Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 一.根据所给提示或首字母填空 1.That old man     (sleep) when someone entered his house yesterday. 2.I     (ride) to school when I met an old friend on the way. 3.They     (do) their homework from 8:00 to 9:00 last night. 4.While we     (have) dinner, the telephone rang. 5.We     (read) books while they     (watch) TV yesterday. 6.Where does the      (奇怪的) smell come from? 7.     (突然), my clock was broken. 8.If you set the      (闹钟) for midnight, it would wake the whole family. 9.The boy was sitting on a bus when a      (暴风雨) came. 10.I      (开始) to do the chores after a short rest. 11.It was sunny just now, but the next moment a r________ came. 12.When she got home yesterday, it was raining h________. 13.Jack was playing soccer when it b________ to rain. 14.S________, he heard someone shouting, “Help! Help!” 15.My mother bought me a new a________ so that I could get up on time. 16.Mrs. Smith________ (have) a party with her students at 9:00 yesterday morning. 17.They had no classes at that time. They ________(plant) trees. 18.Please be quiet. My sister________(study) with her classmates. 19.While Kate was watching TV in the living room, her parents________(read) newspapers. 20.When we________(talk) in the classroom, the teacher came in. 21. The sun gives us l 22. Yesterday’s newspaper r 23. It’s too noisy. Stop b and heat. the death of that singer. the drums, Bill. 24. When I saw Tom, he was standing with his back a 25. —Are you sure you’re not k me? —No. I’m serious. 26. Tables are usually made of ________(wood). 27. The river is ________(rise) after the rain. 28. That young man only bought a box of ________(match). 29. After dinner, Mrs. Hand cleaned all the ________(window). 30. You must be careful when you drive on ________(ice) roads. the door. 31.When the teacher asked me to answer the question in class, my heart b________ so quickly that I couldn't answer it well. 32.—How many p________ are there in your class? —45. 33.—What's the d________ today? —It's April 20. 34.He didn't tell the t________. He is a liar. 35.This was one of the most important e________ in Chinese history. 36.—Have you been to Beijing ________ (最近)? —Yes, I went there just last month. 37.Which ________ (章节) of this book do you like best? 38.We walked home in ________(沉默) after school. 39.This building was taken down by ________(恐怖分子). 40.September 1st has ________(意义) to each freshman. 41.The strong w________ are blowing outside. 42.There is no l________ in this room. I can't see anything. 43.Do you know the tall boy who's standing a________ the wall? 44.It's windy outside. Please close that w________. 45.We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining h________. 46.The news on TV ________ (报道) a car accident happened in Nanjing this morning. 47.It's dangerous to drive across the bridge, because the river is ________ (上涨). 48.Do you know where the ________ (火柴) are? 二.完成句子 1.随后,风会逐渐减弱。 The wind would ____________ ____________ later on. 2.我的闹钟没响,因此我今天早晨上学迟到了。 My alarm clock didn't ____________ ____________. So I was late for school this morning. 3.这个地方很好玩。你要不要到处看看? It's an interesting place. Do you want to ____________ ____________ ____________ around? 4.你能帮我接一下电话吗?我正在厨房做饭. Could you please help me ____________ ____________. I’m cooking in the kitchen. 5. 起初我不怎么注意,但逐渐产生了兴趣。 ____________ ____________ I paid little attention, but slowly my interest awoke. 6.仔细检查你的作业,确保里面没有错误。 Check your homework carefully to ____________ ____________ there isn’t a mistake in it. 7.昨天我们和同学们在公园玩得很开心。 We ____________ ____________ with our classmates in the park yesterday. 8.我今天早上醒来时就九点钟了。 It's was nine o'clock when I ____________ ____________ this morning. 9.他在沙发上躺下,很快就睡着了。 He ____________ ____________ on the sofa and soon fell asleep. 10.我是如此饥饿以至于再也不能向前走了。 I was ____________ hungry ____________ I couldn't walk on. 11.我很快就朝着那个书店出发了。 I soon ____________ my ____________ to the bookshop. 12.他们一声不吭地坐了很长时间. They sat ____________ ____________ for a long time. 13.如果你朝窗外看的话,你就会看到彩虹。 If you ____________ ____________ ____________ the window, you'll see the rainbow. 14.老师指出了我作业中的很多错误。 The teacher ____________ ____________ many mistakes in my homework. 15.这座桥很危险,工人们正在拆除它。 The bridge is dangerous, and the workers are ____________ it ____________. 16.起初,他不喜欢和别人交流。 ____________ ____________, he didn't like to communicate with others. 17.我在英语学习上有困难,你能帮我吗? I have ____________ ____________ English. Can you help me? 18.虽然

doc文档 Unit5词汇填空与完成句子练习2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册

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