachache 患感冒 have a cold 咖啡 coffee 茶,茶叶 tea 足够的,充分 的 enough 沸腾,烧开 boil 举起,抬起 (云、烟等) 消散 lift have a cold have a cough have a fever have a have a toothache have a have a backache What’s wrong with her? She has a cold. What’s wrong with him? He has a fever. What’s wrong with her? She has a What’s wrong with her? She has the What’s wrong with her? She has a toothache. What’s wrong with him? He has a backache. What’s wrong with him? He has a stomachache. Pair work For example: A: What’s wrong with you? B: I have a bad cold. A: What’s the matter with him? B:He has a fever. 1a Betty: Look, listen and say Hello,Kangkang!You don’t look well. What’s wrong with you? Kangkang: I have a toothache. Betty: I’m sorry to hear that. You should see a dentist. Kangkang: I think I will. Betty: I hope you’ll get well soon. Kangkang: Thank you. Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers. 1. Kangkang has a ( C) A.backache B.headche C.toothache 2. Betty suggests that Kangkang should see a ( B) A.doctor B.dentist c.nurse 3.Betty hopes ( B)will get well soon. A.Jane B. Kangkang C.Steve should / shouldn’t Should 情态动词,后跟 动词原形 shouldn’t shouldn’t = should not I have a headache. You should stay in bed and have a good sleep. I have a fever. You should drink plenty of boiled water. I can’t sleep well at night. You shouldn’t drink coffee or tea in the evening. I have a backache. You shouldn’t lift heavy things.

ppt文档 Unit2 Topic1 Section A课件:2021-2022学年仁爱版八年级英语上册

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