人教版 7 年级下册 Unit10 话题阅读专项训练【生日】 【话题背景】Unit10 Section B 学习了 Birthday Food Around the World 这篇文章, 考试中的阅读话题通常会围绕生日故事,生日美食,各个国家的过生日的习俗 来展开。 题型一、完形填空 Passage 1 It is Laura’s birthday today. Her family have a birthday party ____1____ her in the restaurant. Her father buys some candies. Her mother ____2____ a birthday cake. When all the people ____3____, the party begins. Laura ____4____ a birthday hat. After she makes a wish, she ____5____ all the candles. The number of the candles ____6____ thirteen because this is Laura’s thirteenth birthday. In the evening, Laura’s mother cooks a large bowl of noodles for her. There are two ____7____ in it. The noodles are very ____8____. Her mother says they are a ____9____ of long life. She also says the eggs can _____10_____ good luck to her. Laura is very happy today. 1.A.to B.for C.from D.at 2.A.sells B.draws C.eats D.makes 3.A.arrive B.leave C.sleep D.get 4.A.puts B.takes C.wears D.keeps 5.A.cuts out B.blows out C.makes out D.eats out 6.A.be B.am C.is D.are 7.A.cakes B.pancakes C.candies D.eggs 8.A.long B.short C.large D.small 9.A.rule B.symbol C.way D.gift 10.A.describe B.follow C.build D.bring 【答案】1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D Passage 2 Today is Anna's birthday and she gets many gifts(礼物). At dinner time, Anna ___11___ to Mrs.White, “Mom, there's a new student in my class. Her name is Lucy. And it's her birthday next ___12___. Her parents don't have much money. Lucy says they won't have a birthday party for her. And they won't ___13___ her any gift, either. I have an idea. Every year, I ___14___ a lot of gifts. This year, I'd like to give(给) half of ___15___ gifts to Lucy.” “Oh, dear, are you ___16___?” asks Mrs.White. “Yes, Mom,” says Anna. “Now, Lucy is my friend. I want her to have a special birthday. Do you like my ___17___?” “Yes, dear, I like it very much. I think I need to give Lucy something ___18___, too. Can I go to Lucy's home ___19___ you next Saturday? I can cook some food for her.” Anna is really ___20___. She says, “Yes, sure.” 11.A.says B.tells C.asks D.lets 12.A.Thursday B.Friday C.Saturday D.Sunday 13.A.clean B.buy C.wash D.write 14.A.get B.sell C.use D.kill 15.A.her B.your C.my D.his 16.A.tidy B.cold C.free D.sure 17.A.idea B.habit C.message D.subject 18.A.same B.boring C.easy D.special 19.A.on B.with C.for D.from 20.A.afraid B.noisy C.happy D.sorry 【答案】 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.C 题型二、阅读理解 Passage 1 Birthday is a special day for most people. We may spend much time celebrating it. On birthday, we may go for a trip, have a party or watch a movie with our parents and friends. We can also enjoy some special food. Do you know what people eat on their birthday around the world? Here are three people from different countries. They tell us what food they eat on their birthday. Liu Jing is from Beijing. “The long noodles are a symbol of long life. In China, red is a symbol of luck. We think red eggs bring us good luck. So you can see Chinese eat long noodles and red eggs when they celebrate their birthday,” says Liu Jing. “I am so happy because today is my birthday. I want to have a birthday party. At the party, we can play games, sing and dance. We can also eat a big birthday cake with fifteen candles. I’m sure we can have a good time at my birthday party,” says David from America. “In Canada, people put a coin (硬币) into the cake. If the birthday person eats the cake with the coin, he or she will be lucky. I am so happy because I eat the cake with a coin,” says Sandy. 1.Where does Liu Jing come from? A.China. B.Canada. C.America. D.Australia. 2.What does the underlined word “celebrate” mean in Chinese? A.举办 B.庆祝 C.组织 D.担心 C.15. D.16. 3.How old is David? A.13. B.14. 4.According to the first paragraph, people may ________on their birthday. ① watch ball games ② go for a trip ③ watch a movie ④ have a birthday party A.②③④ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.①②③ 5.The passage is mainly about________. A.what to eat on one’s birthday in different countries B.why we celebrate our birthday C.three persons from different countries D.how to celebrate one’s birthday 【答案】1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A Passage 2 Are you planning a birthday party for your son or daughter and can’t decide what to do? People in different countries celebrate their birthday in different ways. Philip Evans, from Paris, smiles at us, “I’m going to be thirty years old next week, so I’m going to invite three

doc文档 Unit10话题阅读专项训练【生日】2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册

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