2022 年初升高英语无忧衔接(通用版) 专题 08 并列句与状语从句 并列句 并列句是由两个或两个以上并列而又独立的简单句通过并列连词连在一起。 并列连词后的简单句被成为分句。 (1) 表递进关系的有 and :_____________________________________________________. , not only… but also…, neither…nor…, not…. but… He had plenty of money and he can spent it freely. (2) 表转折关系的有: but, ______________________ yet, whereas( 而 ) Jane said she was ill, yet I saw her in the street just now. (3) 表选择关系的有: or,___________________ otherwise, either…or… Don’t drive so fast or/otherwise you’ll have an accident. 状语从句 时间、地点、原因、 概念:在整个句子中作 ___________________ 目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步状语的从句 ________________________________________________________ __ 称为状语从句。 I sent her where she wanted to go. When the fire broke out, all the students were sleeping soundly. They finished the work ahead of the schedule because they asked someo ne else for help. 2. 九大类状语从句及连词: 状语从句分类: 时间状语从句 连词 As, when, whenever, no matter when, while, after , before, once, as soon as, directly/immediately /instantly, no sooner…than, hardly/scarcely…when, the instant/the moment/the second/the minute, every time/each time, the first time/the second time, (ever) since, till/until, 地点状语从句 目的状语从句 原因状语从句 结果状语从句 条件状语从句 where, wherever, everywhere, so that, in order that because, as, for, since/ now that, for fear that so that, so… that…, such… that…, so, if, if only 但愿 , only if 只有, in case/ lest, as long as, as far as, unless, once, on condition that, on the assumption that, supposing that, provided that 方式状语从 句 比较状语从 句 让步状语从 句 as, as if/ as though, the way Than, As…as…, not so…as…., the 比较级… , the 比较级 (more and more) although, though, as, even if/ even though, whether…or…, no matter what/how/where /when/who/=whatever/however/wherever/ whenever/whoever 二、时间状语从句 1. when, while 和 as 用法比较 1) when 的用法 / 瞬时 性动词 a .when 表 当…的时候延续 + _________ eg: When the fire broke out, all the students were sleeping soundly. When/ while all the students were sleeping soundly, the fire broke out. 这时 (表动作发生的突然性) b. when 表 ________ be doing… when be about to do ( 即将,正要 )… when be on the point of doing ( 正要做…之时 ) … when had (just) done ( 刚刚做完) … when/before eg: We were having a meeting when someone broke in. 表既然 c. when ________ eg.It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could e asily walk there in five minutes 2)while 的用法 当…的时候;趁…的时候 a. while 表 _______________________+ 延续性动词 eg. Father was preparing a report while I was playing basketball. I want my girls to experience the life in Spain while they are young. b. while 表 ________ ,引导让步状语从句,从句常放在主句前 尽管 eg. While I am willing to help, I don’t have much time. c. while 表而,然而 ________ (并列连词) -- 两者对比,或轻微转折 eg. He is tall while his twin brother is rather short. d.while 表只要 _________________ ( 同 as long as) ,引导条件状语从句 There will be life while there is water and air. 3 ) as 可表示从句和主句两个动作同时进行,可译为 _________ ____________________ “ 一边 ... 一边 …”或 “随着 …” As the day went on, the weather got warmer and warmer. 即学即练:用 when, while, as 填空: ①How can he get good grades _____ when he won’t study? ②I was wandering on the street _____ when I caught sight of a newspaper stand. ③ While _____I was on through the street, I caught sight of a newspaper stand. ④ _____ As he grew older, became more interested in gardening. ⑤There were some chairs left overwhen ____ everyone had sat down. ⑥____ While I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive. 2.before 和 since 的用法比较 1) before 的用法 a. before 表 ____________________________ 在…之前;还未…就… ; 还没来得及…就 ..; eg. We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired. b. It_______________________________________________________+bef ore… 在 …之前将多久;还要多久才 will be/won’t be/ would be/wouldn’t be/ was/ wasn’t+ 一段时间 eg.It won’t be long before we meet again. / It was long before we met again. 2)since 的用法 a.It is /has been + 一段时间 +since…_____ 动词翻译成 _______________ 瞬间 __________ 自从…到现在已多长时间 eg. It is two years since we met last time. 我们自从上次见面到现在两年了 延续性动词 。 自从不…到现在已多长时间 b. It is /has been + 一段时间 +since…____ 翻译 _________________________ • c. since 表自从…到现在 It is years since I enjoyed myself. 现在完成 •eg. 主句用 _____________ 时态 since 我多年没有玩的这么愉快了 从句用一般过去 ___________ 时态 • e.g. Where have you been since I last saw you? • d. since 表既然时引起原因状语从句,从句的时态看情况定 • e.g. Since he said so, it must true. 即学即练:用 before, since 填空: ①---How long do you think it will be ______ before China sends a manned spaces hip to the moon? ---Perhaps two or three years. ②---Take a cigarette, please. ---No, thanks. It is three years_____ since I smoked. ③---Look! Those guys

ppt文档 专题08 并列句与状语从句【课件】-2022年初升高英语无忧衔接(通用版)

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