2022 届九年级英语寒假作业 (三)(全国通用) 目 录 第三章 阅读专项练习········································································· 一、完形填空·······················································································································1 二、阅读理解单选···············································································································7 三、短文之语法填空·········································································································15 四、短文之词汇填空·········································································································19 五、任务型综合阅读·········································································································24 参考答案·····························································································29 第三章 阅读专项练习 完型填空专题 A .It took George quite a while to find a 1 place for his car and in the end he had to leave it in a narrow street, 2 from the dentist’s. As he got out, he glanced at his 3 . His appointment(约会)was at five and he still had twenty minutes to 4 . He crossed into the square and 5 on a bench, partly to 6 the last of the afternoon sun, 7 to calm his nerves (神经). He hated these visits 8 the dentist(牙医). As he sat there, watching the children at play and 9 to the old women talking to each other, he turned around to see a red car like his own come out of the 10 where he had parked. The car gathered speed and was soon 11 of sight. George 12 in his pockets for the keys: They were not there. “My car!” he cried 13 a loud voice, which made several people stare at him. He got up and ran across the 14 and then down the narrow street. His car was not to be seen--but then he discovered it concealed (被隐藏) 15 a large one. He was relieved (使宽慰)to find his 16 , still in his car. By the time he reached the dentist’s it was already five. “I had rather an odd (奇特的) 17 ,” he said to the dentist to explain his 18 . “I thought my car had been 19 .” “It’s quite 20 sir,” said the dentist. “As a matter of fact I have only just got here myself.” 1. A. leaving B. parking(停车) C. wide D. special 2. A. in a way B. far away C. some way D. near 3. A. watch B. teeth C. car D. place 4. A. leave B. sit C. spare D. see the doctor 5. A. stopped B. stepped C. stood D. sat down 6. A. shine B. enjoy C. get D. receive 7. A. but also B. so C. in order D. for 8. A. by B. of C. to D. with 9. A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listened 10. A. car B. place C. street D. way 11. A. disappeared B. out C. left D. lost 12. A. looked B. felt C. found D. searched 13. A. with B. at C. in D. by 14. A. square B. hospital C. street D. bench 15. A. with B. behind C. after D. in 16. A. bags B. money C. keys D. card 17. A. chance B. luck C. thing D. experience 18. A. hateness B. reason C. lateness D. car 19. A. robbed B. stolen C. lost D. there 20. A. true B. good C. often D. all right B With excitement we started our small business. No longer were we _21_ to have a weekly paycheck.. We now were on our own to _22_ an income to provide us with the money to live. I was a little _23_ about our ability to do this. But Byron, my wife, believed in our products and believed in our ability to _24 . We invested (投资) heavily in producing a number of products, _25 _ none of them were popular with customers. The market gave us so heavy a _26__ that we hardly made enough money to pay our expenses. We now had our money _27__ in the booth (货摊) that we had rented for the summer and fall months. We had a lot of money _28_ up in materials. So we did not have enough money to _ _29__ our monthly bills. We were discouraged, and the thoughts of failure ran through our heads. As we discussed our _30__ , I happened to read the words :“If you have made mistakes ... there is always another chance for you ... you may have a ___31__ start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘Failure’ is not falling down, but _32_ down.” The words reinforced(增强)my determination and Byron’s _33__ that we could succeed. We did fall down, but we were _34_ not to stay down! So, we stepped back and refocused. We came up with new products using remaining __35___. We redesigned our booth. We reconsidered our pricing system. And, we started making enough money to pay our __36__. If we had done nothing, if we had allowed ourselves to “stay down”, then we would have __37__ But we made the choice to learn from our __38

docx文档 【寒假专练】03 阅读专项-2022年九年级英语寒假专练(全国通用)

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