【冀教版英语七上分层练习+单元测试+期中素评+期末素 评】 Unit 8 Countries around the World Lesson 47 The U.K. and Australia 分层练习 新知练习 【词汇速填】 1. 袋鼠        n. ______ 2. 2. 和……一样 3. 在角落 ______ ________________ 4. 是……之一    ______ 5. 作为 ______ 【句型感知】 1. 英国在中国的西边。 The U. K. is ______ ______ China. 2. 英国的国旗有和美国的国旗相同的颜色。 The U. K. ’s flag has ______ ______ colours ______the flag of the U. S. 3. 袋鼠是澳大利亚的国家级动物之一。 The kangaroo is ______ ______ the national ______ of Australia. 【语篇导读】 Read the passage and answer the questions  1. What colour is the U. K. ’s flag? ______________________________________________ 2. Where is Big Ben? ______________________________________________ 3. Where is Australia? ______________________________________________ 语言点练习 same adj. & pron. 一样(的); 相同(的) 【悟·语境】 *It has the same colours as the flag of the U. S. 它和美国国旗的颜色一样。(P122) *Jim’s coat looks the same as mine. 吉姆的外套看起来和我的一样。 *Are you in the same class? 你们在同一个班级吗? 【释·疑难】  the same. . . as. . . 意为“与……一样/相同(的……)”, 形容词 same 前一 般带有定冠词 the, 其反义词组为 be different from. . . “与……不同”。 at the same They get to school at the same time. 同时 他们同时到了学校。 time Thank you all the same. (不管怎样) all the same 仍然 还是要谢谢你。 The same to you. 同样也 —Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 祝福你。 —The same to you. 同样也祝福你。 【巧·运用】 (  )①My car is______ John’s. A. same as B. the same as C. the same D. the same like (  )②—Happy New Year! —______. A. Thank you B. The same to you C. You are welcome D. Not at all The kangaroo is one of the national animals of Australia. 袋鼠是澳大利亚的国家级动物之一。(P122) 剖·句式   本句为含有“one of. . . ”的简单句, 其句式结构如下图所示: 【释·疑难】  one of. . . 意为“……之一”, of 后面接名词的复数形式。one of. . . 在句 中作主语时, 中心词为 one, 故其后的谓语动词要用单数形式。 *Tianjin is one of the biggest cities in China. 天津是中国最大的城市之 一。 *One of his favourite sports is basketball. 他最喜爱的运动之一是篮球。 【巧·运用】 (  )①One of the national ______of China ______the panda. A. animals; are B. animal; are C. animal; is D. animals; is ②Mr Li is one of the most popular ______(teacher)in our school. 基础练习 Ⅰ 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 1. We know ______ (袋鼠) live in Australia. 2. The ______(悉尼) Opera House is very famous in the world. 3. This is the most famous______(塔)in this city. 4. His coat is the s______ as mine. 5. C______ is the capital city of Australia. Ⅱ 用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 1. That ______ (be) Australia’s flag. 2. This is Australia. ______(it) capital is Canberra. 3. It is one of the national ______ (animal) in Australia. 4. Look at this tall ______(build). It’s so beautiful. 5. People ______ (speak) English in England. 素养练习 Ⅲ 综合填空(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分)   根据短文内容及所给提示, 补全文中单词或用所给词的适当形式 填空。   Lucy is my friend. She looks the 1. s______ as her twin sister, Lily. People can’t tell them apart(把她 们 区 分 开 ). They live in one of the 2. ______ (build)in my neighborhood (社区). They are from London. They can 3. s______ English very well. The lion is the U. K. ’s 4. ______(nation) animal. The U. K. is famous for Big Ben. It’s a clock 5. t______. Ⅳ 阅读理解(每小题 4 分, 共 20 分)     The kangaroo is Australia’s famous animal. It is a kind of lovely animal. It has four legs and two of them are very long. It can’t run or walk, but it is good at jumping. It can jump more than nine metres at a time. It can jump about 50 kilometres an hour. The mother kangaroo has a pocket in the body. It is for the little kangaroo. Baby kangaroos can’t jump or see. A young kangaroo is always in its mother’s pouch for the first six months. They can see when they are nine weeks old. They can jump when they are eight months old. (  )1. A kangaroo has ______legs and two of them are very long. A. two   B. four   C. six   D. eight (  )2. The kangaroo is good at ______. A. walking B. running C. jumping D. swimming (  )3. Kangaroos can jump more than ______at a time. A. 4 kilometres B. seven metres C. 50 kilometres D. nine metres (  )4. The mother kangaroo has______ for the little kangaroo. A. a mouth B. a pocket C. a basket D. a box (  )5. Baby kangaroos can see when they are ______old. A. nine weeks B. eight months C. nine years D. eight years 答案版 【词汇速填】 1. 袋鼠        n. kangaroo 2. 和……一样 the same. . . as. . . 3. 在角落 in the corner 4. 是……之一    be one of. . . 5. 作为 as 【句型感知】 1. 英国在中国的西边。 The U. K. is west of China. 2. 英国的国旗有和美国的国旗相同的颜色。 The U. K. ’s flag has the same colours as the flag of the U. S. 3. 袋鼠是澳大利亚的国家级动物之一。 The kangaroo is one of the national animals of Australia. 【语篇导读】 Read the passage and answer the questions  1. What colour is the U. K. ’s flag? It is red, white and

doc文档 Unit 8Lesson 47 The U.K. and Australia分层练习2022-2023学年冀教版七年级英语上册

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