2022 译林英语 7B 期末复习之易错语法点强化练习 一、单项选择。 ( )1. –How many girls are there in the room? --________. A.None B. Nobody C. Nothing D.Not one ( )2.--Look! The TV is still on. --Really? I remember_____. A.turning it on B. turning it off C.to turn it on D. to turn it off ( )3.--Sorry.I can’t hear you well. --All right.I will_______it again. A.say B.speak C. repeat D. talk ( )4.--What would you like to eat? --I don’t mind. ____that you’ve got. A.Something B.Everything C.Anything D.Nothing ( )5.--Remember_____to my daughter’s dance show next Friday. --Of course I will. I’never forget_______her dance for the first time last year. A.to come,to see B.coming,to see C. to come,seeingD. coming,seeing ( )6.I often notice Tom_____mobile phone games at weekends.Just now when I walked past his room.I noticed him_______ games again. A.play,playing B. playinng,play C. play,play D. playing,playing ( )7.--Thank you for your present. --_____. A.No,thank B.I’m glad you like it C.Please don’t say so D.No,it isn’t so good ( )8. His father likes jogging ______the Moon River every morning. A.along B.under C.between D. over ( )9.Nanjing is a beautiful city.I will visit it_____time. A.twice B.two C. the second D. a second ( )10.We need_________students to plant the trees. A.more five B.another five C. five another D.many five ( )11.--I’m so hungry.Can I have_______to eat? --Sorry.There isn’t_________left in the fridge. A.anything,nothing B. something,nothing C. anything,anything D. something,anything ( )12.Pets are our best friends. I think goldfish are____. A. easily to look after B. easy to look after C. easily to look after them D. easy to look after them ( )13. Tom sits_______the classroom while John sits_____ the classroom. A.in front of, at back of B. in the front of, at the back of C. in front of, at the back of D. in the front of, at back of ( )14. ______sad news it is! A.What B. How C. What a D. How a ( )15. ______sad news report it is! A.What B. How C. What a D. How a ( )16. –How’s Joy’s blouse? --Her blouse is the same as______. A.her sister’s and kate B. her sister and kate C. her sister’s and kate’s D. her sister and kate’s ( )17. In my class,some students like singing,___ like drawing,and ___enjoy dancing. A.some,the other B.others,the otherC. others,the others D. some,others ( )18.It’s 7:00a.m. The Green family ______breakfast now. A.are having B. is having C. are have D. is have ( )19. Smiles cost______,but give so much. A.something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ( )20. Our teacher told us to keep the classroom______after school. A.lock B. is locking C. locking D. locked ( )21. Your school is as beautiful as______. A.me B. myself C. my D.mine ( )22.Last week, ______my grandparents’,I_______a beautiful song. A.on the way,heard B. on the way to,listened to C. on the way, listened to D. on the way to,heard ( )23.--I’m sorry I ______my books at home this morning. --It doesn’t matter.Don’t forget _____it here tomorrow. A.left,to take B.forgot,bringing C.left,to bring D.forgot,to bring ( )24.Not___can tell you about him because he seldom tells us ___about himself. A. anybody, something B. anybody, nothing C. everybody, anything D. everybody, something ( )25.--Tom didn’t catch the bus, did he? --______,though he went there early. A.Yes,he did B. No,he didn’t C. Yes,he didn’t D.No,he did ( )26.--I’m afraid that I’ll fail the exam. --______,dear.I’m sure you will pas it. A.Sorry to hear that B. Come on C. All right D.Good job ( )27. --Can you see______goldfish lily bought yesterday? --You mean_____ones in the fish tank? A.a,the B. /,the C.the,a D.the,the ( )28.The boys made______.So their neighbours got very______. A.much too noise,angrily B. too much noise,angry C. too many noise,angry D. many too noise,angrily ( )29. The boys are fighting_____the only football.They each_____it. A.with,wants B.for,wants C. with,want D. for,want ( )30.Look!_____dog Lucy_____! A.What a nice,has B. What a nice,is having C. How nice a,have D. How a nice,has ( )31.We are planning____one-day trip. Where would you like to go? A.a B. an C. the D. / ( )32.There is a/an_____on the board saying that we can go to get COVID-19 vaccine(疫苗). A. information B. news C. order D. notice ( )33.Wolves always work as a team and they usually walks_____their leader. A.over B. outside C. inside D. behind ( )34.The country _____the first hotel in space in the near future. A.builds B. will build C. built D. has built 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.I often practise ____________(write) during

doc文档 期末复习之易错语法点强化练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册

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期末复习之易错语法点强化练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册 第 1 页 期末复习之易错语法点强化练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册 第 2 页 期末复习之易错语法点强化练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册 第 3 页 期末复习之易错语法点强化练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册 第 4 页
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