2022-2023 学年仁爱版英语九年级上册 Unit 1 Topic 1-3 基础测试 (有答案) Topic 1 I.词汇。 (A)根据汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. I need a _____ (绳子) to tie the newspaper. 2. The boss of the supermarket is a _____ (亲戚) of mine. 3. Steve _____ (躲避) himself behind a door. 4. Judy has _____ (已经) left for Nanjing. 5. -What do you often do in your _____ (空闲的) time? -I often listen to music. (B)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 African, rapid, shut, report, radio 6. Few young people like listening to the _____ nowadays. 7. I have _____ all the windows. It's going to rain. 8. Soma is from Nigeria, a country in _____. 9. Jenny is writing a _____ on health and sleep. 10. Many cities are developing _____ now. II.单项选择。 ( )1. -Have your parents _____ abroad? -Yes, they visited London last year. A. gone B. gone to C. been D. been to ( )2. -Has your sister cleaned the room? -_____ It's still dirty. A. No, she doesn't. B. No, she isn't. C. No, she hasn't. D. No, she didn't. ( )3. Many young men dream _____ running their own business. A. from B. for C. at D. about ( )4. -Is Miss Gao in? -No, she _____ to the station to meet Mr. Brown. A. goes B. went C. is going D. has gone ( )5. Talking is the fastest way of _____ between people. A. communication B. celebration C. congratulation D. suggestion ( )6. My parents are really happy because my exam results _____ them. A. worry B. regret C. harm D. satisfy ( )7. Nowadays, more and more people _____ each other by cellphones or on the Internet. A. get on with B. keep up with C. come up with D. keep in touch with ( )8. In recent years, great changes _____ in the city of Hefei. A. took place B. have taken place C. happened D. have happened ( )9 _____ Mr. Li is not rich, he still tries his best to help others. A. Because B. If C. Though D. When ( )10. -This summer I went to Hainan for vacation. I swam in the sea, sunbathed on the beach and enjoyed delicious food. -______ A. Have a good trip! B. Have a good time! C. What a wonderful experience! D. That's all right! III.情景交际。 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。 A: Hello, Steve. 1 B: Hello, Ben. I've been to Xiamen for vacation. A: How was your trip? В: Wonderful! _ 2 It's really a clean and tidy city. You can see grass, trees and flowers everywhere. A: 3 B: Of course. I walked along the beach (海滩) ,visited the old villages and did some shopping. A: 4 B: Yes, I have. Seafood is my favorite. A: Sounds great! I know Xiamen from books. 5 I hope I have a chance to visit the beautiful city. B: I'm sure your dream will come true some day. A. Have you done interesting activities? B. But I haven't been there. C. Have you enjoyed delicious seafood in Xiamen? D. Where have you been these days? E. I like the environment there best. 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ IV.按要求完成下列句子。 1. It makes us happy to help others. (同义句转换) _____ _____ _____ _____ us happy. 2. Mary has visited many places of interest. ( 改为一般疑问句) _____ Mary _____ many places of interest? 3. The bell is ringing. (同义句转换) _____ _____ the bell. 4. 周杰伦已经成功地举办了演唱会。(完成译句) Jay Zhou has _____ _____ _____ a concert . 5. 露易丝在数学上已经取得了很大的进步。(完成译句 ) Louis has _____ _____ _____ in math. 参考答案 I. (A) 1. rope 2. relative 3. hides/hid 4. already 5. spare (B) 6. radio 7. shut 8. Africa 9. report 10. rapidly II. 1. C have been abroad 去过国外,abroad 为副词,前面不加 to。 2. C 3. D dream about of...意为“梦想... ” 4. D “去了某地,尚未回”用 have/has gone to 结构。 5. A 交谈是最快捷的交流方式。 6. D 我父母非常高兴,因为我的考试结果令他们满意。 7. D keep in touch with 意为“与....保持联系”。 8. B 9. C though 引导让步状语从句。句意为“虽然李先生并不富有,但他依然尽力帮助他人。” 10. C III. 1.D 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.B IV. 1. To help others makes 2. Has; visited 3. There goes 4. succeeded in holding/ giving/ having 5. made great/rapid progress Topic 2 I.词汇。 (A)根据汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. Team sports can improve children's _____ (社交的) skills. 2. -Is there a _____ (电影院) nearby? -Of course. 3. Let's ask the _____ (当地的)people for help. 4. Charlie Chaplin was a little man with the walking stick and a pair of _____ ( 巨 大 的 ) black shoes. 5. Every morning, all kinds of the fresh vegetables and meat are for sale at the _____ ( 集 市). (B)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 bad, probable, measure, reach, offer 6. -How is the meeting? -Great. They have succeeded in _____ an agreement on the price in the meeting. 7. People should take _____ to stop the pollution. 8. The school has _____ children free books and some other things. 9. This song is _____ the most popular one in Jay Zhou' s songs. 10. The patient even felt _____ after he took the medicine. II.单项选择。 ( )1. -Judy liked playing football when she was young. -_____ A. So her br

doc文档 Unit 1 Topic 1-3基础测试2022-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级上册

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