Unit 5 基础知识练习 I.选词填空 A get lost, cut down, walk on, made of, in danger (1)As we know, dogs never     after they walk a long way. (2)How smart the dog is! It can   (3)Some animals are    . We have to make rules to save them. (4)We mustn't buy things   (5)People can't     two legs.   ivory to save elephants.   so many trees any longer. Animals are losing homes. B tree, find, animal, number, good, danger, winter, be, of, they, people, cute Tigers are very strong and scary. We may see tigers in Europe, Asia and America in the mountains. The tigers live far away from __________ houses. They eat birds, hares and other small__________. In the day they hide in the dens, and at night they go out __________ food. In __________when tigers are hungry, they will become very __________But now, people cut down many__________, so tigers are losing their homes. Also, some people kill tigers to get __________fur. Some people even buy things made__________ tiger bones. So, the number of tigers__________ getting smaller and smaller. Animals are our __________ friends. In order to protect them, we must build many natural reserves. And we must stop people from hunting. II.单选题 1.Mary is one of __________ in the club. A.member B.the member C.members D.the members 2.Let's go to the __________ this afternoon. A cute panda is there, A.zoo B.store C.club D.library 3.Bill, don't __________to take your keys with you when you go out, A.listen B.forget C.keep D.follow 4.Dave is very kind and he is always __________ to other people. A.beautiful B.cute C.smart D.friendly 5.The boy __________. Can you help him find his home? A.gets up B.gets dressed C.gets lost D.gets home 6.It's9:00 in the morning now. The students from Grade Nine__________ important exam. A.have B.had C.are having D.has C.scary D.smart 7.The tiger is too __________. I'm afraid of it. A.friendly B.funny 8.—__________you like koalas, Dale? — Because I think they are too lazy. A.Why do B.Why don't C.What do D.Why not 9.Don't __________ trees. They are important to animals. A.cut up B.cut down C.cut off D.put down 10.— What do you think of doctors? — They are great. They can __________people's lives. A.kill B.help C.save D.learn 11.Many people kill elephants for their ivory, so they are __________. A.in danger B.out of danger C.out of date D.in need 12.I like my dog very much. It can walk __________two legs. A.in B.at C.on D.for 13.The __________ girl can answer all the questions. A.friendly B.smart C.shy D.strict 14.It's already 10 o'clock at night. You need to go to__________now. A.sleep B.walk C.school D.home 15.The fireworks(烟火) are __________. They make us feel proud(自豪的) of our country. A.ugly B.cute C.beautiful D.smart 16.Your room is dirty. Don't forget __________ it this afternoon. A.cleaning B.to clean C.clean D.to cleaning C.gets to D.gets in 17.Mr. Brown often __________ in a new place. A.gets lost B.gets up 18.The __________ girl is not good at making friends. A.cute B.shy C.noisy D.strict 19.The Wandering Earth is a great movie. We have to ___________ our home- the earth. A.get B.keep C.save 20.The giraffe is __________animal. It's __________ tall and cute. A.a kind of; a kind of B.kind of; kind of C.kind of; a kind of D.a kind of; kind of III.句型转换 1. Lions are from South Africa. (对画线部分提问)        lions from? 2. I like lions because they are interesting. (对画线部分提问)        you like lions? 3. I want to see the koalas. (对画线部分提问)        you     to see? 4.Betty comes from New York, USA. (对划线部分提问)        Betty   from? 5.The zoo is behind the school.(对画线部分提问)    is the zoo? 6.He likes elephants.(对画线部分提问)       does he like? 7.I don't like math because it's a little difficult for me. (改为同义句) Math is       difficult for me,     I don't like it. 8.My family has a dog. (改为一般疑问句)       family   a dog? 9.She likes koalas very much. (改为一般疑问句)     she     koalas very much? 10.My uncle's family has a cat. (改为一般疑问句)           family     a cat? 11.Teddy likes English very much. (改为同义句) D.forget Teddy likes English       . 12.Dolphins are smart so they can help people.(改为同义句) Dolphins can help people,     they are smart. 13.My new friend Ben is from Australia. (改为同义句) My new friend Ben        Australia. 14.My brother likes pandas and tigers. (改为一般疑问句)     your brother like pandas    tigers? 15.My brother doesn't like tigers. Tigers are scary. (合并为一句) My bro

doc文档 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas基础知识练习-2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册

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