牛津译林版 七年级下册 Unit 8 易错题 一、单项选择。 1. I watched him __________ near the river on my way home. A.plays 2. B.playing C.to play D.played C.us D.ourselves —Who is the man in black over there? —Mr Smith. He teaches __________ math. A.we 3. What a __________ boy! He worked out such a difficult math problem. A.strong 4. C.lazy D.clever B.take after C.look after D.run after Kunqu Opera is __________ thought to be one of the symbols of Suzhou. Don’t miss it during your stay. A.hardly 6. B.kind You ride a bike, an I’ll __________ you. Let’s see if I can catch you. A.look for 5. B.our B.widely C.suddenly D.badly —I think I’ve got a bad cold, Doctor. Shall I take some medicine? —No need. Your body itself is able to __________ against the virus. Just drink more water and rest. A.catch 7. B.fight C.lose D.hide —It’s too late. I have to go now. —Oh, it’s raining heavily outside. You’d better stay __________ it stops. A.till 8. B.since C.while D.though —I have trouble __________ the new word. Can you help me? —Sure. You can look it up in the dictionary. A.understanding 9. B.to understand C.understand D.understood I want to relax myself right now. Would you please change to __________ music? A.sad B.loud C.exciting D.gentle 10. He took off his expensive watch __________ the fact that he was rich. A.to hide B.hid C.hide D.hidden 11. Of all the drinks, tea is __________ in the world. It has about 5,000 years of history in China. A.older B.the oldest C.old D.very old 12. Have you seem my mobile phone, Sam? I can’t find it __________. A.everywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere 13. —Would you please __________ your e-mail address? I missed it just now. D.anywhere —No problem. It’s fox@163.com. A.repeat B.review C.record D.say 14. Man’s understanding of nature is developing __________. A.at the right time B.for the first time C.from time to time D.all the time 15. —I think washing hands every day is good __________ our health. —Yes, I agree __________ you. A.to; to B.with; to C.for; with D.at; with 16. —Don’t read __________ the sun, Millie! It’s bad for your eyes. —OK, I won’t do it any more. A.under B.below C.into D.in 17. —W will have a __________ on pets next Monday. Would you like to come to listen to it? —Sure, I’d love to. A.talk B.look C.party D.rest 18. Ann __________ her dog every day. She has three __________. A.brushed; brush B.brush; brushed C.brush; brush D.brushes; brushes 19. —Is there __________ in today’s newspaper? —Yes, the top news is about Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Pakistan. A.anything serious B.something serious C.anything important D.something important 20. —Dad, I want to order the fish. It smells __________. —Really? I have a bad cold and can’t smell things __________. A.good; well B.good; good C.well; good D.well; well 21. We couldn’t buy anything because __________ of the shops were open. A.all B.both C.nothing D.none 22. —Does Aunt Jane enjoy __________? —Yes. She has three dogs, two cats, four birds, and some goldfish in her house. A.keeping pets B.collecting dolls C.visiting the zoo D.working on the farm 23. —Eric, what would you like to be when you __________? —An actor like Jackie Chan. A.wake up B.make up C.grow up D.look up 24. —It’s important to keep healthy. —You’re right. __________ is as important as our health. A.Something B.Nothing C.Anything D.Everything 25. The Greens like the quietness in the countryside. The city is too __________ for them. A.comfortable B.dangerous C.noisy D.perfect 二、词汇题。 26. Don’t be angry. He’s j__________ a kid. 27. Leo wanted to catch the cat, but it ran away and __________(藏)behind the bushes in the garden. 28. Our school is going to __________(修建)a new library next month. 29. He told me to go out to find some __________(枝条)for a fire. 30. They keep close __________(接触)with me. 31. Great Britain __________(打仗)against Germany in two wars. 32. We know nothing about it __________(直到)yesterday. 33. Don’t make any __________(麻烦). 34. He __________(仅仅)passed the English exam. How lucky! 35. This elephant __________(重量是)many times mire than this panda. 36. Many classic Chinese poems are __________(广泛地)spread in the word. 37. A new high-tech city will soon be __________(建立)in the middle of the Arizona desert. 38. We can __________(躲藏)under the hard desk when the earthquake happens. 39. I hope I can go __________(任何地方)I like. And you? 40. A child must not be __________

doc文档 Unit 8 易错题2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册

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