十年(2013-2022)高考英语真题分项详解 完形填空·夹叙夹议类 夹叙夹议类 2021-2022 题组 1 (2021·天津)My brother and I are exactly one year apart. We look like twins, but we are completely ____1____ . By the time we got to middle school it was clear that my older brother ____2____ meditation (冥想),while I was a born ____3____ who preferred the theatrical, even when off stage. I took his relative silence to be offensive. We simply didn't ____4____. I didn't ____5____ having a tense relationship with my brother because I was involved at school. ____6____, I threw myself into the world of musicals. I practised singing in the bedroom every day to remain at my best and be ____7____ for roles; my brother would meditate on a window seat. He might feel high school was already hard enough ____8____ my noisy singing. So space to practise became a(n)____9____ between us because we shared a room. At the start of the semester, I practised “Circle of Life" for a musical. This was the first time I _____10_____ to learn a song, because my voice cracked (破音)as I switched to a head voice. I was annoyed in that period and _____11_____ practising, declaring I had reached the ceiling of my singing career. For the first time in years my brother _____12_____ quiet when I got home. After two days of this, my brother asked me to _____13_____ him in meditation. Feeling my anger at my inability to manage this song _____14_____,I accepted. My brother said, "When your mind floats away, you simply come back. Don't blame yourself" I got the message, and it soon became my new _____15_____. I kept trying at the song, no longer getting _____16_____ at myself. And just in time for the trial performance, I was able to _____17_____ power in my singing despite the switch to a head voice. It was important for me to learn that you don't have to always get everything _____18_____ the first time and that good things come with continual _____19_____.I now understand why my brother favours the _____20_____. 1. A. mature B. different C. content D. normal 2. A. disliked B. preferred C. replaced D. abandoned 3. A. writer B. leader C. painter D. performer 4. A. get along B. drop by C. show off D. check in 5. A. try B. mind C. enjoy D. delay 6. A. In particular B. In vain C. In return D. In theory 7. A. humorous B. ordinary C. competitive D. grateful 8. A. above B. below C. near D. without 9. A. issue B. contrast C. agreement D. balance 10. A. struggled B. expected C. promised D. decided 11. A. began B. allowed C. stopped D. continued 12. A. hated B. experienced C. accepted D. wanted 13. A. help B. invite C. join D. admire 14. A. gracefully B. suddenly C. fiercely D. cautiously 15. A. limit B. sentence C. mistake D. philosophy 16. A. rude B. angry C. surprised D. excited 17. A. lose B. share C. reduce D. maintain 18. A. wrong B. right C. back D. down 19. A. luck B. absence C. effort D. fear 20. A. fight B. noise C. quiet D. safety 【答案与解析】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者喜欢表演,哥哥喜欢冥想,二者性格爱好完 全不同,关系紧张。在作者遭遇失败时,哥哥教给他冥想,作者从中悟出了做事的哲 理,取得了成功。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们看起来像双胞胎,但实际上我们是完全不同的。 A. mature 成熟的;B. different 不同的;C. content 满意的;D. normal 正常的。根据下文 “my older brother ____2____ meditation (冥想),while I was a born ____3____ who preferred the theatrical,”哥哥喜欢冥想而作者喜欢表演,前后对比可知二者性格不同。故选 B。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:到我们上中学的时候,很明显,我哥哥更喜欢冥想,而 我是一个天生的表演者,喜欢戏剧,即使是在舞台下。A. disliked 不喜欢;B. preferred 更喜欢;C. replaced 取代;D. abandoned 抛弃,放弃。根据句中对比的内容“while I was a born ____3____ who preferred the theatrical”和 preferred 呼应,可知哥哥更喜欢冥想。 故选 B。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:到我们上中学的时候,很明显,我哥哥更喜欢冥想,而 我是一个天生的表演者,喜欢戏剧,即使是在舞台下。A. writer 作家;B. leader 领导者; C. painter 画家;D. performer 表演者。根据“the theatrical ,even when off stage.”和下文的 “in time for the trial performance”可知作者喜欢表演。故选 D。 4. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们就是合不来。A. get along 相处,进展;B. drop by 顺 便拜访;C. show off 炫耀;D. check in 登记,报到。根据上句“I took his relative silence to be offensive.”及下文“a tense relationship with my brother”作者和哥哥性格和爱好不同, 作者甚至认为哥哥相对沉默是一种冒犯,可知两人相处地不好,关系紧张。故选 A。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不介意和我哥哥关系紧张,因为我在学校很忙。A. try 试图,努力;B. mind 介意;C. enjoy 欣赏,享受;D. delay 推迟,延误。根据句中 “because I was involved at school.”和下文“I practised singing in the bedroom every day”可 知在学校很忙,在家依然我行我素,并不介意和哥哥的关系。故选 B。 6. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:特别是,我全身心地投入了音乐剧的世界。A. In particular 尤其,特别;B. In vain 徒劳;C. In return 作为回报;D. In theory 理论上。根 据上文“preferred the theatrical”和下文“I practised singing in the bedroom every day”可知作 者非常喜欢音乐。故选 A。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我每天在卧室里练习唱歌,以保持最佳状态,争取角 色;我哥哥会坐在靠窗的座位上冥想。A. humorous 幽默的;B. ordinary 普通的

doc文档 专题13 完形填空之夹叙夹议类- 十年(2013-2022)高考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)

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