省锡中实验学校 8B Unit 7 Exercise C 一.单项选择 。 ( ) 1.Mars base1 Camp was built in Jinchuan,Gansu to let young people experience for_____. A.it B.them C.itself D.themselves ( )2.We started out in early spring and headed west_____ the northern pant of Asia. A.trough B.between C.among D.across ( ) 3.Half of the class________the project and 70 per cent of the work finished. A.have joined;has B.has joined;has C.have joined;has been D.has joined; has been ( ) 4.Our school library_______with plants , lovely desks and chairs , so I feel relaxed while studying or reading there. A.is decorated B.decorated C.decorates D.was decorated ( )5.There's still so much food left on the table. __________!We should eat it up. A.What a pity B.What a surprise C.What a shame D.What a waste ( )6.Last month China hosted BRF for International Cooperation(一带一路峰 会议) successfully. Thousands of foreign guests ________ to the meeting A.invited B.are invited C.were invited D.will invite ( )7.The doctor______ his headache with a new drug but didn't _______him. A.treated;treat B.cured;cure C.treated;cure D.cured;treat ( )8.I used to be a moonlight clan( 月光族). But now, I have_____ habit of saving one-third of money. A.improved B.developed C.protected D.caused don't want to fight with you,but you______ me no choice. ( )9.I A.make B. leave C.advise D.provide ( ) 10.This sweater that my mother bought in the small shop________ soft and warm. A.feels B. is felt C.touches D.was touched ( )11.No word ______could how excited I was when my daughter called me mum for the first time. A.expect B.explain C.express D.experience ( )12.Mum,I'd love to go to Australia for this summer holiday. --But I doubt if we could ______ something like that. A.afford B. offer C.pay D.cost ( )13.-- I hear the teacher has chosen five of us as volunteers. You_______ ,night? -Yes.Some of us are chosen,________ Tom, Jim and me. A. have included;including B.are included;including C.are included;include D.have included;include ( )14.-You don't look yourself today. ? -Nothing much.It's just a slight cold. A.What's the matter B.How are you going C.Are you serious D.What for 二、单词填空。 1.They said they still had important________ (matter)to discuss. 2.Jason managed to predict( 预 测 )those _____________(interview)questions before his first job. 3.You will feel __________ (proud) than before when you make greater progress. 4.Lots of children lost their homes because of __________(战争). 5.The old man looked a bit ________(苍白的)than usual after the operation. 6.Please give the _________(病 人 ) some soft food. They are so weak after the operations. 7.We'd better take a health _________(检查) every year to make sure if we are healthy. 8.Since we are in need of_________(药物) now,we should ask for people’s help. 三、动词填空。 1.The new CD_________(sell)so well that it __________(sell)out in all the shops. 2.Worrying too much about success and failure_________(make)him worried all day. 3.An operation ___________(do) on the little dog by the vet as soon as it is sent here. 4.Let me know as soon as you__________ (offer)the job. 5.-Excuse me.When can we play football at the field? Not until it __________(repair) the day after tomorrow. 6.The homeless man was last seen _________(lie) on the bench in the park. 7.Every day an old man can be seen ________(clean)the street in the morning. 8.-You look so sad.Are you OK?l just need a rest because I________ (take)too much exercise. 9.________(be) patient enough with others and you will be loved by them. 10.-Kevin,time for next programme! - Sorry! I ________ (not expect) so much to explore (探索) in the first. 四、中译英(解答)。 1.在政府的支持下,当地人的生活水平提高了。 With the help of the environment,______________________________________________. 2.记得一天服药两次,几天后你就好了。 _________________________________________ a day,you'll be all right in a couple of days. 3.你上次参观远望号时被邀请上船了吗? Were you___________________________________________________ to the ship-Yuan Wang? 4.传单发出去不久就有人打电话来咨询比赛的具体情况。 People called us for the details of the competition______________________________________. 5.全世界所有人都在努力使之成为更宜居的地方。 People all over the ___________________________________________________. 6.这个组织致力于防止野生动物被捕杀。 The organization _________________________________________________________. world are works 参考答案 一.1-5 DDAAD 6-10 CCBBA 11-14CABA 二.单词填空 1.matters 2.interviewers’ 8.medicine 3. prouder 4. wars 5.paler 6.patients 7.check 三.动词填空 1.sells ;is sold 2.makes 3. will be done 4. offers 5.is repaired clean 8.have taken 9.Be 10.didn’

doc文档 Unit 7 Exercise C江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册

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Unit 7 Exercise C江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册 第 1 页 Unit 7 Exercise C江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册 第 2 页 Unit 7 Exercise C江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册 第 3 页 Unit 7 Exercise C江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册 第 4 页
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