2022 年八年级下英语期末复习(二) 一、单选题(本大题共 100 小题,共 100.0 分) 1. —Which country has _______ population, Japan, India or China?—Japan, of course. A. small 2. B. smaller C. smallest If you have any questions, please ________ me. A. feel free ask B. feel free asks C. feel free to asking 3. B. on B. however C. even though B. How long there are difficulties in front of us. D. unless Tony is only shorter than Jim.He is C. How far D. How high in his class. A. two tallest B. the two tallest C. the second tallest 7. D. with — ________is the Qomolangma?— It's 8,844.43 meters. It's very hard to climb the mountain. A. How deep 6. C. at —What does Yu Gong Moves a Mountain tell us?—It tells us we should never give up A. but 5. D. feel free to ask Henryˈs new house is about 300 square meters ________ size. A. in 4. D. the smallest D. second tallest —Which do young people prefer,music or sports? —Both.Music is ________ sports.(  ) A. as popular as B. not as popular as C. more popular than D. less popular than 8. Donˈt be sad anymore. After all, she is only a ________ child. A. three years old 9. B. three-year-old C. three-years-old D. three-years-olds ________ heˈll be away for three months. A. As far as I know B. As long as I know C. As wide as I know 10. —Is your father or asleep? —He is asleep. But we must A. awake; wake B. awake; awake 11. You may feel difficult to A. take away 12. D. As high as I know him up, or heˈll miss the meeting. C. wake; wake D. wake; awake enough air in Tibet. B. take on C. take in birth, Jimmy weighed 3 kilos and was 48 cm long. A. To B. At C. Of D. In C. much times D. more time 13. Tonyˈs toys are ________ more than Susanˈs. A. many time B. many times 14. My parents often ask me ________ too much time ________ computer games. A. not to spend; playing B. not to spend; to play C. to not spend; play 15. —The number of the customers in the mall grows A. less and less B. more and more C. larger and larger 16. Oh, this box is D. to not spend; playing —The good service here brings the customers back year after year. D. smaller and smaller heavier than that one. I canˈt move it. A. less B. more C. much D. only 17. —Some of the animals ________ the pollution(污染). —Right. The government will find ways to solve the problem. A. die to B. die back C. die of D. die from 18. This English problem is ____ that one. A. so easy as B. as difficult as C. much difficult than D. less easier than 19. _____ girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition, but only few of them succeeded. A. Million of B. Many million of C. One million of D. Millions of 20. China is almost as __________ as the US, and it is the __________ country in Asia. A. big; bigger B. big; biggest 21. —The temperature in the small town only reaches A. get in B. up to C. get to D. go up C. bigger; biggest D. biggest; biggest 26℃ in summer.—Yes, so many people want to go there every summer. 22. —Be careful! Donˈt the old people or the little kids.—OK. Donˈt worry. A. fall over B. fall asleep C. get into D. walk into 23. -Chinese mountain climbers got to the top of Qomolangma again in 2020! -How exciting!Qomolangma is one of__places for serious mountain climbers. A. popular 24. — B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular the population of China?—Itˈs about 1.4 billion. A. Whatˈs B. How many is 25. —The airport is C. How much is D. Howˈs of people. Do you know why?—Because they are waiting for the doctors and nurses. A. filled B. empty C. full D. wide 26. The storybook is really interesting and I canˈt ________.21-25BADAC A. put it up B. put it down C. put down it D. put up it C. else someone D. else anyone 27. He runs faster than _______ in his class. A. someone else B. anyone else 28. Bob is a creative boy. He had a great A. succeed in yesterdayˈs speech competition. B. success C. successful 29. ________ Kobeˈs fans watched his final match and ________ of them were men. A. Million of; three-fourths B. Three millions; third-four C. Millions of; three-fourths D. Three million; third-fours 30. Ever since then, we ________ good friends. A. be B. are C. were D. have been 31. In our school library there ______ a number of books on science and the number of them ______ growing larger and larger. A. is; are B. are; is C. has; is D. have; are 32. My parents _______ in Beijing since 1995. A. are living B. have lived C. lived D. will live 33. The new

doc文档 期末单词词组(选择题) 2021-2022学年人教版八年级下学期英语

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期末单词词组(选择题) 2021-2022学年人教版八年级下学期英语 第 1 页 期末单词词组(选择题) 2021-2022学年人教版八年级下学期英语 第 2 页 期末单词词组(选择题) 2021-2022学年人教版八年级下学期英语 第 3 页 期末单词词组(选择题) 2021-2022学年人教版八年级下学期英语 第 4 页 期末单词词组(选择题) 2021-2022学年人教版八年级下学期英语 第 5 页
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