2020-2021 学年 8B Unit8 单元综合测试卷(D) (时间:100 分钟 分值:100 分) 一、单项填空。(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) (   )1. - What should I do to live _________ green life? - I think you should go by _________ bike instead of driving your car. A. a; a B. the;/ C. a; / D./;/ (   )2. If the speed of the car isn't _________ on the highway, more accidents will happen. A. stopped B. prevented C. limited D. allowed (   )3. _________ safe, everyone _________ wear a seat belt in the car now. A. Keep; is told to B. To keep; is told toC. Keeping; tells to D. To keep; is told (   )4. - We must act now because time is _________ .- Yes. Let's start at once. A. coming out B. giving outC. cutting out D. running out (   )5. -May we leave the classroom now? -No, you ____ . You _________ to leave until the bell rings. A. can't; aren't allowed B. mustn't; are allowedC. needn't; are allowed D. needn't; aren't allowed (   )6. -Would you like _________ Mount Lingyan tomorrow?-If my mother _________ , I'll go with you. A. climbing; will allow B. climbing; allowsC. to climb; allows D. to climb; will allow (   )7. The visitors are very _________ to see so many changes _________ . A. surprised; are taken place B. surprising; take place C. surprised; have taken place D. surprising; are taken place (   )8. -In fact, everyone can do something to _________ to our environment. -Yes. I don't think we should throw away the waste _________ . A. make difference; carefully B. make differences; careful C. make a difference; carelessly D. make a few differences; careless (   )9. The new book _________ by the famous writer _________ very well. A. was written; is sold B. written; sellsC. written; is sold D. was written; sells (   )10. -Look at the sign on the wall. Don't forget to keep silent when you are in the reading room. - _________ . A. Sorry, I won't do that again B. Yes, I willC. I can if I hope D. It's hard for me to do that 二、完形填空。(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) An elderly woman, who has chosen a life of backpacking(背包旅行), has won millions of fans on the Internet. Ms Qi, the 73 – year-old woman, used to be a teacher. Years ago, she 1 to travel instead of taking care of her grandchildren at home. A short online video has brought a 2 online discussion about the traditional idea: 3 Chinese old people live with their children and spend the rest of their lives taking care of their grandchildren? "Why do elderly Chinese people have to do the housework? Do they have to look after their children and grandchildren? " Ms Qi asks in the video. "We should have our own 4 . "She says that she has been 5 all her life, visiting the countries in Europe, North America and Asia. She started her latest trip to Quanzhou in China's south - east Fujian Province. She saves money by travelling with students and sharing journey 6 . She says that meeting young people is one of the most important things about her travels. "I like talking 7 them, and they have lots of fresh things to say, "she says. Her mother is still alive, and Ms Qi says she calls the 92 - year - old lady to let her know 8 she is and often posts pictures on the Internet for her children and grandchildren. "I have a public account, "she says. "And I've had it for about five months. I write everything: my memories and my feelings – a 9 for my children and grandchildren. " On the video website, people have watched the three - minute video about Ms Qi more than 11 million times. Many people think she lives 10 and independently(独立地). "Her age is not a problem, " one says. (   )1. A. hated B. chose C. had D. continued (   )2. A. high B. low C. cold D. hot (   )3. A. Should B. Can C. May D. Need (   )4. A. houses B. lives C. fans D. videos (   )5. A. teaching B. working C. travelling D. dreaming (   )6. A. costs B. darkness C. events D. details (   )7. A. about B. without C. against D. with (   )8. A. what B. who C. how D. why (   )9. A. diary B. guide C. prize D. report (   )10. A. patiently B. wildly C. freely D. carelessly 三、阅读理解。(共 12 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 24 分) A Thanks for your calling. As all our office workers are busy at the moment, we advise you to use our online service to book your tickets. Follow the steps below: Turn on your computer and go to the Internet. Key in "Sunshine Travel Company". When the website opens, please type in the country and city you want to go. Then type in the airport you want to fly from (or if you don't mind, you can type in "Any"). You will also fill in when you want to go, and how many people you want tickets for

doc文档 Unit8 单元综合测试卷(D)江苏省苏州市2020-2021学年牛津译林版八年级下册英语

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