八上 Unit1 短语过关 决定做某事___________________ 尽力做某事_____________________________ 等待________________________ 想要做某事_____________________________ 玩的愉快___________________ 去度假___________________________________ 使某人做某事_____________ 因为,由于_______________________________ 查明__________________________ 照相___________________________________________ 去度假 ____________________ 去爬山________________________________ 参观博物馆__________________去夏令营________________________________ 相当多,不少 __________________大多数时间________________________________ 在过去____________________ 重要的事情________________________________ 单词拼写 1. I w______ where you went for vacation. 2. There are many outdoor a____________ in spring. 3. Today I want to r______ a bicycle to visit him. 4. ---Is the man rich? ---Yes, He is a big t_____. He works on his business every day. 5. Drivers must w____________ their turns when the traffic light, is red. 6. He t ___________many photos in Beijing last year. 7.My classmate lent me an u___________ so that I wouldn’t get wet in the rain 8. I’m h _________. Please give me some bread. 9. Kung Fu Panda II is a fantastic film and I want to see it. But I can’t d ____ when to go. 10. Though he has grown up, he isn’t brave e___________ to go out alone at night. 词性转换 1. He _________ (wonder) whether the palace was __________(wonder) or not. 2. They were _________ (bore) at the ___________ (bore) story. 3. The students are _________(activity) in these ____________(activity). 4. These _________(trader) do a lot of ________( trade) with many countries. 5. This book is _________ (difference) from that one. Please tell the ________(difference) between them. 6. They are so __________ (hungry) that they couldn’t walk any farther. They couldn’t walk any farther because of __________(hungry) 7.He _______ (see) the police last week. 8.We had fun_______(swim) in the water yesterday afternoon 9.Li decided ______ (make) his breakfast himself. 10.Would you please help me ________(clean) the room. 11.His father made him _________ (go ) to bed before 10 every night. 12.He seemed ________ (feel ) bored. 语法填空 Another weekend is ___1___ (come). My classmates are talking about ___2___ to spend the weekend. Some of them are going to have a good sleep and get up late. Some are going to spend the time ___3____ (watch) TV, others are going to have an outing. I have ___4___ (one’s) own plan, however, On Saturday, I’m going to finish my homework, because there will ___5___ (be) an English test next week. I want to do ____6___ (good) in it, so I must get ready ____7___ it. On Sunday, I will visit my grandmother ___8____ my parents. She is ill. We want to know if she is ___9___(good) now. Besides all these, I’ll make full use of my weekend reading ___10___ (book). 参考答案: 单词拼写: 1. wonder 2.activities 3.ride 4.trader 5.wait 6.took 7.umbrella 8.hungry 9.decide, 10. enough 词性转换: 1.wondered, wonderful 2.bored, boring, 3.active, activities, 4.traders, trade, 5.different, differences, 6.hungry, hunger 7.saw 8.swimming 9.to make 10.clean 11.go 12.to feel 语法题空 1. coming 2.how 3.watching 4.my 5.be 6.be tter 7.for 8.with 9.well 10.books 八上 Unit2 短语过关 (1)帮助某人做某事_____________________ (2)去买东西______________________ (3)在周末_____________________ (4)多少次_____________________ (5)几乎从不_____________________ (6)一星期一次_____________________ (7)一个月两次_____________________ (8)去看电影_____________________ (9)每天_____________________ (10)上网_____________________ (11)有空_____________________ (12)上舞蹈和钢琴课_____________________ (13)摇摆舞_____________________ (14)打乒乓球_____________________ (15)熬夜到很晚_____________________ (16)睡觉_____________________ (17)上床睡觉_____________________ (18)至少,不少于,起码_________________ ____ (19)上床睡觉早_____________________ (20)做运动_____________________ (21)对….有好处_____________________ (22)擅长做某事_____________________ (23)去野营_____________________ (24)在某人的业余_____________________ (25)最受欢迎的_____________________ (26)例如….像….这样___________________ __ (27)看牙科医生_____________________ (28)多于_____________________ (29)旧习难改_____________________ (30)少于_____________________ (31)垃圾食品_____________________   (32)照料某人_____________________ (33)照顾某人_____________________ (35)进入…_____________________ (34)必须做某事_____________________ (36)迟到_____________________ 单词拼写 1.—How o________ does your mother shop? —Twice a week. 2. I also like English. But math is his f_________ subject. 3. Some children often surf the I__________ with the help of their parents. 4. We u________ play soccer on weekdays. 5. His father d____

doc文档 人教八年级上册期末Unit1-Unit10综合复习 单词,词组,首字母填空,语法填空

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