读后续写:助人 Part1:经典例文(披萨店员工救人)...............................................1 Part2:助人类故事构造三部曲.......................................................4 第一步:困难描写(消极情绪+困难处境)....................................4 第二步 : 助人过程呈现 ((想到办法+动作链)............................5 第三步:皆大欢喜结局(感激+感动+升华)..................................6 Part3:助人场景描写..................................................................7 一、帮助他人之后.................................................................7 二、发生水灾之后.................................................................8 三、发生误解之后.................................................................9 四、发生火灾之后...............................................................10 五、感受善良之后...............................................................11 六、感受幸福之后...............................................................11 七、发生误解之后...............................................................12 八、获得勇气....................................................................13 九、获得自信....................................................................14 十、接收礼物之后...............................................................15 十一、老师的帮助...............................................................16 十二、陌生人的帮助............................................................17 Part4:灵活应用......................................................................18 例 1:老夫妇帮助我.............................................................18 例 2:帮助老妇人................................................................20 Part5:高考真题再现................................................................23 真题 1:好心的墨西哥家庭【2021 年八省联考】............................23 真题 2:买爆米花助穷人【2020 年 7 月山东卷】............................25 Part1:经典例文(披萨店员工救人) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写 的词数应为 150 左右。 When the employees at the Domino’s pizza place in Salem, Oregon, hadn’t received any order from Kirk Alexander for more than 2 weeks, they knew something wasn’t right. Kirk was a loyal customer and the staff all knew him. So it was natural that they got worried when they had no news about him. Their concern saved his life. Sarah Fuller, the general manager at the Domino’s branch, said that Kirk, who was 48 years old, had been a loyal customer since 2009. “He orders every day, or every other day,” Sarah said. Normally, his order came up on the screen because he ordered online. So we saw it came across the screen and we were thinking, “Oh, Kirk’s order.” After a few days without a single order, Sarah and the staff started to worry. A few Domino’s drivers had mentioned that they hadn’t seen his order come across their screen in a while. Sarah checked the system and saw that no order had come in 11 days. So they decided to investigate. Sarah decided to send Tracy Hamblen, a deliver driver, to Kirk’s place. When he got there, he immediately knew something was wrong. While the lights and TV were on, Kirk did not come to the door. Additionally, his phone went directly to voicemail. So Tracy immediately called 911. Para.1: When the police arrived at the place, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Para.2: A few days later, Kirk was released from the hospital. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】Para1: When the police arrived at the place, they heard a cry for help from the inside of the house. Inside, they found Kirk, who was in need of immediate medical help. Due to the quick actions of Tracy, Kirk is in stable condition at the Salem Hospital. The Domino’s employees received a lot of praise online for their unbelievable thoughtfulness. But they said that it was just part of their job and they were just doing their job. 当警察到达现场时,他们听到了来自房子内部的呼救声。在里面,他们发现了需要立 即得到医疗帮助的柯克。由于特蕾西的快速行动,柯克在塞勒姆医院的情况很稳定。多米 美乐的员工令人难以置信的体贴在网上得到了很多赞扬。但他们说,这只是他们工作的一 部分,他们只是在做他们的工作。 Para2: A few days later, Kirk was released from the hospital. He came to the Domino’s personally with some homemade cookies to say thank--you to Sarah and the Domino’s staff. The Domino’s mentioned that “Caring for customers should not be taken at face value. We should remember that the customers determine the success of our company and in turn we can also have an impact on their lives, small or big.” Kirk’s story has made this pizza shop even more popular in the communit

docx文档 09 读后续写:助人型(故事构造“三部曲”)-新高考英语读后续写技巧与训练

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