2022 届中考英语阅读理解专项突破一轮复习讲义 (全国通用) [09] 阅读理解“干扰项”针对训练试题(下) (含详细解析与译文) 初中英语阅读理解试题(四) 本文词数统计:190 答题限定时间:4 分钟 答题正确比率:__________ Oranges were known in China about four thousand years ago. There are two kinds of orange trees, the sweet and the sour( 酸的). At first, peo ple in Europe(欧洲) only had sour oranges. They started to grow them around the n inth century. From the eleventh century, sour oranges were widely grown in southe rn Europe. Until the fifteenth century, sweet oranges were brought to Europe by business from the East. They were a kind of rare(稀少的) fruit at that time. Only very rich p eople could pay for them. They paid a lot of money to get the orange trees. They pl anted these trees in their gardens. In the colder countries, these expensive orange trees would be killed during a cold winter, so the rich people built greenhouses (温室) for them. The orange trees were planted in tubs (盆). During the summer they were moved outside, but in wint er, they were kept safe behind the glass in the greenhouses. When Christopher Columbus went to America by sea, he carried many orange s with him. Since then sweet oranges have grown very well in the New World in th e warm weather. Today the United States produces the most oranges in the world. 1. From the passage, we know that oranges were first found in________ . A. Europe B. America C. China D. India 2. Sour oranges became common in Europe ________ A. four thousand years ago B. in the ninth century C. before the eleventh century D. after the eleventh century 3. How were sweet oranges in Europe at that time? ________ A. They were so sweet that everybody would buy them. B. They were so rare that few rich people could get them. C. They were only eaten by kings. D. They could be planted everywhere. 4. Why couldn’t sweet oranges be planted outside in the colder countries? Because________. A. they would be dead in winter B. they had to be planted in the greenhouses all the year C. they were expensive D. the rich people were afraid someone would take them away from their gard ens 5. Why could sweet oranges grow very well in America? Because ________ . A. the land was rich B. the American people like growing them C. the farmers there could grow them every well D. the weather was good for them 答案:C.D.B.A.D 译文: 在中国四千年前人们就知道桔子了。 有两种桔子树:甜的和酸的。最初,在欧洲人们只有酸的桔子。大约在九 世纪他们开始种植它们。从十一世纪,在欧洲南部人们普遍种植酸桔子树。 直到十五世纪,来自东方的商人才将甜桔子带到欧洲。在那时候,它们是 一种稀少的水果。只有非常富有的人才买的起。他们花很多钱得到桔子树。他 们在自己的花园了种植这些树。 在比较寒冷的国家。这些昂贵的桔子树会被寒冷的冬天冻死,所以富有的 人为它们建造了温室。这些桔子树被种在盆里。在夏天,它们被移到外面,但 是在冬天它们被安全地种植在温室的玻璃后面。 当克里斯多佛?哥伦布乘船到达美洲时,他随身携带了许多桔子。从那时起, 甜桔子在新大陆温暖的气候下生长得很好。 干扰项分析: 第一题是细节理解题。问题:从文中可知,桔子首先在_____被发现。 A 和 B 选项都是文不对题干扰项;D 选项是凭空想象干扰项。由第一段 Ora nges were known in China about four thousand years ago.可知答案。A 和 B 选项 和题干没有对应关系;D 选项在文中没有任何相关信息。 第二题是细节理解题。问题:酸桔子在______在欧洲变得常见。 A、B 和 C 选项都是文不对题干扰项。由第二段最后一句 From the eleventh century, sour oranges were widely grown in southern Europe. 可知答案。A、B 和 C 选项都与题干没有对应关系。 第三题是细节理解题。问题:在那时候,欧洲的甜桔子怎么样? A 选项是常识推理干扰项;C 和 D 选项都是凭空想象干扰项。由第三段中的 They were a kind of rare(稀少的) fruit at that time. Only very rich people could pa y for them.可知答案。A 选项可以根据生活常理得出,但是文中没有支持信息。 C 和 D 信息都不能在文中找到任何相关信息。 第四题是细节理解题。问题:为什么甜桔子不能在寒冷国家的室外种植? 因为______。 B 选项是旁敲侧击干扰项;C 和 D 选项都是凭空想象干扰项。由第四段第一 句 In the colder countries, these expensive orange trees would be killed during a co ld winter 可知答案。B 选项错在了 all the year(全年)上,甜桔子在寒冷的季节 才需种植在温室,在温暖的季节就无需种植在温室了。所以甜桔子并非必须全 年种植在温室了。C 和 D 选项在文中都没有任何的相关信息。 第五题是推理判断题。问题:为什么甜桔子能在美洲生长的很好?因为___ _____。 A、B 和 C 选项都是是错误依据干扰项。由倒数第二段最后一句 Since then s weet oranges have grown very well in the New World in the warm weather. 可知答 案。 初中英语阅读理解试题(五) 本文词数统计:161 答题限定时间:4 分钟 答题正确比率:__________ A kind of little cars may take the place of (代替) today's big ones many years l ater. If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution ( 污染) i n the air. There will also be more space for parking (停车) cars in cities, and the str eets will be less crowded. The little cars of the future will cost less. Driving will be safer ,too, as these li ttle cars can go only 65 kilometres an hour. The cars of the future will be fine for g oing around a city, but they will not be useful for a long way. Little cars will go 45 0 kilometres before they need to stop for more gasoline (汽油). If big cars are still used with the small ones, two kinds of roads will be needed in the future. Some roa ds will be needed for the big, faster cars and other roads will be needed for the sma ll, slower ones. 1. There is mu

doc文档 2022年中考英语阅读理解专项突破一轮复习[09]阅读理解“干扰项”针对训练试题(下)(含详细解析与译文)

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