Module 6-10 课本同步单词填空(词汇运用)练习 100 题 1.I take part in many a    at school. 2.Playing tennis brings me great p____________. 3.Cindy isn't pleased with the r____________ of the exam 4.—What is the secret of s____________? —We can't be successful without hard work. 5.Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four basic s  6.At first, she didn't know the v  7.The hotel p    in English learning.   of these old coins.   the guests with free rice in the morning. 8.I don't want anything sweet because I want to lose w____________. 9.She made a l    of the things that she couldn't eat and left it on the table. 10.Follow my advice and you can make great p  11.We shouldn't d    in your English study.   too much on our parents. 12.I have made great p    in English study. 13.Jim and I stay in t____________ by writing letters. 14.You are c    to win the match. 15.I collect old photos just____________ (remember) the past life. 16.David didn't become____________ (success) until last year. 17.This dress is very____________ (value). I can't afford it. 18.Of all the____________ (activity), I like chess best. 19.Don't talk about work. It's my____________ (person) time. 20.The children had great fun____________ (sail) in the sea. 21.The boys have a lot of fun ____________ (play) games over there. 22.We look forward to ____________ (watch)the new movie by Jackie Chan. 23.She spends two hours____________ (play)baseball after school every day. 24.We'd better ____________ (develop) our interests widely to relax ourselves after school. 25.He is quite a____________ (luck) dog to be chosen by Mrs. Yuan and watch out! 26. You've got wonderful____________ (collect) of seashells. Can I take a look? 27. Some foreign ____________ (visit) from England came to our school last week. 1/6 28.These books are____________ (valuable)than those ones. 29.As well as____________ (learn) English, we have many other interesting activities in the club. 30.All the teachers in our school are well____________ (train). 31.—Must we finish the work today? —I'm afraid so. We have no_____________ (choose). 32.Little Tom ate at____________ (little) 4 ice creams, and soon he felt terrible. 33.At the____________ (begin) of each term, everyone would like to work hard to make more progress. 34.Do summer courses make it difficult____________ (start) school again in autumn? 35.The students practice____________ (speak) English aloud. 36.Sally was able____________ (watch) the action movie by Jackie Chan last week. 37.Let's share our____________ (person) experiences, both good and bad. 38.You'd better____________ (finish) your homework on time. 39.The shirt is not expensive. Thirty dollars____________ (be) enough. 40.The Monkey King is a symbol of Chinese____________ (culture). 41.My friend says she____________ (finish) the work already. 42.Daisy told me that light____________ (travel) faster than sound. 43.—When shall we have a picnic? — Mr Green said we____________ (have) a picnic the next Friday. 44.I can't fall asleep. It's so____________ (noise) outside. 45.It's just a little boy____________ (cry) for his mum. 46.He promised____________ (return) my bike next week. 47.Lily got up late, so she went to school without____________ (have) breakfast. 48. It was dark. We could ____________ (hard) see anything. 49. The old man is sweeping away the ____________ (leaf) on the ground. 50. Someone heard you ____________ (talk) to a girl at that time. 51.When she saw her old friend in Canada, she could  52.Look! This stone has a   (形状)of a monkey. 53.This flower has a strange s  54.What's the largest   (几乎不)believe her eyes.   but sweet smell.  (淡水的)lake in the world? 55.Let's take a walk along this   (小路). 2/6 56.—S    is waiting for you at the school gate. —Oh, it must be my cousin Tina. 57.I'm so happy to see the beautiful  58.Thanks for p   (风景)of the city.   out the mistakes in my homework. 59.Could you please give me something to drink? I'm so t____________. 60.Our city looks so beautiful from the t    of the mountain. 61.Little Tom can't understand the passage. Please e    it to him. 62.If you want to make friends with him, you should t    him. 63.I think health is a kind of t   . 64.Could you please help me s    the two pieces of paper together? 65.Could you please send the letter for me when you   (经过)the post office? 66.When I saw others laughing, I felt even____________ (lonely). 67.The room is very   (明亮的)with so many lights on. 68.She

doc文档 Module6-10课本同步单词填空(词汇运用)专项练习100题-2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册

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