七年级下册英语 Unit 11 Section B 同步训练 I.根据句意和首字母提示补全单词 1. I bought q a lot of interesting things in that shop. 2. There are lots of trees and f 3.E in the garden. is ready. Let’s begin our meeting. 4. The g told us some things about travelling(旅游). 5. My parents bought me some beautiful g on my birthday. Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 6.We saw a nice (paint) in Carol’s house. 7.Anna is my best friend and she is 8.I (love). (buy)a cute dog yesterday. 9.Tina sent some 10.Today is an (gift)to her friends. (excite)day. Ⅲ.单项选择 ( )11.The food in that restaurant is A.high ( B.good C.expensive .We don't want to eat there. D.clean )12.Sorry,the shop is too noisy.I can't you.Can I call you back later? A.hear ( C.listen to D.listened to )13.Our teacher taught us how A.make ( B.heard B.makes )14.-What is his job? C.making a model robot. D.to make -He is a(n) A.actor ( .He helps people visit the Great Wall. B.waiter C.guide D.reporter )15.If you want to see the old things,you can go to a A.park B.fire station C.zoo D.museum IV.句型转换。 16.Did Peter go to the park yesterday? (作肯定回答) Yes, . 17.Amy went to the movies last night.(改为否定句) Amy to the movies last night. 18.He found some meat in the fridge. (改为一般疑问句) he meat in the fridge? 19.John’s weekend was great.(对画线部分提问) John's weekend? 20.Tom cooked dinner yesterday.(对画线部分提问) Tom yesterday? V.根据汉语意思完成句子 21.玛丽对体育节目不感兴趣。 Mary sports shows. 22.总的来说,杰克是个好学生。 ,Jack is a good student 23.这次旅行一点儿意思都没有。 The trip interesting . . 24.沿路我们看见了很多山。 We saw lots of mountains . 25.上个月他们去旅行了吗? Did they last month? VI.完形填空 Last Sunday was fine.Mike 26 stay at home.He was on a 27 to the zoo. A woman with a baby got on the bus.Mike stood up and 28 to her. "Come and sit here,please."He helped the woman 29 ."Thanks 30 good boy," the woman said."You're welcome,said Mike. The bus went on.Thirty minutes later,it 31 at the zoo.Mike got off the bus and said 32 to the woman.The woman smiled at him in a friendly way. Mike went into the zoo. 33 of the people there were students.He 34 a lot of animals,and he also took many photos.He spent a happy weekend 35 he helped others and had a good time in the zoo. ( )26.A.wasn't B.isn't ( )27.A.way ( )28.A.spoke B.said ( )29.A.go for B.get on ( )30.A.a little B.a lot ( )31.A.stop B.stops ( )32.A.hello B.goodbye B.zoo C.doesn't C.bus D.didn't D.bike C.told D.talked C.sit down C.a bit C.stopped C.yes D.lie down D.a lot of D.stoped D.good morning ( )33.A.Most B.Each ( )34.A.met B.looked ( )35.A.and B.but C.Every C.saw C.when D.All D.read D.because VII.任务型阅读 Last Monday,our teacher told us we would go on a school trip to the zoo.We were really happy,because it was our first school trip this term. We bought a lot of food in the supermarket.The next day we met at the school gate at half past seven.It was sunny that day.We went to the zoo with our teacher on the school bus.We laughed and sang on the bus.How happy we were! After we arrived at the zoo,we saw many kinds of animals. There were monkeys, crocodiles( 鳄 鱼 ) pandas , tigers , lions , bears , elephants and so on.We took lots of photos there.I liked the pandas best.They were very lovely.I didn’t like the crocodiles.They were lovely.I didn't like the crocodiles.They were too scary.At noon,we had a rest under a tree,and we ate our food there. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon,we came back.How nice the trip was! Though we were tired,we were very happy. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 36.Where did they meet? . 37.When did they meet? , . 38.How was the weather? . 39.What animal did the writer like best? . 40.Did they have a good time? . 参考答案 I.1. quite 2. flowers 3. Everything 4. guide 5. gifts II.6.painting 7.lovely 8.bought 9.gifts 10.exciting Ⅲ.11~15 CADCD IV.16.he did 17.didn't go 18.Did;find any 19.How was 20.What did;do V.21.isn't interested in 22.All in all 23.wasn't;at all 24.along the way 25.go for/on a trip VI.26-30 DCBCB 31-35 CBACD VII.36.They met at the school gate. 37.At half past seven last Tuesday. 38.It was sunny. 39.The pandas. 40.Yes,they did.

doc文档 Unit11 Section B 巩固练习2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册

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