Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking 【版本:人教 册别:必修二】 目录页 contents Ⅰ Pre-reading Ⅳ Language Points Ⅱ While-reading Ⅴ Homework Ⅲ Post-reading Ⅰ Pre-reading Pre-reading: Lead-in Guessing Game • It is an African country. • It has one of the most ancient and greatest civilisations. • The longest river in the world flows through this country. • Millions of people around the world have been fascinated by the mystery of the emperor’s tombs. Pre-reading: Lead-in Do you know other tourist attractions in Egypt? Temples Aswan High Dam Is there any link between the two pictures? Ⅱ While-reading While-reading Listen to the tape and correct your pronunciation. While-reading Enjoy Reading While-reading Make a Timeline Tip: Making a timeline that shows when different events happened can help you understand how the events are connected to each other. While-reading: Complete the timeline with the information from the text. 1959 The government asks the UN for help. 1960 1961 The project starts. The first temple is moved. Over the next 20 years The temples and cultural relics are being rescued. 1980 The project is completed. While-reading: Reading for understanding 1. Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam? 2. How were the temples and the other cul tural sites saved? 3. What was the influence of this project a ccording to the author? While-reading: Reading for understanding 1. Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam?  They wanted to control floods and bring electricity and water to more farmers in the area to help economic development. While-reading: Reading for understanding 2. How were the temples and the other cultural sites saved?  They were taken down piece by piece and moved to other places where they would be safe from the water. While-reading: Reading for understanding 3. What was the influence of this project according to the author?  Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. Ⅲ Post-reading Post-reading: Give your reasons Help the travellers choose which tour to take and give the reasons. Useful sentences: 1. In my opinion, you could / might choose …, because you prefer … to … 2. … could be a perfect choice for you, for … 3. As far as I am concerned, you would enjoy …, for … 4. … would probably suit you, because you enjoy / love / hate doing … Post-reading: Discussion 1. Why do you think so many countries contributed funds and offered help to the Egyptian project? 2. What made the project a success? 3. What’s the spirit of the Aswan Dam project? 4. A lot of money was spent to protect the temples. Do you thi nk it was worthwhile? Why or why not? 5. Do you think it is worthwhile to rebuild Yuanmingyuan Im perial Garden? Why or why not? Post-reading: Discussion 1. Why do you think so many countries contributed funds and offered help to the Egyptian project?  I think that many countries helped because Egyptian history and relics are world-famous and are highly valued around the world as part of our shared cultural history. Post-reading: Discussion 2. What made the project a success?  The committee asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.  Many experts investigated and conducted tests leading to a proposal to save the ancient buildings.  Thousands of engineers and workers continued their work. Post-reading: Discussion 3. What’s the spirit of the Aswan Dam project?  The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is cooperative, creative, determined as well as persistent.

ppt文档 Unit 1 Reading and Thinking 课件 -2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册

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