2021-2022 学年广东省揭阳市揭西县五校七年级(下)期中英 语试卷 二、语法选择:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小 题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在相应的位置上。 1.(10 分)Students like the clubs in our school .We have(1)    new clubs this term.I like the Hanfu(汉服) Club best and I'm in it now. At school,(2)    favorite subject is Chinese.I join this club because I like to learn more about Chinese history ( 3 )     culture ( 文 化 ) .After school , I can ( 4 ) learn a lot in the Hanfu Club.There ( 5 )     some activities in the club.On Tuesday afternoon , we learn about Hanfu in TV plays.On Friday afternoon , we have ( 6 ) lesson to learn to make Hanfu.Now some of us can make Hanfu with the help of the teacher . All Hanfu lovers have a festival (7)    November 22nd.We all wear Hanfu to the streets , stores and parks.In December , we have a big party.Girls and boys can ( 8 ) at the party.Of course,we all wear very nice Hanfu. (9)   do we love Hanfu ?Because it is beautiful and it's relaxing for us to wear Hanfu.We want more people(10)    Hanfu and Chinese culture. (1)A.any B.much C.many D.no (2)A.I B.my C.me D.mine (3)A.and B.so C.but D.or (4)A.never B.too C.either D.also (5)A.be B.is C.are D.were (6)A.a B.an C.the D.不填 (7)A.in B.at C.for D.on (8)A.dancing B.dance C.to dance D.dances (9)A.What B.Where C.Why D.When (10)A.love B.to love C.loving D.loves 三、完形填空:通读短文后,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 2.(10 分)Here are my favorite photos.In the first one,I'm wearing a green(1)    and a pair of white trousers.I'm cleaning my room because it's(2)   .The(3)    one is a photo of my family.You can find it's ( 4 )     .My mother and my aunt are ( 5 ) zongzi , because we need to have it on this day.I'm listening to music.My father is ( 6 ) tea.My grandfather is talking about the TV show (7)    my grandmother.They like it and they think it's interesting.And my brother is playing the guitar.I love this photo very much.In the third one , there are two ( 8 )     .They are my friends , Jill and her sister.They are playing ping﹣pong.We study in the same middle school.In the last one ,my friends and I are dancing.We are having a birthday party for our math teacher.It's her fiftieth birthday,but she looks very(9)   .She is friendly to us,so we all like her. When I see these photos,I'm very happy.They make me think of the happy(10)   . (1)A.dress B.T﹣shirt C.shoe D.sock (2)A.noisy B.smart C.dirty D.clean (3)A.first B.second C.third D.fourth (4)A.the Dragon Boat Festival B .Children's Day C.Women's Day D.New Year's Day (5)A.taking B.cutting C.getting D.making (6)A.eating B.drinking C.feeling D.keeping (7)A.or B.about C.and D.with (8)A.girls B.boys C.women D.men (9)A.old B.funny C.shy D.young (10)A.minute B.hour C.time D.year 四、 阅读理解(本题共 2 小题,每小题 10 分,共 20 分)阅读下列表格或短文内容,从 每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将其 字母编号填写在相应的位置上。 3.(10 分) Children's Drawing Club Kids can learn drawing here.They can find drawing is so interesting .They can learn how to draw animals and plants . We have a good teacher and her name is Li Ying .She can help your children love to draw and find it's easy to draw the things .Our telephone number is 351﹣1253.Welcome to call us. Time:July 8th﹣July 31st Fee (费用):360 yuan Ages(年龄) of kids:6﹣15 years old Blue Sports Club You can learn basketball ,volleyball and baseball here. The basketball teacher is Tom Green.He's from Africa. The volleyball teacher is Paul Miller.He's from Australia. The baseball teacher is Rose Jones.She is American. Time:July 8th﹣18th (basketball) July 19th﹣28th (volleyball ) August 1st﹣10th (baseball) Fee:200 yuan for each(每一)sport Ages of kids:10﹣18 years old E﹣mail address : HYPERLINK "mailto : bluesports2060@163.com" bluesports forall @163.com (1)Li Ying can teach the kids to draw    . A.animals and plants B.the balls C.the people D.the telephone (2)   is the volleyball teacher. A.Tom B.Green C.Rose D.Paul (3)Miss Jones is from    . A.Australia B.the US C.China D.Africa (4)Sally is nine years old.She can only learn    . A.volleyball B.baseball C.basketball D.drawing (5)Kate wants to learn drawing and John wants to learn baseball,they need    . A.360 yuan B.400 yuan C.560 yuan D.760 yuan 4.(10 分)These days,we can watch a video (视频).In the video,it's difficult for lots of village children in Yunnan to go to school.The children have to get up at five or six and then walk a very long way to go to school.It usually takes them about two hours.At that time ,it i

doc文档 2021-2022学年广东省揭阳市揭西县五校联考七年级(下学期)期中英语试卷

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