八年级下册基础题练习 1.Did you know that the earth is home to________ animals? A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 2.It is said the big fish is about________. A. four metres long B. four metre long C.four-metre long D. four-metres long 3.He always ________ his friends about everything. In fact ,he has no thoughts of his own. A. agrees with B. plays with C. deals with D. talks with 4.New Zealand has two islands, one is North Island and __________is South Island. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others 5.The little elephant is afraid to go alone. He always walks __________his mother. A. beside B. besides C. below D. under 6. We have two rooms__________ but we can’t decide__________. A.to live; choose which one B. lived; choose which one C.to live in; which one to choose D. live; which one 7.That girl is very brave, she isn’t__________ spiders. A. angry with B. strict with C. afraid of D. worried about 8.Please call me as soon as you__________ Beijing . A. reach to B. get C. arrive at D. arrive in 9.My brother__________ Australia. He__________ back in two months. A. has gone to ; will be B. has gone to ;comes C. has been to :will be D. has been to ;comes 10.My mother__________ while my father__________ newspaper. A. cooks; was reading B. was cooking; will read C. has cooked; read D. was cooking; was reading 11.Our head teacher__________ a speech in the city hall now. A.is giving B. gave C. gives D. has given 12.He has never been to Urumqi, __________ ? A. has he B. hasn’t he C.is he D. isn’t he 13.I can’t find my watch, but it must be __________in this room. A. everywhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. somewhere 14.Don’t eat__________ meat, you’re__________ heavy. A. too many; much too B. too much; much too C. too many; many too D. too much; too much 15.Her grade is the best__________ the three students. A .between B.at C. among D. on 16.Will you please show me__________ it to talk to others? A. how can I use B. what to use C. how to use D. why to use 17.They were playing computer games __________their teacher came in. A. after B. when C. until D. till 18.I’ll let you know__________ Mary comes back. A. till B. until C.as soon as D. while 19.Please turn off the lights__________ you leave the classroom. A. after B. before C. until D. till 20.Many students didn’t realise the importance of study__________ they left school. A. when B. until C. while D. after 21.Don’t cross the road__________ the traffic lights are green. A. while B. when C. until D. after 22.The tall girl wearing glasses is from America,___? A. has she B. isn’t she C. hasn’t she D. does she 23.My uncle bought me a book for my__________ birthday . A. twelve B. twelfh C. the twelve D. the twelfth 24.There are many new words, I’ll__________ in the dictionary . A. look them up B. look up them C.look them after 25.I don’t think there is__________ in the talk. A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. nothing new 26.We will have a week__________ next month. We’re going to take a vacation. A. of B. for C. off D. far 27.-Didn’t you see him yesterday ? - __________He was in the library then. A. No ,I did B. Yes, I did C. No,I didn’t D. Yes,I didn’t 28.This novel is__________ fact. A. find on B .found on C. founded D. founded on 29.You can’t feed a hen in the morning and expect it__________ in the afternoon. A. lie B. lay C lain D. laid 30.It was a difficult time for Ya’an, but they didn’t __________ hope. A. give up B. give off C. give in D. give out 31.Even though he was in terrible pain, Jack never lost the__________ to live. A. degree B. victory C. will D. wound 32.My bag is behind the door, This bag must be__________ . A. someone else B. someone else’s C. else someone’s 33.I made painting the house__________ for the summer. A. to be my project B.my project C. being my project D.is my project 34.The school required teachers __________students to wear uniforms in school. A.as well as B.as well C. but also D. both 35.The brave king fought for his country and__________ his people. A. died of B. died for C. died from D. died away 36.He always goes abroad on__________ own. A. the B. his C. one's D./ 37. __________ David__________ Daniel are great policemen. A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Both; and D. Not only; but also 38.I suppose every foreigner would manage__________ the Great Wall. A.to see B. see C. seeing D .see 39.Read it aloud__________ your classmates can hear what you say A.so that B .if C. when D. although 40. __________the heavy rain,

doc文档 2021-2022学年外研版八年级下册基础题练习(单选)

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