Book 2 Unit5 知识点及检测 1. I like to listen to it when l exercise, it gives me energy. energy n.能源;能量:精力 我喜欢在运动的时候听音乐,它使我有活力。 (1) Do one thing, with all your focus and energy, and do it right. 做一件事,尽你所有的精力集中去做,并以正确的方:式来做。 Teenagers seem to have endless energy. 青少年似乎有无穷的精力。 [点拨归纳] ①be full of energy 精力充沛 have the energy to do sth. 有精力做某事 apply/devote one's energy to ... 把某人的精力花在……上 (2)energetic adj. 精力充沛的;精神饱满的; 积极的 [应用融会] (1)单句语法填空 ②He works so hard that he doesn't have the energy ________(exercise). ③He is already in his seventies, but he is always_______(energy). (2)完成句子 ④You are always _____________. Can you tell me the secret? 你总是精力充沛。你能告诉我奥秘吗? ⑤This was a time when people must _____________________. 这是一个人们必须把全部精力投人工作的时代。 2.people to set up equipment 安装设备的人员 set sth.up 安装好(设备或机器) [思考感知] She set up an educational fund in memory of her mother. 她为了纪念母亲而设立了一个教育基金会。 [点拨归纳] set up 创建;建立 set down 规定;记下 set off 出发;使爆炸 set about 开始;着手 set aside 留出;把……放到一旁 set out 动身;出发 [应用融会] (单句语法填空) ②I set ________ my computer so that I could work at home. ③ When was this company set __________________? ④ He asked me how he should set ____________ learning German. ⑤He tries to set at least half an hour every day for jogging. ⑥We will set __________ at six o'clock tomorrow morning. ★equipment n.设备;装备[思考感知] ⑦This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children. 这套设备已经挽救了许多新生儿的生命。 [点拨归纳] (1)equipment 为不可数名词,表示“一件设备”用 a piece of equipment。 (2)equip v. 装备;配备 be equipped with 配备着;具有 ⑧This is a useful piece of ____________(equip)for the kitchen. [应用融会] (单句语法填空) ⑨He is equipped __________ much experience in teaching so he is well respected by all his students. 3. Who can try out as a performer? 谁能试演一名演员? ★try out 参加……选拔(或试演) After the outbreak of COVID-19, he tried out for volunteers in Qingdao. 在新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,他在青岛参加了志愿者的选拔 [点拨归纳] try on 试穿;试戴 try for 谋求;争取;报名,申请 try to do sth. 尽力做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事 try one's best (to do sth.) 竭尽所能(做某事) have a try 试一试 [应用融会](用 try 的相关短语完成短文) The young man planned to ②________(参加...选拔)for the leading character in a film. He ③__________(努力做) some training to lose weight. But every time he ④____________(试穿) his new clothes, he felt disappointed. So he ⑤ __________ (试着吃些药)to lose weight. 4. So can I assume that the aim of the festival is to raise money? 所以我能认为这个节日的目的是筹集资金吗? ★assume vt.以为;假设 [思考感知] ①(2019 年江苏高考)We assume that a large brain makes huge advantages. 我们认为大脑袋会产生巨大的优势。 [点拨归纳] (1)assume sb./ be 假定/假设某人/某物为 It is assumed that ... 一般认为…… Assume that ... 假定…… (2)assumption n. 假定;假设 make an assumption 作出假设 on the assumption that 假定…… (3)assume/assuming (that)... 假设/假定……(常作独立成分) [应用融会](单句语法填空) ②___________(assume)that you are right, we'll make a great deal of money from the project. ③ We assumed him___________(be) the best writer of our time. ④It_________(assume) that this is the best possible translation. ⑤As far as I know, a great many people make the ___________ (assume) that he is right. 5. How else could you help in addition to what has already been mentioned? 除了已经提到的,你还能提供什么帮助? ★in addition(to sb./sth.) 除……以外(还) ①In addition to work, there are many meaningful things to do in life. 除了工作,生活中还有很多有意义的事情要做。 [易混辨析] in addition, in addition to in addition “另外”,相当于副词 in addition to “除……以外(还)”, 用作介词短语 [应用融会](选词填空:in addition/in addition to) ②She can speak French and German___________ English. 除了英语,她还会说法语和德语。 ③The products are of high quality.___________, the price is low. 这些产品质量很好。另外,价格低廉。 [联想发散] “除……之外”词语荟萃 ①besides/as well as 除……之外 (还有) ②except 除……之外 (不包括) ③except for 除……之外 (从某一细节方面纠正以前的概括性说法) ④apart/aside from 除……之外(相当于 except 和 besides) 6. Virtual choir members record themselves while they perform alone on video. 虚拟合唱团的成员们把各自的歌唱视频录制下来。 ★perform vi.&vt.表演;履行;执行 [思考感知] ①The unknown performer performed very well, and her performance was very popular with the audience.这个不知名的表演者表演得非常好,她的表演深受观 众的欢迎。 They are performing on stage.他们正在舞台上表演。 [点拨归纳] (1)perform a(n)... role in 在……中起……作用 perform an operation 进行手术 perform one's duty/promise 尽责任/履行承诺 (2)performance n. 表演;演奏;演技;表现 give performances/a performance (to ...) (给……)表演或演奏 put on performances/a performance 表演;演出 (3)performer n. 执行者;表演者;演员 [应用融会] (单句语法填空) ②On National Day, our class put________ a wonderful performance. ③It is said that he will give a_______ (perform) in our city next month. ④Each person of our country has to perform________(he) own duty. 7. The virtual choir was the idea of award-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre

doc文档 Unit5 讲义(知识点讲解+练习) 2021-2022学年人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册

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