Unit1 SectionB 能力提升 一、根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词 1. 莉萨有一份很有趣的工作, 她喜欢她的工作。 Lisa an job and she likes her job. 2. 你能帮我把这则消息刊登在报纸上吗? Can you help me the news the newspaper? 3. 最后, 粉丝们并没有见到他们的偶像。 , the fans didn't see their idol. 4. 你知道莉莉长什么样吗? Do you know Lily ? 5. 请再描述一下你的书包。 Please again. 二、按要求完成句子, 每空一词 1. My sister is short and thin. (对画线部分提问) your sister ? 2. She has long black hair. (改为一般疑问句) long black hair? 3. My idea is not the same as yours. (改为同义句) My idea is yours. 4In the end, they climbed up to the top of the mountain. (改为同义句) , they climbed up to the top of the mountain. 5. Do you know? What does our new English teacher look like? (合并为一句) Do you know our new English teacher ? 三、补全对话 根据对话内容, 用方框中所给的句子补全对话。选 项中有一项是多余的。 A: Hello, Eric speaking. B: Hi, Eric. It's Alice. 1 1/5 A: Not bad. Thanks. B: 2 A: Sorry, I don't know her. B: She is in Class Two. And she often wears a white T-shirt and a red skirt. A: 3 B: She is tall with a round face and wears glasses. A: 4 B: Yes, her hair is long and curly. And she likes playing basketball very much. A: I see. 5 I'll help you then. B: Thanks a lot. A. I know who she is. B. What does she look like? C. Does she have long curly hair? D. Could you help me take a message for Betty? E. How is it going? F. Yeah, I'd love to. 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 四、单项选择 1. —Is your brother tall or short? — . A. Yes,he is B. No,he isn't C. He is tall D. He is friendly 2. —Do many of your friends like playing football? —I don't think so. Only A. few of them like it. B. a few C. little D. a little 3. —Peter is in hospital. —Yes,I know. And I A. visits 4. Rick is quite A. long him tomorrow. B. visiting C. to visit D. am going to visit . He eats a lot and he never exercises. B. heavy C. curly 5. —What does your sister look like? 2/5 D. blonde —My sister medium height. She A. is of; has B. is; is big eyes. C. of; has 3/5 答案解析 一 、 1. has; interesting 2. put; in 3. In the end 4. what; looks like; 5. describe your schoolbag 二、1. What does; look like 2. Does she have 3. different from4. At last 5. what; looks like 三、1. E 根据答语“Not bad. ”可知, 所缺的句子是 E。 2. D 根据答语“对不起, 我不认识她”可知, 所缺的句子是 D, 该句的含义是“你能帮我 给贝蒂捎个口信吗”。 3. B 根据答语中对她的外貌的描述可知, 所缺的句子是 B。 4. C 根据答语“是的, 她的头发很长, 是卷的”可推断, 所缺的句子是 C, 该句的含义是 “她留长卷发吗”。 5. A 根据上下文的描述可知, 所缺的句子是 A, 该句的含义是“我知道她是谁了”。 四、1.C 本题考查选择疑问句的答语。问句的含义是“你哥哥个子高还是矮”,选择 疑问句不能用 yes 或 no 回答,先排除 A 和 B;再根据句意可知答案为 C。 2.B 本题考查 few,a few,little,a little 的区别。句意:——你的许多朋友都喜欢 踢足球吗?——我不这么认为,他们中只有几个人喜欢。此处表示“几个;少量; 一些”要用 a few,故答案为 B。 3.D 本题考查一般将来时。根据 tomorrow 可知,我打算明天去看望他,be going to do sth.意为“打算做某事”,故答案为 D。 4.B 本题考查形容词的词义理解。根据题干中的“他吃得很多,从来不锻炼身体”可 推断,Rick 很胖,故所缺的词是 heavy。 5.A be of medium height 是固定搭配,意为“中等身材”;表示“长着大眼睛”要用 have big eyes,和 She 搭配的词是 has。 4/5 5/5

doc文档 Unit1 SectionB能力提升2022-2023学年鲁教版英语七年级上册

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Unit1 SectionB能力提升2022-2023学年鲁教版英语七年级上册 第 1 页 Unit1 SectionB能力提升2022-2023学年鲁教版英语七年级上册 第 2 页 Unit1 SectionB能力提升2022-2023学年鲁教版英语七年级上册 第 3 页 Unit1 SectionB能力提升2022-2023学年鲁教版英语七年级上册 第 4 页 Unit1 SectionB能力提升2022-2023学年鲁教版英语七年级上册 第 5 页
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