2021-2022 学年上学期七年级英语期末大串讲 (牛津译林版) 专练 02 完形填空(含解析) 一、完型填空 01 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整。 The chicken and the duck are friends. They live on a 1 . They often walk around together and talk about many things. One morning, they play and 2 near the pool together. The chicken and the duck first talk about the cat. They think the cat is not 3 because he always looks at them with eyes wide open. “The cat is dangerous, so we must always keep our eyes open when he is around.”Then they talk about the dog. The dog is very friendly. It has lots of 4 and it barks(狗吠)a lot and always runs around. What's more, the dog never runs after them. They both 5 the dog. At last, they 6 the farmer, a fifty-year-old man. If they don't have the farmer, they have 7 to eat. He also feeds the cow, the pig, the sheep and many other such a farmer,” the chicken says to the duck 8 on the farm. “He is a nice man and it's lucky of us to have 9 “We need the farmer and look forward to living with him forever 10 he can take good care of us all” says the duck. “I hope so” Answers the chicken. 1.A.farm B.school C.park D.house 2.A.eat B.swim C.chat D.see 3.A.funny B.friendly C.smart D.busy 4.A.food B.friends C.teeth D.energy 5.A.miss B.find C.like D.catch 6.A.play with B.chat with C.worry about D.talk about 7.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 8.A.animals B.farmers C.ducks D.chickens 9.A.quickly B.easily C.happily D.carefully 10.A.but B.because C.and D.so 二、完型填空 02 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整。 The Read family comes to a new big city. Mrs Read's son, Bob, is not with. "Don't worry!" says his mother. "You will soon make One morning, there is a 13 11 . He doesn't have anyone to play 12 here." at the door. Bob's mother, Mrs Read, opens it. There stands a woman with brown hair. It is Mrs White. She comes to 14 some eggs. She wants to the afternoon, there is another knock the door. Mrs Read opens it and sees a 16 is Jack White," he says. "My mother asks me to 15 18 you this cake and the cakes. Mrs Read gives her two. In 17 standing there. "My name 19 eggs." "Well, thank you, Jack," says Mrs Read. "Come in and meet my son Bob." Look! Bob and Jack are having the cake and milk. Later, they "I'm glad you live next door." Bob says, "I must thank your mother Bob, "She doesn't want the two eggs coming for eggs." Jack laughs and tells 24 !” So if you're willing(乐意的)to make friends, you can always B.free 21 22 she wants to make friends with your mother." Bob says, "That's a way to make friends. It's an easy way, too. It can 11.A.ready 20 football. Now they are friends! Jack says, C.well 25 some ways! D.happy 23 12.A.friends B.kites C.friend D.cards 13.A.call B.cry C.shout D.knock 14.A.lend B.borrow C.give D.buy 15.A.cook B.bring C.order D.make 16.A.to B.up C.at D.over 17.A.girl B.man C.boy D.woman 18.A.send B.take C.put D.carry 19.A.two B.three C.four D.five 20.A.play a B.play C.play with D.playing 21.A.to B.with C.for D.in 22.A.but B.and C.so D.or 23.A.popular B.poor C.funny D.cheap 24.A.change B.work C.practice D.try 25.A.find B.know C.learn D.see 三、完型填空 03 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整。 The teachers are worried that young children are becoming “addicted( 沉 溺 )” to smart-phones. They can’t make easy things 26 hands as they use mobile phones. They can’t make toys themselves or help 27 dinner with mum. “Many children can play with smart-phones children but 29 28 they can’t make things. Many children can’t talk with other parents are proud of( 以……自豪)them because they are good at using a 30 ,”said Colin Kinney, a teacher. Many children spend too much time to stay with others, it can become It is important to know learn to make 34 33 31 at home and quietly play on a smart-phone. If children do not learn 32 for them to learn how to make friends when they get together. to use smart-phones in today’s world, but it is still very important for children to with others. If they do, they can live 35 when they grow up. Teachers should help their students know how to live happily. 26.A.with B.before C.after D.under 27.A.take B.eat C.cook D.try 28.A.and B.but C.or D.so 29.A.they B.their C.them D.theirs 30.A.phone B.book C.pen D.radio 31.A.playing B.staying C.working D.studying 32.A.easy B.happy C.difficult D.small 33.A.what B.when C.where D.how 34.A.boys B.girls C.teacher

docx文档 专练02:完形填空-2021-2022学年七年级英语上学期期末考点大串讲(牛津译林版)

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