Unit 8 Pets 知识梳理 【重点词汇】 1. rude adj.粗鲁的,不礼貌的 → _rudely___ (adv.) →__be rude to sb._____ 对某人无礼的 → impolite (近义词)不礼貌的 → polite (反义词)礼貌的 2. goldfish n. 金鱼 1)单复同形,例:我喜欢金鱼 I like goldfish. 2)表示不同种类的金鱼,复数为 goldfishes 3. mouse (n.) 老鼠 → (pl.) 4. hold vt. 握住,拿;举行;容纳→ (过去式) 5. feed (vt.) 喂养 → (过去式)→ 喂某人某物 feed sb. sth. = feed sth. to sb. 6. teach (vt.) 教→ (n.) 老师 (三单)→ (过去式)→ teach sb. sth. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人某事 ;教某人做某事 7. wide 1) adj. 宽的,张开很大的;2)adv. 充分地→ 眼睛睁得大大的 with eyes open wide 8. hunt v. 寻找,搜寻;打猎 → hunt for sth. 搜寻某物; go hunting 去打猎 9. hide v. 隐藏→ _________(过去式)→ _________(现在分词)→ ___hidden___(adj.) 隐藏的 10. build vt.建造→ built_(过去式)→ building (n.) 建筑物→ build sb. sth. = build sth. for sb. 为某人搭 建… 11. camp n.营地;v.宿营 →去野营 go camping 12. bark (vi.) (狗)吠,叫 → bark at sb. 朝着某人叫; bite (vt&vi.) 咬 → bit (过去式) 13. fight (vt&vi.)/n. 打架→ fought (过去式)→ fight with sb. 与……打架 ; fight for sth. 为某事打架 14. end (n.) 终止;末尾,终点→ 最后 in the end = at last = finally ;在……尽头(末尾)at the end of … 15. trouble (un.) 麻烦(不可数)→ be in trouble 处于困境中 ; be out of trouble 脱离困境 → 做某事有麻烦 have trouble/ difficulty/ problems (in) doing ……; 16. gentle (adj.) 温柔的→ gently (adv.) → gentleman (n.) 绅士 17. touch 1) (n.) 触摸,碰; 2) (v.) 触摸,碰 ; 3)(vt.) 使感动,触动 18. care 1) (n.) 照料,照顾 take care of … = look after … ;2)(v.) 关心,在意 care about … 关心/在乎 19. keep → __kept___(过去式)1) (vt.) 养,饲养→ keep pets 养宠物 keep2) (linking v.) 保持(某种状态)keep warm 保暖;3)keep + sb./sth. + adj.→ 保持教室整洁 20. weigh v. 有...重 → weighed (过去式)→ weight (n.) 重量 → weigh up to+重量(重达......) 对重量提问:这头大象有多重? How much does the elephant weigh? = What’s the weight of the elephant? = How heavy is the elephant? 21. grow v. 生长,成长→___grew__(过去式)→ __grow up__成长,长大成人 22. talk n. 讲座,演讲→ give sb. a talk on sth. 给某人进行一次关于...的演讲; talk (vi.) 谈论→ talk with/to sb. about/of sth. 与某人谈论某事 23. noise (un.) 声音,响亮;噪音→ noisy (adj.)嘈杂的→ noisily (adv.) → 制造噪音 make noise 24. brush (vt.) 刷,擦→ brushes (三单)→ brushed (过去式) →brush (n.) 刷子 25. agree v. 同意→ agrees (三单) agreed (过去式)→ agree to do sth. 同意做某事; agree with sb.同意某人 → agreement (n.) 同意 → disagree (v.) 不同意,反对 【短语归纳】 序 1号 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Chinese English 拿些东西给我吃。 Bring me something to eat. 你真粗鲁! How rude you are! 我喜欢看他们游来游去. I like watching them swim around. 在我的膝盖上睡觉 sleep on my knees 把它拿在手里 喂我的兔子(吃)胡萝卜(2) hold it in my hand feed my parrot carrots = feed carrots to my parrot 教他说话 teach him to speak 我的狗是所有动物中最聪明的动物。 My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 眼睛睁得大大的 with eyes open wide (到处)寻找我(2) hunt for me = look around for me 做精彩的把戏 do wonderful tricks 用树枝搭建营地 build camps out of sticks 捉弄某人 play a trick on sb 我将照顾他直到最后 I will look after him till the end 她不是任何的麻烦。 She isn’t any trouble 需要温柔的抚摸 need a gentle touch 与……押韵 rhyme with 好好照顾(2) take good care of … = look after … well 发出好听的声音 make nice sounds 金鱼安静且容易照顾。 Goldfish are easy to look after. 我的一位特别的朋友 a special friend of mine 重复我的话 repeat my words = repeat what I said 23 一直,总是 all the time = always 24 房子里面没有人。(2) 25 一切都准备好了。 There’s nobody / no one in the house.= There isn’t anybody...... Everything is ready. 26 养蛇没有问题。 There’s nothing wrong with keeping a snake. 27 听一个关于金鱼的报告 listen to a talk on goldfish 28 用你的手拿起金鱼。 Pick up goldfish with your hands. 29 把你的金鱼放在阳光下。 Put your goldfish in the sun. 30 重达 400 克 weigh up to 400 grams 31 长到 20 厘米长。 grow up to be 20 centimeters long. 32 make some noise 33 发出一些噪音 遛狗(2) 34 刷她的毛 brush her fur 35 喂他们太多 feed them too much 36 在因特网上找到信息 find information on the Internet 37 帮助我们既快又容易地找到信息 help us find information quickly and easily 38 她大约 2 公斤重。(2) She weighs about 2 kilos.= Her weight is about 2 kilos. 39 她无忧无虑因为我们把她照顾地好。 She never worries because we take good care of her. walk my dog = take my dog for a walk 【语法点拨】 一、形容词 ——表示人或事物的属性,特征或状态的词叫形容词 1. 作定语 adj.+ n. Li Mei is a beautiful girl. / The new student comes from Japan. 2. 作表语(系表结构) linking v. + adj. My father’s car is very expensive. / The English story is very interesting. 常见的连系动词: be 动词,感官动词 look/smell/taste/sound/feel,表示变化的词 become/get/grow/turn,保持 keep/stay...... 3. 作宾语补足语 放在宾语之后 常考★ keep/find/make/think+宾语+形容词(作宾补) Don’t keep the door open. / His success made him very happy. / I find it difficult to work with him. 4. 作后置定语,放在 something 等复合不定代词之后 Would you like something hot to drink? / There’s nothing interesting in the newspaper. 5. “the + 形容词” 表示一类人 如 the poor/ rich/ old/ young 6. 形容词的排列顺序: 形容词顺序口诀: 美小圆旧黄,法国木书房。县官行令

doc文档 Unit8综合学案(基础巩固+形容词+综合练习)2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册

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