高考读后续写之场景描写佳句集锦(均来自原著,地道) 场景景物描写 第一组 1. The next day the rain poured down in torrents again, and when Mary looked out of her window the moor was almost hidden by gray mist and cloud. 第二天,雨又倾盆而下,马利亚向外面望去她的窗户那片荒野几乎 被灰蒙蒙的雾和云遮住了。 2..It was a long corridor and it branched into other corridors and it led her up short flights of steps which mounted to others again. There were doors and doors, and there were pictures on the walls. Sometimes they were pictures of dark, curious landscapes, but oftenest they were portraits of men and women in queer, grand costumes made of satin and velvet.那是一条很长的走廊,它 延伸到其他走廊,引导着她又一次登上别人的台阶。有很多门,墙 上还有照片。有时它们是黑暗的,奇异的风景的照片,但有时它们 是穿着奇怪的,用短子贺天鹅绒做的华丽服装的男人和女人的肖像。 3.It seemed as if there was no one in all the huge rambling house but her own small self, wandering about upstairs and down, through narrow passages and wide ones, where it seemed to her that no one but herself had ever walked. 在这座巨大而杂乱无章的房子里,似乎除了她自己,没有人在楼上 和楼下徘徊,穿过狭窄的通道和宽阔的通道,在她看来,除了她自 己,没有人走过。 4.It was a massive door and opened into a big bedroom. There were embroidered hangings on the wall, and inlaid furniture such as she had seen in India stood about the room. 那是一扇巨大的门,通向一间大卧室。墙上挂着刺绣的帷幔,房间 周围摆着她在印度见过的镶嵌家具。 5.It was a clear little stream which ran quite merrily along on its narrow way through the luscious ( 甘 甜 的,绚丽的,悦耳的) damp greenness. 那是一条清澈的小溪,水流在狭窄的路上欢快地奔跑着,穿过绚丽 而潮湿的绿色水草。 6.The moon was high and full and all the world was purple shadow and silver.The stillness of lake and shore and wood was so wonderful. 圆月高悬,全世界都是紫色的和银色的模样,湖面,湖岸以及树林 的宁静是如此美妙啊。 7.The place was a wildness of autumn gold and purple and violet blue and flaming scarlet and on every side were sheaves of late lilies standing together——lilies which were white or white and ruby. 那地方色彩斑斓,金色、紫色、紫罗蓝色还有鲜红色交织成一片秋 色,四面都是晚熟的百合花,这些百合花有白色的,也有红白交织 的。 8.He only knew that the valley seemed to grow quieter and quieter as he sat and stared at the bright delic ate blueness. He did not know how long he sat there or what was happening to him, but at last he moved as if he were awakening and he got up sl owly and stood on the moss carpet, drawing a long, deep , soft breath and wondering at himself. Someth ing seemed to have been unbound and released in him,ver y quietly. 他只知道,当他坐着盯着明亮而微妙的蓝色时,山谷似乎变得越来 越安静。他不知道自己在那儿坐了多久,也不知道发生了什么事, 但最后他像是醒了似的,慢慢地站起来,站在苔藓地毯上,深深地、 轻柔地吸了一口气,心里在想自己。他心里似乎有什么东西被解开 了,很平静地释放了出来。 9.She ran only to make herself warm, and she hated the wind which rushed at her face and roared and held her back as if it were some giant she could not see. But the big breaths of rough fresh air blown over the heather flled her lungs with something which was good for her whole thin body and whipped some red color into her cheeks and brightened her dull eyes when she did not know anything about it. 让自己暖和一点,她讨厌迎面而来的狂风,那些风怒吼着,把她挡 在后面,好像她看不见什么巨人似的。但是,从石楠花身上吹来的 新鲜空气使她的肺里充满了有益于她整个瘦弱身体的东西,在她的 脸颊上喷上了一些红色,使她呆滞的眼睛明亮起来。(外貌和环境 描写) 10. She gazed out of the window across to the huge moor which seemed to spread out on all sides and climb up to the sky.她凝视着窗外对面巨大 的好像四面八方向天空伸展的旷野。 第二组: 1. The rain seemed to be streaming down more heavily than ever and everybody in the station wore wet and glistening waterproofs. 雨似乎比任何时候都更猛烈,车站里的每个人都穿着湿滑的防水服。 (写出了雨天的大雨情景,车站里的人们的装束) 2. The carriage lamps cast rays of light a little distance ahead of them and she caught glimpses of the things they passed. 车厢的灯在他们前面投射出只能照亮车前一点距离的微光,她是不 是看一眼车旁经过的东西。 (写出行在路上的马车,以及她的所见) 3. The carriage lamps shed a yellow light on a roughlooking road which seemed to be cut through bushes and low-growing things which ended in the great expanse of dark apparently spread out before and around them. A wind was rising and making a singular, wild, low, rushing sound. 马车走在在崎岖不平的路上,车里的灯发出黄光,那条路似乎在灌 木丛和一些低矮植物切出来一般,那些灌木和植物黑压压的一大片, 在路的周围不断延伸。一阵风在升起,发出奇异的、狂野的、低的、 急促的呼呼声。 (马车投出的昏黄灯光,路两旁的情景以及对风的描写) 4.The entrance door was a huge one made of massive, curiously shaped panels of oak studded with big iron nails and bound with great iron bars. It opened into an enormous hall, which was so dimly lighted that the faces in the portraits on the walls and the figures in the suits of armor made Mary feel that she did not want to look at them. 入口的巨门用厚重的橡木嵌板做成,嵌板形状新奇,装饰着大铁钉, 镶着大铁棍。它开向一间巨大的厅堂,灯光昏暗,墙上画像的脸、 穿铠甲的人体都让玛丽不愿多看一眼。 (描写了城堡的大门情景) 5.The sun was beginning to set and sending deep gold-colored rays slanting(倾斜的,弯曲) under the trees when they parted(分开,散开). 太阳开始落山,发出金色的光芒,散落在树上,被树枝折射到树下, 斑斑驳驳。 6.The little fox and the rook were as happy and busy as they

doc文档 2022届高考英语读后续写之场景描写佳句集锦素材

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