2021 年高考英语真题深度解读(天津卷) 写作分析 【考题】 在英国留学完毕时寄居在同学家里,学成归来后同学的母亲 Nancy 发来祝贺的邮件,并询问假期计划 和大学要选的专业。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【解题】 主题思想:英国留学回国也就是高中毕业,收到同学母亲 Nancy 发来祝贺的邮件,询问假期计划和大学要 选的专业。 【参考范文】 Congratulations on your graduation! I am your best friend’s mum, Nancy. I feel so glad that you both are on a new start to university soon. After years of study abroad in our country here in Britain, I think you must have had a good knowledge of English and good adaptation here. All of these are result of your constant efforts I! All your pains pay off! I just wonder what major you will choose in your university. If you could tell me your choice and your reason behind it, I would really appreciate since I want to take it as a reference to help my kid to choose a proper major. As China is developing very fast, I am planning to send my kid to China to further education maybe. Another request is that I would like to know your vacation plan. For instance, what will you do, where will you go and who will you go with? Finally, you are welcomed at anytime to my house and be my guest. Congratulations again!

doc文档 天津卷-2021年高考英语真题作文深度解读+精彩范文

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天津卷-2021年高考英语真题作文深度解读+精彩范文 第 1 页
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