Unit5-8 任务阅读专项练习 10 篇 第一篇 Electricity is an important part in our life. We can't see or touch it, but it is all around us.  1.   But some people don't know that everyone should save electricity. When it is not completely dark, many street lamps (路灯) light up early in some streets of places.  2.   Some people are sleeping with the lights on. They are all wrong. Here I make some suggestions about stopping these things. *  3.   We light them from 7:00 p.m.—5:30 a.m. in summer, and from 5:30 p.m.—6:00 a.m. in winter. * If some small areas are very dark, just turn on a few lights. *The distance (距离) between street lamps can be 50—60 meters.  4.   *If there are some activities, we can make the lights bright; if there is no activity, lights needn't be too bright. * Ask people to save electricity through TV shows, newspapers, and so on. Electricity is a valuable resource (资源). It helps us live well and conveniently.  5.   A. Our life will be terrible without electricity. B. It can save electricity and money. C. Turn on the street lamps on time. D. Some people don't turn off the lights when they leave the room. E. We should take action to save it at once! 第二篇 We should not use more water than we actually need. If we do, we will not have enough water in the future.  1.   It is not a difficult question to answer. If we remove more fresh water than nature replaces, we have taken too much. Many cities run campaigns(运动) to get people to stop wasting water. They show them ways they can cut back on water use.  2.   What's more, they carry out programs that offer money to reduce water use. For example, they give people shower heads and toilets that use less water.  3.   Another threat (威胁) to our water supply is pollution. When our sources of fresh water get polluted, we can no longer use this water. This also endangers(危及) the animals that depend on the water. 1/8  4.   We can save lots of water by not letting taps(水龙头) run while we brush our teeth or by turning off taps right after washing hands. By collecting cold water when we're taking warm showers, we can also save water.  5.   In this way, we can make full use of water. A. However, just how much is too much? B. There are several things we can do to save water. C. Finally, they make laws to control the use of water. D. We don't have to let the cold water run until it gets warm. E. They also increase water bills for people who use too much. 第三篇 Although the world is hungry, it is even thirstier. While nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered with water, we are short of drinking water.  1.   How can we avoid a serious water shortage?  2.  Then, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them. Lastly, we should discover ways to reuse water.  3.  But people's need for water is increasing day by day. We still don't have enough water. What else can we do?  4.  There is plenty of water in the sea. But we need to take the salt away from the sea water.  5.  If scientists can find cheaper ways to do it, we can solve the problem of the shortage of water. A. First, we should save water and not waste it. B. This is very expensive. C. Scientists have got some achievements in this field. D. The sea seems to have the best answer. E. This is because about 97% of the water on the earth is sea water. 第四篇 Do you know what makes lightning (闪电)?  1.   Lightning strikes happen when ice and water in clouds rub (摩擦) together, and cause atmospheric (大 气层的) changes. When this happens, it creates a static charge (静电). Lightning can strike inside the cloud, between two clouds or between a cloud and the earth.  2. 2/8   Lightning can be very dangerous. Every year, lightning kills people because it can start big fires or because it reaches a temperature of 28,000℃. About 1,000 people are hit by lightning every year in the United States, and about 100 of them die as a result.  3.  Scientists think that there are more than three million lightning strikes every day in the world. An American man, Roy Sullivan, who worked in a park, survived from the most lightning strikes.  4.  And he keeps the highest world record. Lightning is sure not something to play with. When lightning strikes, it's best to stay inside a large building.  5.  Also, do not lie down on the ground, or the electricity may go through you and cause a heart problem. A. It's the last kind of strike that is the most dangerous for humans. B. Lightning makes people shocked, and it happens all over th

doc文档 Unit5-8任务阅读专项练习10篇-2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语七年级下册

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