班级 姓名 学号 分数 Unit 2 School Life 副词的比较级和最高级 (时间:60 分钟,满分:100 分) 一、单项选择(本大题共 50 小题,每小题 1 分,共 50 分) 1.—China has become the second ________ economy country in the world. —Yes. It has developed ________ these days than before. A.larger; more quickly B.largest; more quickly C.larger; most quickly D.largest; most quickly 2.The ________ we study, the ________ we know. A.more; much B.much; more C.much; much D.more; more 3.With Sam’s help, Jack does his homework ________ than before. A.much more careful B.more careful C.much more carefully D.much carefully 4.I’m sorry I’m late. I should get here 10 minutes ___________. A.early B.earlier C.the earlier D.the earliest 5.I jumped ___________ than Bill in the sports meet last year. A.high B.higher C.highest D.the highest 6.The ________ we trained, the better chance we will have to win in the final. A.more careful B.more harder C.more carefully D.more hardly 7.A good person usually talk ________ and do ________. A.fewer, more B.less; more C.more: fewer D.more; less 8.— Staying up late is bad for your health, young man. — OK, doctor. I will go to bed ________. A.earlier B.later C.earliest D.latest 9.— Eric is good at English. He can tell stories in English. — Great. It seems that no one speaks English ________ him in his class. A.better than B.worse than C.as good as D.as badly as 10.I did badly in the exam but he did even _________. Both of us should study harder. A.better B.worse 11.—What do you think of his teaching? C.best D.worst —No one teaches ________ than him. A.good B.well C.better D.the best 12.—Ma Ling’s Chinese isn’t so ________ as Wang Ming’s. —I know them very much. But now Ma Ling studies ________ than Wang Ming does. A.good; harder B.good; hard C.better; harder D.better; better 13.We are so glad to see Meizhou is developing ________ these years than it did before. A.more quickly B.the more quickly C.most quickly D.the most quickly C.well D.best C.hardest D.the hardest C.more loudly D.more quietly C.early, earlier D.earlier, early 14.—How do you like Nelly's painting? —She does ________ than any other I know. A.good B.better 15.—Does Tara work as hard as Tina? —No, she doesn't. Tara works ______ than Tina. A.hard B.harder 16.—Who runs ___________, Gina or Tina? —I think Gina is as good at running as Tina. A.faster B.higher 17.— Does Jim get up as ________ as Tom? — No. He gets up ________ than Tom. A.early, early B.earlier, earlier 18.To save the earth, we'd better use _______ plastic bags and drive cars _______ . A.fewer; less B.less; less C.more; more 19. ________ you do your homework,________ mistakes you will make. A.The more carefully;the fewer B.The more carefully;the less C.The more careful;the fewer D.The more careful;the less 20.________ you work, ________ your English will be. A.The more ; better B.The harder; the better C.Harder; better D.The hardest; the best 21.Today information begins to travel much ________ and much ________. A.faster; farther B.fast; far C.fastest; farthest D.more faster; farther 22.I go to bed and get up ________ than before. It’s a good habit to keep healthy. A.early B.earlier C.late D.later 23.No one speaks French ________ him. So he can be a TV host of a French programme. A.as beautiful as B.as badly as C.worse than D.better than 24.I usually do my homework _____than Mary. But she makes fewer mistakes because she is_____. A.more quickly; more careful B.more quickly; more carefully C.much quicker; more careful D.much quicker; more carefully 25.—Who is the best student in your class, Helen? — Linda. She always listens to the teachers __________ of us all. A.more careful B.more carefully C.the most careful D.the most carefully 26.— Which moves ________, a turtle, a snail or a sloth? — Well, it’s hard to say. A.slowlier B.more slowly C.slowliest D.most slowly 27.She did ________ of all the students. A.wonderfully B.the more wonderfully C.the most wonderfully 28.Xiao Dan sings ________ in our school. She won the first prize in the singing competition yesterday. A.beautiful B.the most beautiful C.more beautifully D.the most beautifully 29.—What’s your favorite vegetable? —________ all the vegetables, I like tomatoes ________. A.For; better B.Of; better C.For; best D.Of; best 30.Jason is excellent in sports. He runs ________ in our class. A.fast B.faster C.the fastest D.more faster 31.She listens to the teacher ___

doc文档 Unit 2 重点语法:grammar副词的比较级和最高级-2022-2023学年八年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津译林版)

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